The speaker of the beautiful country made a public speech, saying that [Chaoqun Group]’s behavior of requiring enterprises to [choose one of the two] is an act that violates free market competition, is a very bad act, and seriously infringes on the interests of a democratic country. .

She said that we must do something to curb the increasingly bad behavior of this autocratic enterprise [Chaoqun Group].

Good guy, this witch even used the word dictatorship for a company.

What a creative invention.

After the old witch from the beautiful country finished speaking, not long after, Commander Bai's spokesman also came out, saying that the Commander was evaluating the announcement of sanctions against [Chaoqun Group] and was expected to announce the results of his considerations very soon. .

The political arena in the beautiful country is intensively vocal, but behind the scenes is actually the transnational capital and yt capital behind the parties that came to power.

They wanted to show off [Chaoqun Group] and Wu Siyuan, and tell Wu Siyuan that this was not a small fight before.

The news spread to the country.

The domestic people feel the same and are naturally very angry. The beautiful country has done so many things to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, so how can it be qualified to say that it is a Super Group!

Of course, there are also rationalists who believe that Wu Siyuan's previous behavior was too much. In the long run, it is necessary to crack down on the development of Tianzhu. However, we still have to proceed step by step and do not let the international reactionaries catch the painful foot. After all, [imperialism will never die in its desire to destroy itself] ah】!

They are worried that [Warwick's Disaster] will also fall on [Chaoqun Group], an excellent company.

That is the truly great loss.

Things got louder and louder, and the country had already been alarmed.

The official spokesman said that it opposed normal international trade and mixed it with political overtones. It is hoped that all parties will calm down and properly resolve this matter through effective communication.

Privately, official people contacted Wu Siyuan and said that the current situation was not right. How about [Chaoqun Group] softened the situation and lowered the heat of the matter, so as not to use it as an excuse for the beautiful country.

As a beautiful country, if there is no bargaining chip, it will create chips in order to take advantage of international exchanges.

Now that [Chaoqun Group] has taken the initiative to provide excuses, it is not going to squeeze them to death.

[Chaoqun Group] brings so much tax revenue and profits to the country every year.

The country also does not want [Chaoqun Group] to suffer losses in international trade.

After all, XX has been raging for several years without stopping, and is being controlled at every turn. The domestic economy is also under great pressure.

Consumption, investment and export are the three carriages that drive the national economy.

Among them, the marginal benefit of [investment] is getting worse and worse.

[Consumption], the mentality of the people also tends to be conservative, and consumption is getting worse.

Only [exports] are still supporting the country’s economy.

But with the liberalization and recovery abroad, the pressure in this regard is increasing.

At this critical juncture, the country does not want anything to happen to [Super Group].

After all, it’s a revenue of hundreds of billions a year!


Wu Siyuan understood the concerns of the people above.

However, although he took the initiative to initiate the matter, it has developed so far that all parties have appeared on stage and each has their own interests. It is no longer something that Wu Siyuan can stop if he wants.

Besides, Wu Siyuan doesn’t intend to stop.

Therefore, even if he received warnings from those transnational capitals, Wu Siyuan remained indifferent.

The multinational capital and yt capital of beautiful countries are angry.

The retaliation came hard and fast.

Commander Baitong just announced an investigation into the illegal business activities of [Chaoqun Group].

On the back foot, [Chaoqun Group]’s international strategic partner [Amazon] founder Bezos announced that it would temporarily and permanently cease cooperation with [Chaoqun Group] on “smart fitting rooms” unless Wu Siyuan provides his Make mistakes and pay the due price.

When Bezos announced the news to the public, he had already informed [Super Group] in advance.

He said to Wu Siyuan, Wu, I'm sorry, but I have to do this. You know my stress. I hope to continue working with you.

Wu Siyuan expressed his understanding of Bezos' behavior, but he would not forgive Bezos.

These are nothing but crocodile tears.

Bezos thought that Wu Siyuan didn't know that he was one of the capital causing trouble behind this incident.

[Amazon] has long been salivating over [Chaoqun Group]’s technology, and it is even more thirsty for [Chaoqun Group’s] high-quality assets.

If [Chaoqun Group]'s technology can be deeply integrated with [Amazon], then [Amazon] will be able to expand its territory internationally much faster.

If [Chaoqun Group]'s offline resources in China can be fully used by [Amazon], then [Amazon] will not be in the embarrassing position of neither up nor down in China.

Therefore, when some people approached Bezos and revealed the plan in a vague way, Bezos agreed without hesitation.

Although [Chaoqun Group] and [Amazon] have cooperated happily over the years, [Chaoqun Group]'s technology has helped [Amazon] increase its market share.

However, every year when we watch [Chaoqun Group] take away so much profit from [Amazon] users, this kind of pain is really difficult to describe in words.

That's why Bezos joined.

Wu Siyuan could not understand Bezos's pain, but he knew that Bezos was going to become his enemy.

So he threatened Bezos during the call, You have to think about it. If you take this step and want to repair the relationship again in the future, you will have to pay a higher price.

Bezos's eyes flashed with hesitation, but finally turned into determination.

He sighed and said, Sorry, Wu, I am from a beautiful country.

When Wu Siyuan heard this, he almost died laughing.

And Bezos was also very fast. He announced the news to the world within an hour after making this [final] phone call.

The news spread to Tianzhu.

Tianzhu fell into a sea of ​​cheers.

They sprayed Ganges water, threw cow dung, and danced without saying a word.

Magic Flute also stood up and issued a statement, saying that this is the power of democracy.

Many Tianzhu CEOs in beautiful countries also reposted [Amazon]’s decision on social media and liked it.

The CEO of one of the well-known large companies said that this is a powerful counterattack against evil forces.

Good guy.

Although he didn't name him, everyone could tell who he was talking about. He regarded the [Super Group] controlled by Wu Siyuan as an evil force.

Why not be more direct and treat [Super Group] as ***?

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