Added 10.1 billion yuan in paying users.

More than 90% of the new foreign users can bring 5.4 billion yuan in revenue to the software [Elephant Weather].

If paying users remain unchanged, this foreign business alone can bring 6.5 billion yuan in revenue to [Elephant Weather]. Adding in the revenue from domestic users, [Elephant Weather]’s annual revenue It can reach 9.2 billion yuan.

This still doesn’t include advertising revenue!

If advertising is included, [Elephant Weather]’s annual revenue easily exceeds 10 billion yuan.

[Elephant Weather] has no operating costs. The profit margin is extremely high, reaching more than 60%. In other words, [Elephant Weather] alone can bring more than 600% to [Chaoqun Group]. billion in net profit.

It's net profit!

[Chaoqun Group] is not a listed company, and although the [Elephant Weather] business is independent, it is not listed, so it has not disclosed its operations to the outside world.

But for some data, if someone is dedicated to understanding it, they can understand 70% to 80% of it.

[Elephant Weather] Now the market is so hot and the profits are amazing, which naturally attracts many people to join in and want a piece of the pie.

They cannot decipher the unique algorithm of [Elephant Weather], but [Elephant Weather] is not an artificial intelligence program. Without an algorithm, they can only do nothing.

The [Elephant Weather] algorithm cannot obtain it, but the data of [Elephant Weather] can be easily collected.

As long as they design a special program to collect the data of [Elephant Weather] in real time and then upload it to their own weather software, they can also promote the accuracy of their own astronomical software to the outside world.

In fact, they do this too.

However, most of these companies do not publicize it in a big way. After all, it is not a glorious thing. Moreover, astronomical software is just a small piece of the puzzle in their business, so naturally they will not spend a lot of effort and thankless efforts.

However, there is a small company newly established in Tianzhu that is very high-profile.

It has placed a lot of advertisements on major social media, claiming that its self-developed astronomy software [onon] uses a unique astronomical chaos algorithm, and its weather predictions are more accurate than China's [Elephant Weather] It should be high. The point is, [onon] does not charge any fees.

The CEO of this small company also lashed out at [Chaoqun Group] on social media topics in Europe and the United States, believing that it wants money and does not have the social responsibility that a large group should have.

CEO Thomas said that although his company is only a small company, it will not ask for money from users in the name of monthly fees, but will use other methods to obtain corporate operating profits to ensure a good user experience.

What is a good experience?

There is no experience in software that collects money from users.

Free software is the best.

There is no doubt that the CEO's provocative words earned him a lot of exposure. Coupled with the tacit understanding of some people to suppress [Chaoqun Group], they secretly added fuel to the flames and increased the popularity.

Not surprisingly, this small company’s weather software [onon] became popular.

Many paid users of [Elephant Weather] have found that there is almost no difference between [onon]’s weather forecast and [Elephant Weather]’s forecast – the difference is only the page layout.

But [Elephant Weather] charges a fee, while [onon] does not.

Although the monthly fee for [Elephant Weather] is not high, it is only US$1.

But this is not a question of whether the monthly fee is high or not, but... a question of whether to charge it or not.

Even if the monthly fee is only 25 cents, the impression given to users is different.

In addition, [Elephant Weather] provides differentiated treatment. The domestic monthly fee is only 1 yuan, but the international monthly fee is as high as 1 US dollar, a difference of more than six times.

This has also been exploited by those [anti-super people] and [onon] companies, who secretly provoke conflicts and guide Yogh users to discriminate against [Elephant Weather].

Human beings who follow blindly are brainless.

Under this circumstance, the number of downloads of [onon] has been increasing steadily, and the number of users has also climbed to more than 100 million in a very short period of time.

People in the entire financial market are cheering for it, believing it to be a dark horse that will emerge in the second half of 2021. Its valuation has reached US$1 billion, making it a so-called unicorn star enterprise.

[onon] Thomas, the president of the company, also spoke excitedly in curry-flavored English. He vowed to give users the best user experience, promised never to charge membership fees, and would explore profit points in other ways. And so on.

In this case, the media deliberately pushed it repeatedly, and the software [onon] ushered in a small peak of downloads.

However, the number of users of [onon] has increased, the data has become better, and the valuation has become higher and higher.

But in contrast, entering October, [Chaoqun Group]’s [Elephant Weather] saw a cliff-like drop in the number of renewing users, almost by more than 30%. Most of them were international users, and the revenue was naturally Significant shrinkage.

Such an exaggerated decline in performance occurred.

[Elephant Weather] will naturally conduct corresponding market research.

In fact, there is no need to investigate. Anyone with a discerning eye can almost tell that [onon] is stealing their users.

As for [Elephant Weather], they naturally know this, so their investigation direction is also on the [onon] software. The goal of the investigation is to find out the source of [onon]'s accurate astronomical predictions.

In fact, this situation is also very obvious. Even not-so-smart people can see the fishiness from the almost identical weather forecast data of [Elephant Weather] and [onon].

In terms of [Elephant Weather], what I actually want to understand is:

Did the [onon] company decipher the [Elephant Weather] software and develop a similar algorithm, or was it purely plagiarism?

The latter will be relatively simple to deal with, but if it is the former, the consequences will be serious.

Fortunately, the situation is not what Elephant Weather is most worried about.

[Chaoqun Group] sent experts from the IT department to directly hack into the [onon] company, looking for the prediction algorithm for celestial phenomena in the [onon] company, and found... none!

Needless to say, the answer is readily available. The astronomical data of [onon] is completely copied from the weather forecast of [Elephant Weather].

In fact, the senior management of [Elephant Weather] vaguely guessed this result before launching an investigation.

Because [onon] is not the only company that copies their company’s weather data.

After [Elephant Weather] became famous, many mobile phone manufacturers actually built-in weather forecast software, and their weather data copied [Elephant Weather].

It's just that in this case of plagiarism, these mobile phone manufacturers can do it, but they can't say it or publicize it. They can only rely on word of mouth from consumers themselves.

Otherwise, [Elephant Weather] will definitely tell the truth, and these mobile phone manufacturers will inevitably pay a heavy price.

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