The construction of such a large-scale seawater dewatering project in China soon attracted the attention of countries around the world.

Reporters from many countries have interviewed relevant personnel from the government and water conglomerates.

This cannot be hidden at all, and there is no need to hide it.

Relevant personnel generously acknowledged the accuracy of the news and said that the move was to meet China's growing demand for water, ensure residents' freedom of water, meet the needs of economic development, and greatly boost industrial and agricultural output.

Although it makes sense to say this, it is no different from not saying it.

Of course, some journalists from various countries with ulterior motives are not satisfied with the diplomatic replies of you ask your questions, and I answer mine. In short, they just answer the wrong questions.

They each showed their magical powers and began to search for the so-called real answer!

This is not a top-secret incident after all.

Moreover, there are many links and people involved.

Soon, the reason for the sudden large-scale seawater dewatering project construction in China was found out.

It turns out it’s related to the [Super Group] again.

It’s [again]!

It’s related to the [Super Group] again!

On the one hand, [Chaoqun Group] has developed a new nano-scale water dewatering treatment technology, which is the prerequisite for China to start the construction of these seawater dewatering projects.

After the news spread back to their country.

The top leaders of various countries are very interested and have instructed their domestic personnel to find ways to obtain this technology of [Chaoqun Group].

Especially the people from the beautiful country and Russia.

A series of big-money countries in the Middle East are also very interested in this technology. After all, their methods are much softer and they mainly want to obtain this technology through money.

For countries with big households, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

The reason why these countries attach so much importance to this technology is simply because its inventor is the [Super Group].

[Chaoqun Group] has developed to this day, and its outstanding achievements in many fields have made its international status higher and higher. To be honest, the beautiful country attaches great importance to [Chaoqun Group], which has exceeded more than 90% of the world. countries, even more than Japan and South Korea, especially after the release of the artificial intelligence technology applied by [Chaoqun Group] on [Monkey King Mobile], the beautiful country's evaluation of [Chaoqun Group] has reached a new level strategic height.

Because artificial intelligence technology represents the future.

It's a pity that [Super Group] protects technology too well.

Meimeiguo can neither obtain the secrets of the artificial intelligence technology in [Great Sage Mobile] through reverse decryption, nor can it obtain the relevant source code from the database of [Chaoqun Group].

This made Beautiful Country irritable and depressed. At the same time, its desire for this technology has further deepened, and its emphasis on the development of [Super Group] has secretly risen to an unprecedented level.

If [Chaoqun Group] hadn't allowed executives to fly internationally, and Wu Siyuan, the founder, would not have left China at all, the beautiful country would not have had a chance to make a move, otherwise they would have used whatever means they could. Used.

Back to business.

Another reason foreign media discovered for the sudden large-scale construction of seawater dewatering projects in China is the global high temperature warning issued by the blockbuster product [Elephant Weather] of [Chaoqun Group]'s subsidiary [Gushen Group].

[Elephant Weather] warns that global temperatures will continue to rise in the future due to the greenhouse effect and other reasons, eventually resulting in the highest temperatures globally in decades or even centuries, which will lead to frequent extreme weather and lack of water resources.

Many parts of the world will face drought conditions, agricultural production will be severely affected, and residential and industrial water supplies in some areas will have difficulties.

In fact, not only [Elephant Weather] has issued such warnings.

Climatologists and astronomical experts have repeatedly issued increasingly severe warnings to the world about global warming.

But although these warnings are taken seriously by the top management of mankind, even if the fire does not burn to the bottom, even [global temperature rise] is just a business.

What does that mean?

The Holy Mothers of Europe often promote [carbon emission] policies under the banner of [global temperature rise], in order to stand at the highest point of morality and establish them in the form of a global convention to limit developing countries. economic development, so that before the new era comes, they can better exploit the interests of late-developing countries, and then their citizens can continue to live in big houses, enjoy the quiet years, and come out to criticize social human rights from time to time. Finally, Get some Holy Mother mentality.

Don't tell me, there are still Chinese people who are so moved by it that they don't know why, and feel worried about [global warming]. They spend their own money to make a documentary about [Under the Sky], telling us righteously, don't Work is over, the earth is sick, we need environmental protection, fresh air, and the taste of freedom.

I don’t even have a job, I can’t even eat. What does it have to do with me whether the earth is good or not?

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Back to the topic.

This weather warning from [Elephant Weather] was exposed.

There may not be much reaction at home, but on social media abroad, it is very lively.

Countless foreign netizens forwarded and discussed it.

Even environmentally friendly girls jumped out and called on people to be environmentally friendly, otherwise humans and the earth will only survive.

That's very serious.

In this kind of topic discussion with a wide range of participation, the great achievements of [Elephant Weather] have also been revealed by some foreign netizens.

When some people heard that [Elephant Weather] had predicted a flood that would affect the entire province more than a month in advance, they all screamed in shock, shouting oh, y god!

Then they watched some related videos from popular science bloggers. The video said that [Elephant Weather] has been very accurate in weather prediction since it was put on the shelves. It is much more accurate than conventional astronomical software, and it can provide long-term and medium-term weather forecasts. The deviation of meteorological forecasts is also very low. This software is not only an important source of reference information for many departments in China to formulate policies. It is also available on the mobile phones of many heads of agricultural departments in many countries.

These discussions and popular science videos directly drove the downloads of [Elephant Weather] abroad.

As of September 30, 2021, [Gushen Group] has conducted internal statistics. [Elephant Weather] has a total number of registered users of 53.6 billion, including 32.4 billion paid users and 10.1 billion new users.

Among these 10.1 billion new users, more than 90% are foreign users.

The monthly fee for foreign users is a flat $1.

Well, it is about 6 times that of China.

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