I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 30 It shouldn’t be completely in our hands

During the last flood in Yu Province, a high-level think tank made an assessment. If [Chaoqun Group] and Wu Siyuan had not turned the tide and made preparations in advance, the economic losses of the entire Yu Province would have been immeasurable, and the direct loss could have exceeded 100 billion.

In addition to economic losses, in the face of such a major natural disaster, casualties will inevitably occur due to untimely treatment and evacuation.

This is what is deplorable.

But because of [Chaoqun Group] and Wu Siyuan, and because of the early warning of [Elephant Weather], such losses were greatly reduced. Property losses were only tens of billions of yuan, and there were almost no casualties, including patients in hospitals and elderly people in nursing homes. , the children in the school have been properly and effectively placed.

Such [results] make the relevant personnel feel happy and at the same time attach great importance to the weather software [Elephant Weather].

The reputation of [Elephant Weather] has spread abroad.

Among other things, the second elder knew that some officials from the United Nations intended to push [Elephant Weather] to the international stage and make it an important reference software for astronomical phenomena in various countries around the world.

It’s just that international affairs are not simple, and there are many internal boycotts between countries.

Some countries have stated that they can implement [Elephant Weather] domestically, but [Elephant Weather] also needs to contribute its algorithm.

Temperature changes are a matter of concern to all mankind and all life on earth.

The owner of [Elephant Weather] [Chaoqun Group] should not be so selfish.

When the Chinese representative to the United Nations heard these high-sounding words, he rolled his eyes on the spot. You are not selfish. Please announce your lithography machine technology and material technology. This is also a major event that concerns all mankind!

In short, the two sides [fully exchanged views and enhanced understanding] on this matter within the United Nations.

This is diplomatic slang.

[The two sides exchanged views] means [we each have our own opinions and have not reached an agreement].

[Both parties fully exchanged views] means [We had a big argument and almost dropped the cup, but we didn't].

As for the two sides have enhanced understanding, this means, we admit that our differences are huge, but we have restrained ourselves.

In other words, because of the [Elephant Weather] software matter, the two parties [fully exchanged opinions and enhanced understanding] at an internal meeting within the United Nations, that is, [we will not contribute the Elephant Weather algorithm. You just gave up on this idea, and the quarrel was very serious, but in the end it was nothing!

Yes, this matter ended up being nothing, and there were no reports. The United Nations did not say that it would use its credibility to endorse [Elephant Weather]. Of course, privately, many countries and companies are internally criticizing [Elephant Weather]. 】research.

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Come back here.

Now Wu Siyuan is very important in the hearts of senior officials.

The importance of [Elephant Weather] has also been deeply recognized by senior officials.

Huang Yuping also brought out Wu Siyuan and [Elephant Weather] to emphasize that the temperature will rise in the future, which the second elder attaches great importance to.

His face was serious and serious, and he said, Xiao Huang, this is not a trivial matter. Are you serious?

A flood can affect the whole province and cause countless losses. If there is a nationwide drought, the losses will be truly incalculable.

Especially the food shortage caused by drought, which in turn triggered a food crisis... Oh, well, there is no way that China will have a food crisis!

Although the United Nations World Food Program often issues warnings that mankind may face the largest food crisis since World War II! How many 1.7 billion people in the world are suffering from poverty and hunger.

Of course, many of these 1.7 billion people are the masterpieces of beautiful countries.

Ms. Julie once visited a country that was shattered by a beautiful country, and said that although they had nothing and could not even eat, they had freedom!

Is it freedom to die freely?

Since 2020, the world has been hit by multiple blows from the epidemic, locust plagues, volcanic eruptions, and extreme weather, which have severely affected grain production and grain trade.

However, China attaches great importance to food security from top to bottom.

Maybe... it's the lessons that have been ingrained into my bones because of those three miserable years.

Although the national strategic grain reserve is a state secret and ordinary people cannot grasp the precise figures, but from the existing White Paper on Food Security, we can know that China's grain reserves are based on the consumption of 1 kilogram per person per day. Based on grain calculation, it can last for 1 year and 9 months.

Among them, the grain reserve warehouse built by China has a capacity of 670 million tons, and the simple warehouse has a capacity of 240 million tons. In theory, the country can store up to 910 million tons of grain, enough to feed 1.4 billion Chinese people for 1,300 days without imports or production. About 3.5 years.

There is no need to worry about food security.

However, food security does not mean that food prices will be stable.

Once natural disasters such as drought and flood occur, they will have an impact on food prices in that season.

If the increase is too large, it will affect people's livelihood.

No, are there sayings like You play with beans, You are cruel with garlic, and You can't afford onions that often appear in the market?

Although these situations, after market adjustment, did not last long.

But if dry weather becomes normal in the future, it’s hard to say.

Grain can be stored for a long time, but can vegetables, fruits and other agricultural and sideline products be stored?


The second elder's heart was racing with thoughts. He calmed down and said with a calm but powerful expression, So what you, Director Wu, mean is that you hope that the government will help you dredge the joints in various places and transport the water that has melted out. ?

The Second Elder certainly knows that when [Chaoqun Group] completes this business, its influence in the water industry will reach its peak.

What is [Water Boss]?

The [Super Group] at that time would make people feel uneasy!

This has nothing to do with how patriotic Wu Siyuan usually is.

It's mainly the strength that makes people feel uneasy.

Just like the Rockefeller Oil Company in the beautiful country.

It is better to say it is an oil company than an oil kingdom.

[Chaoqun Group] This trend is becoming more and more common now.

Moreover, [Chaoqun Group] is still a private enterprise.

This heightens some people's concerns.

The second elder sighed secretly, but saw Huang Yuping nodding and shaking his head. He said, Director Wu has this intention.

However, he said that water resources are related to the national economy and people's livelihood and stability, and they are not suitable to be completely controlled by a private enterprise, even our company.

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