The second elders stood at different heights, and they knew better than Huang Yuping and others how much this technology could impact the country.

As of 2020, how many seawater dewatering projects are there in China?


The scale of seawater dewatering project is 1.65 million tons/day. Among them, there are 40 seawater dewatering projects of 1000 tons and above, with a project scale of 1,452,448 tons/day; 50 seawater dewatering projects of 1,000 tons and above and below 10,000 tons, with a project scale of 188,894 tons/day; seawater below 1,000 tons There are 45 Dan chemical projects, with a project scale of 9,741 tons/day.

These seawater dewatering projects are distributed in cities and islands with serious water shortages in 9 coastal provinces and cities. Their main uses are industrial water and domestic water.

Among them, the use of seawater dewatering for industrial water use is mainly concentrated in high water-consuming industries such as power, petrochemicals, and steel in the northern, eastern and southern maritime economic circles of coastal areas; the use of seawater dewatering for domestic water is mainly concentrated in island areas and the northern marine economy. It covers the two coastal cities of Tianjin and Qingdao.

The daily denaturation scale is 1.65 million tons, which is only 600 million tons a year.

Compared with the 500 to 600 billion tons of water used in the country every year, this scale of dewatering is just a drop in the bucket.

Compared with the national water shortage of 40 to 50 billion tons a year, it is also far behind.

Although the domestic water shortage situation is severe, the country does not promote the development of seawater dewatering projects. The existing seawater dewatering projects are more of a scientific research nature.

It’s not that the country doesn’t want to.

But the country cannot.

The cost of seawater dewatering is simply too high.

The ex-factory cost price of 4-5 yuan/ton has to rise to 67 yuan per ton at the end of the day. Residential water use can barely afford it, but industrial and agricultural water use, as well as commercial water use, cannot afford it at all.

If fiscal subsidies are used, the greater the scale of seawater depletion, the more serious the fiscal deficit will be. This is a bottomless black hole.

Therefore, the country has not dared to make efforts in seawater dewatering.

But now, the technology developed by [Chaoqun Group] allows the second elder to see the dawn of the future, which can effectively alleviate the increasingly severe water shortage crisis in the country.

The second elder smiled slightly at Huang Yuping, Guan Xuelia and the others, Xiao Huang, you made a special trip to invite us to come and see this project. Isn't it a mistake? Tell me, what does Director Wu of your group think?

The second elder called Huang Yuping Xiao Huang, but Wu Siyuan, who was much younger than Huang Yuping, called him Wu Dong.

The different titles represent the difference in how much the second elder thinks of the two.

Huang Yuping knew this very well, but he didn't take it seriously, nor was he jealous. Wu Siyuan's achievements made him qualified.

Huang Yuping paused, smiled, and said, I can't hide anything from your eyes!

After our group developed this technology, Director Wu considered that the structural water shortage in the country was still quite serious, so he wanted to launch [Dan Chemical Plant] on a large scale in the coastal areas of the country and around the northwest saltwater lakes!

Director Wu is really serious. The second elder sighed secretly and said, Director Wu seems to be very confident in this technology. How much production capacity do you plan to build?

Huang Yuping heard this and said, The initial plan is to produce 6-8 billion tons of denatured water per year, and the mid-term target is 25-30 billion tons of denatured water per year, because our group's technology can be widely used in sewage treatment In terms of processing, it is expected that domestic recycled water production will also explode in the future, with annual production reaching 20-30 billion tons. In this way, there will be no shortage of water resources in the country.

After hearing the ambition of [Chaoqun Group], the second elder was a little surprised. At present, all the seawater dewatering projects in the country combined, the annual output of dewatered water is only 600 million tons. [Chaoqun Group] is good, one Opening the door, the initial goal is to increase ten times, and the mid-term goal is to increase fifty times.

It’s not that he doubts the ability of [Super Group].

As long as it is willing, the capital of [Chaoqun Group] can also allow it to do this, but...

But in this case, [Chaoqun Group] will have an increasing influence on the country in terms of water resources, almost to the point of monopoly.

Not almost a monopoly, but a substantial monopoly.

This kind of industry involves the national economy and people's livelihood, and is related to stability. The country has never allowed private enterprises to get involved.

But... if you want to reject [Super Group], it is difficult for the second elder to say this.

Not to mention the performance of [Chaoqun Group] during the last flood incident, over the years, [Chaoqun Group]’s contribution to the country and its support to the country can be said to be greater than that of state-owned enterprises.

People rely on their true abilities to expand their territory.

If the second elder really rejects the [Super Group], he is afraid that it will chill others' hearts.

The second elder sighed inwardly and thought about going back to a meeting to discuss this issue. His expression on his face was still amiable, and he said, It seems that you [Chaoqun Group] have invented a good technology!



very good!

The country needs young people like you who are brave enough to innovate, so that our nation can truly stand among the nations of the world and implement the great rejuvenation of our nation! said the second elder.

But the conversation changed and the second elder said again.

However, after water is produced, it still needs to be transported to places where water is scarce. Transportation is also very important. Xiao Huang, has your group considered this? If production capacity is increased, but transportation is not solved, this will cause A huge waste of resources and energy.”

[Chaoqun Group] might as well consider reducing the production capacity target first, and then expand production capacity step by step after the water pipeline is solved! the second elder suggested kindly.

Huang Yuping smiled bitterly when he heard this, and said, Second Elder, actually I thought so at the beginning.

But we, Mr. Wu, have more considerations.

Oh! Let's hear it! said the second elder. In fact, not only him, but also senior people now attach great importance to Wu Siyuan's opinions.

Dong Wu said, Huang Yuping secretly took a breath and said, As the weather becomes more and more serious, extreme weather will become more and more frequent, and at the same time, the overall climate will become higher and higher.

[Elephant Weather]'s algorithm system predicts that in the next year, the temperature will rise significantly across the country, not just the country, but also the world. In this case, the country will encounter drought, rivers will dry up, and water resources will be reduced. The deficiency will intensify to the point of causing a chain reaction!”

Perhaps some provinces and cities that mainly rely on hydropower power generation will eventually have to implement industrial power rationing because the rivers in the province are cut off and unable to generate electricity.

It is also possible that in some major agricultural provinces, due to lack of water for irrigation, crops will fail in large areas...

The more the second elder listened, the more serious his expression became.

[Elephant Weather] has proven its authority with tens of billions of property losses in one province.

How dare the second elder not pay attention to it?

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