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Wu Siyuan smiled and accepted the flattery of his subordinate Huang Yuping.

He pondered for a moment, then continued the topic, Since you use [Elephant Weather], you will find that with global warming and the strengthening of the greenhouse effect, various extreme climates are becoming more and more common. And there will be significant global temperature increases.

Yuping, let me ask you, what will happen if the global temperature rises? Wu Siyuan tested Huang Yuping and asked.

When the temperature rises, it means the weather will get hotter, there will be droughts, and there will be water shortages! Huang Yuping was able to achieve this position, and his brain was very bright. He connected with the seawater denaturation technology they were discussing, and immediately replied after being inspired.

That's right! You are right. As temperatures rise, droughts and water shortages will occur around the world! Our country is already a water-scarce country with a serious imbalance in water resources. What do you think will happen if water shortages occur again? Wu Siyuan asked.

It will be very serious! Huang Yuping said solemnly.

We [Chaoqun Group] started with agriculture. If agriculture is short of water... Wu Siyuan asked again.

Huang Yuping's expression became more solemn.

If there is a lack of water in agriculture, the consequences will be serious, causing plants to wither and crops to fail.

At present, only 40% of the cultivated land in my country can ensure both water use for irrigation.

Economic losses caused by water shortage reach 150 billion yuan every year.

If the temperature continues to rise as Wu Siyuan said, the water shortage will only become more serious.

When there is a real water shortage, there are very few effective remedies.

Distant water cannot save nearby fire!

Another very important thing is that last year, [Chaoqun Group] invested more than 100 billion yuan in the Loess Plateau.

Among them, the two most important projects invested by [Chaoqun Group] are [Qianse Zitaluo] and [Xiang Xuedao].

With these two miraculous crops as the core, we will organize the people to establish cooperatives, vigorously develop various supporting industries, and form an industrial chain.

This is [Chaoqun Group]’s development plan for the Loess Plateau. It is expected to form two industrial chains with a scale of tens of billions or even nearly 100 billion, stimulate the development of upstream and downstream economies, and directly and indirectly provide millions of jobs, or even More.

But if extreme weather occurs frequently and the temperature rises, the water shortage in the Loess Plateau, which is already short of water, will further expand. The impact on agriculture and the two industries planned by [Chaoqun Group] will be extremely severe. huge.

You know, these two plants are both large consumers of water.

Although [Chaoqun Group] has signed agreements with various provinces on the Loess Plateau and introduced the group's sewage treatment process to treat various wastewaters from the Loess Plateau into [recycled water] as much as possible, what will happen when the temperature rises in the future? Huang Yuping Not sure either.

Once these two industries fail before they start, it will be a huge blow to the people who trust their groups, and will make their already not very good economy worse.

[Chaoqun Group] It doesn’t matter if you have money to spend on it. Even if the investment of 100 billion yuan is wasted, it will not hurt your muscles and bones, but these people on the Loess Plateau cannot afford to spend money on it.

When he thought of this, Huang Yuping immediately woke up and said to Wu Siyuan solemnly, Dr. Wu, you are right. I really need to be bolder in this regard.

Wu Siyuan looked at Huang Yuping with admiration and said, Yuping, there is no doubt that the technology developed by our group has broad prospects and great significance, so we might as well take a bigger step.

“Don’t be afraid of losing money!”

“As the group gets bigger, sometimes it’s not just about economic gains and losses!”

There are some things that we have to do even if we lose money!

Besides, no matter how much we calculate, we won't lose money on this account!

“Don’t wait until it’s urgent before you do it!”

It will be too late by then! Wu Siyuan said.

Huang Yuping nodded seriously, That's what you said!

“Then tell me what you think.

Wu Siyuan waved his hand casually and said.

Okay, Director Wu. Huang Yuping paused, organizing words in his mind, and said, Following your instructions, we need to take a bigger step. Then I plan to first upgrade our group's sewage treatment plants across the country. , and connect more sewage through pipelines to produce more [recycled water]! I predict that after water plants across the country are upgraded, our group's daily processing capacity will increase from 28 million tons to 42 million tons. .”

The original daily sewage treatment capacity of [Chaoqun Group] was only about 15% of the national scale. After the daily treatment capacity was increased to 42 million tons, the proportion could reach 21%!

In addition, I will give full play to the advantages of our group and communicate with local governments to directly launch our group's seawater chemical plant projects in coastal areas. Oh, by the way, there will also be sites to build seawater chemical plants next to the Northwest Salt Lake. Chemical plant. Our group’s seawater dewatering technology is advanced, uu read books

There is no large amount of [concentrated wastewater] produced like traditional seawater dewatering technology, so the construction process is relatively simple. When combined with the group's other biological treatment technologies, even the filtered seawater compound residues can be directly disposed of harmlessly!

Director Wu, I estimate that the investment in each seawater dewatering treatment plant will only be about a few hundred million yuan. I plan to launch thirty seawater dewatering treatment plant projects first, with the total annual seawater dewatering capacity reaching 5-8 billion cubic meters. We will continue to decide whether to launch a new Dan chemical treatment plant project based on the follow-up situation.

Oh, by the way, although the northwest region is not close to the sea, there are many saltwater lakes and excellent sunshine conditions. The Dan chemical plant can be combined with the photovoltaic power generation project. The photovoltaic power generation provides power support for the Dan chemical plant, and the pure water produced by Dan chemical On the one hand, it can wash away the wind and sand above the photovoltaic, on the other hand, it can also plant grass and carry out breeding activities under the photovoltaic, greening the northwest again, and the most important aspect, it can replenish the local living and production water. Huang Yuping remembered Seeing this, he quickly added.

Wu Siyuan listened and pondered for a moment, and then said, After the water is produced, the key point is transportation. How to transport the denatured water out is the key point.

Director Wu, I have also considered this aspect. After the water is produced in the Dan Chemical Plant project we have launched, I plan to sell the water through three channels. Huang Yuping replied, already prepared.

Oh, tell me. Wu Siyuan said calmly.

The first way is the urban water business contracted by our group. By connecting to urban water pipes, water can be sold to thousands of households.

Wu Siyuan nodded, What about the other two ways?

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