I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 25 Overexploitation of Groundwater

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[Multiple structure graphene film technology] allowed group president Huang Yuping to see a new development direction in the future, and he was very excited about it.

What he saw was that this technology could push [Chaoqun Group] to a new level, and what he saw was the booming and vast market at home and abroad.

But for this technology, Wu Siyuan sees further.

A United Nations research report pointed out that 1.2 billion people around the world are facing moderate to high water shortage pressure, 80 countries have insufficient water sources, and 2 billion people have no guarantee of drinking water.

It is expected that by 2025, the situation will further deteriorate, and the number of people suffering from water shortage will reach 2.8 billion to 3.3 billion.

World Bank officials predict that within the next five years water will move around the world like oil.

This undoubtedly shows the importance of [water resources] in the future.

China is a country lacking water resources.

Many people may have heard this sentence hundreds of times.

But in daily life, many people do not have this feeling of water shortage.

Anyway, as soon as you open the faucet, the tap water flows out as if it is free.

But in fact, China's water shortage crisis is already serious.

Experts once warned: China will not be able to find potable water resources in 20 years.

A report published by the World Watch Institute, an influential private think tank, stated: “Due to the rapid increase in water demand in China’s urban areas and industrial areas, China will suffer from long-term water shortages. .”

The Yellow River in China has been drying up every year for more than 10 years, including 226 days in 1997.

The Huaihe River, which flows through some densely populated areas in China, was also shut down for 90 days last year.

Hundreds of lakes are drying up and some endemic rivers are disappearing, according to satellite photos.

The capital city's per capita water supply is 1/13 of the world's per capita water supply, even lower than that of some arid Arab countries.

And why don’t many of us have this feeling of [short of water]?

Let’s not talk about the cities in the south for now, but many cities in the north have to rely on overexploitation of groundwater to maintain the growing demand for water.

In places like Yi Province, which has less water per capita than Israel, precipitation and river water resources cannot meet its production and living needs, so they can only drill holes and dig wells.

The important fact of extreme water shortage is covered up by massive overexploitation of groundwater.

The huge water shortage and long-term use of groundwater have caused the groundwater level to drop rapidly.

The province has cumulatively overexploited 60 billion cubic meters of groundwater, of which 30 billion cubic meters of deep groundwater cannot be replenished.

In another 15 years, Shijiazhuang's groundwater will be exhausted.

Now, the North China Plain has the largest underground complex funnel area in the world, covering 40,000 to 50,000 square kilometers.

In many areas of the west, large areas of trees that have been standing for many years have died due to serious over-exploitation of groundwater.

Everyone is aware of the harm caused by ground sedimentation caused by groundwater overexploitation.

As the water table drops, more and more of the aquifer is drained and the depth becomes greater and greater. Underground structures cannot bear the weight of the city above, and the land slowly settles.

Moreover, this ground subsidence is unstable and uneven. The original solid foundation and underground facilities (various pipes, lines, etc.) may be damaged, resulting in immeasurable losses, and it will also restrict the subsequent development of the city.

Some experts and scholars commented that we pay a heavy price to maintain peace, and the false green color allows us to remain contented!

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Development is as dependent on water as people are on air, which cannot be separated from it even for a minute. The larger the city is, the more populous it is, and the more developed its industry is, the more it cannot get rid of its dependence on water.

This low-cost and efficient [seawater dewatering technology] developed by [Chaoqun Group],

It can be said that the water shortage situation in China will be fundamentally changed.

This will inject new impetus into China's development.

Moreover, Wu Siyuan sees rising temperatures and water shortages worsening over the next year.

This seawater dewatering technology will play an important role.


Wu Siyuan pondered for a moment, then instructed Huang Yuping, Mr. Huang, you are right.

But in addition to seawater denaturation, in fact, in the northwest inland areas, there are vast saltwater lakes in these areas that are not close to the sea. Our graphene film can not only denature seawater.

Dr. Wu, you are right! Huang Yuping nodded and said, My vision is narrow-minded!

In addition, each place has its own situation. The seawater chemical plants our group will build across the country must be implemented based on actual conditions. Wu Siyuan added.

Yes, you are right! Huang Yuping said [deeply agreeing], I will ask the group's strategic analysis department to conduct a thorough investigation of the situation across the country and come up with a feasibility report as soon as possible.

Wu Siyuan shook his head after hearing this, It's too slow.

Huang Yuping was a little surprised when he heard this. Is this speed too slow?

No matter how fast you are, you still have to investigate the situation across the country and communicate with the local governments, right?

Is it possible that the sea water desalination plant project should be used as a high turnover for real estate companies?

Wu Siyuan saw Huang Yuping's incomprehension, so he explained, Yuping, have you used the group's [Elephant Weather]?

Of course! Huang Yuping was stunned for a moment, then said immediately, In fact, the mobile phone I am using now is the [Dasheng Mobile] produced by the group, uu read a book

Always check the weather forecast for various places through the built-in [Elephant Weather] on your mobile phone.

Dr. Wu, I have to say that under your leadership, there are many capable people within our group. The same is true for [Elephant Weather]. The accuracy of weather forecasts is really much higher than other weather forecasts on the market. Almost There is no time to make mistakes. Huang Yuping said flatteringly.

But what he said was true.

Who could have imagined that a tool-like weather forecasting software could have hundreds of millions of paying users in China and generate hundreds of millions of yuan in annual revenue. In one year, the revenue could reach more than one billion yuan.

Moreover, Huang Yuping also knew that not only in China, but also in foreign countries, after learning about this matter, many foreign users also highly praised the software Elephant Weather after using the paid service of Elephant Weather.

[Elephant Weather] has foreign weather forecasts, because the weather algorithm needs to integrate global celestial data to arrive at the weather forecast that is closest to the real situation. Naturally, there are celestial forecasts for various foreign places.

And because language conversion is simple, corresponding versions are basically available online in several mainstream countries around the world.

Huang Yuping used his identity as president to check the background data of [Elephant Weather] and found that the number of foreign users has been growing steadily. If you do a rough calculation, there are millions of paying users.

Although compared to the hundreds of millions of domestic users, it is just a drop in the bucket.

But this means something different.

This means that [Chaoqun Group], in addition to the [Audition] software, has another Internet product that has gone global and generated benefits.

[Chaoqun Group] is becoming more and more like a multinational group!

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