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When Wu Siyuan inserted the three keys into the rising palace door, the door collapsed, revealing the magnificent hall built of gold and silver inside.

The hall is surrounded by gold, silver and jewels, and in the center is an Iron Throne entwined by two Eastern dragons.

On top of the Iron Throne is an Easter egg that glows with lava.

That's it? Wu Siyuan looked up at the easter egg.

Annock's figure suddenly appeared in front of the Iron Throne. He held a pen in his hand and said to Wu Siyuan, Yes, that's it.

Now you just need to sign these documents, and [Oasis] is yours!

You'll be its sole owner. That sounds good, doesn't it?

With that said, Anok handed the pen in his hand to Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan took the pen, and a desk and a chair appeared in front of him.

There is a dense transfer document on the table.

At first glance, it looks like Halliday’s transfer and inheritance documents.

Most people will not have any doubts when they come here. If they are excited, they will sign the contract immediately.

This is Halliday's trap.

This guy is a very mean-spirited person who always likes to test others.

The heir Halliday is looking for is actually someone who meets his moral requirements and understands him well enough!

The scene before him was the document that Halliday forced Morrow to sign the share transfer agreement.

Halliday did this and became the richest man in the world for decades. He only came to regret this after he was dying of cancer.

Moreover, the entire [Oasis] live broadcast wanted [the tester who understood him] to discover this and point it out so that the world could understand his regret.

This is undoubtedly like being a bitch and building a memorial arch!

Wu Siyuan, who wanted to understand this, sneered in his heart, but his face looked solemn. He frowned, dropped the pen suddenly, shook his head and said, That's not the case!

Wu Siyuan looked up at Annock and said, This, this contract, this is the scene where Halliday asked Moreau to transfer the company's shares to him. This was the biggest mistake in his life! He knew it. The ending was different. It will be like this.”

I won't make the same mistake as you!

Wu Siyuan speculated in his dark heart that maybe this was what Halliday wanted.

All he wants is to show the world that he has done something wrong.

After Halliday's game character Annock heard Wu Siyuan's words, his face twitched slightly, and there were tears in his eyes. He showed a complicated smile and said, I just want you to confirm it!

After saying that, Annock's character changed and returned to reality. Halliday's eyes showed the image of an old homeboy with gray hair and old square-framed glasses.

The surrounding scene also changed, turning into the house where Anok grew up, with game discs stuffed everywhere.

A little boy with curly hair was sitting in front of the TV, playing games without blinking.

Sure enough, when I was a nerd, I was also a nerd.

Is this when you were a kid? Wu Siyuan pretended to be surprised. He understood that he had finally passed Halliday's test and was about to get his $500 billion fortune.

But this is still secondary. The most important thing is that he will gain control of the [Oasis] game.

Looking at Wu Siyuan's city, I couldn't help but feel a little joy in my heart.

At this time, Halliday was behind him, answering Wu Siyuan's question, Oh, this is me a long time ago.

I love playing it over and over again.

Here, let me show you something.

With that said, Halliday guided Wu Siyuan towards the door, where there was a red button.

This is the button. When you press it, all simulations will be shut down, and then the temporary program will erase all backup servers, so you now have the right to shut down the entire [Oasis] permanently.

Wu Siyuan's eyes moved slightly when he heard this.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

When Wu Siyuan saw through Halliday's last test,

This global live broadcast is over.

Nolan, the manager of 101 Company, angrily took off his VR glasses. When he walked out of the office to get some air, several men with serious faces and dressed in black suits walked towards him with neat steps. They stood twenty centimeters in front of Nolan. Stopped in front of the distance.

There was a strong sense of oppression coming towards him, which made Nolan feel very uncomfortable.

He pretended to be angry and said, Who are you? Don't block my way!

I'm sorry, Mr. Sorento, you have no way out in Company 101! The leader, a stern-faced man, said expressionlessly, We are the special commissioners of the board of directors.

The board of directors has just passed a resolution and has unanimously agreed to expel you from your position as the chief CEO of 101 Company. In other words, you are no longer from 101 Company! So...

The man with a stern face paused and read a book

Then he said, Please pack your personal belongings as soon as possible and only after inspection can you leave the company.

Why? Because of Parsifal? Nolan asked with a look of defeat on his face, but still reluctantly.

The stern-faced man did not answer Nolan's question directly, but said, In addition, regarding your unauthorized use of force and actions against Mr. Wade that endangered his life and property, it was all your own doing and had nothing to do with 101 Company. ! If necessary, 101 Company will also provide the necessary evidence.

Nolan was completely devastated. He knew that he had been abandoned by Company 101.

Those old foxes on the board of directors have eyes and ears all over the company, and what they do has never been hidden from them.

And their noses are more sensitive than dogs. Once uncontrollable factors occur, they will immediately throw themselves out and abandon the car to save the handsome!

In any case, he was completely done.

Suddenly, Nolan saw a straight, black-haired female subordinate with a calm face beside him. Her name was actually Sander, and she was the head of the 101 Contract Center founded by Nolan. He single-handedly promoted this woman.

He asked, What is her plan?

Ms. Sander has done an outstanding job. The 101 Contract Center she is responsible for has brought 28% annual profit growth to the company. The board of directors is very satisfied. She will replace your job and become the new president of 101 Company. Regarding this, in Five minutes ago, the board of directors had a video communication with Miss Sander, and Ms. Sander readily agreed to the appointment! the man with a stern face said in a dull tone.

Nolan's face suddenly turned red, and he felt betrayed.

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