I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 10 The efficiency is really high

At night.

Wu Siyuan walked out of the secret base of the male protagonist Wade, preparing to return to his aunt's house in the stacked building area.

Not long after they got close, they noticed a group of heavily armed soldiers suddenly sprang out from all around, pointing their spears at Wu Siyuan.

There is the 101 company logo on their clothes.

They are the private armies of Company 101!

Parsifal, the best Easter egg hunter, hello! A meticulous-looking woman wearing a professional suit with long straight black hair walked up to Wu Siyuan and said with a smile, We are 101 The company wants to hire you to join our company...

Then I will help you crack Halliday's easter egg game and hand over 500 billion US dollars? Wu Siyuan asked calmly.

The seemingly meticulous woman's expression remained unchanged as she said, You will receive an annual salary of one million US dollars per year!

While speaking, the woman suddenly realized that Wu Siyuan in front of her had disappeared.

Her face suddenly changed and she stepped back violently, but it was too late. Wu Siyuan's ghostly figure appeared in front of her. He grabbed and clasped her hands like a chicken, grabbing her in front of him and blocking her. Weapons of the 101 Company private arm.

Sorry! I can only say no! Wu Siyuan said coldly.

In fact, it is easy to deal with these ordinary people with his strength.

Even through time travel, Wu Siyuan can still use his solidified [Shennongjiao Space] skills.

Against a few ordinary people, even if they were armed with thermal weapons, they would not pose much of a threat to him.

Wu Siyuan held the woman hostage, slowly retreated, and soon seized an opportunity to escape. Taking advantage of the chaotic environment and terrain of the stacked building area, he easily escaped the pursuit of the 101 Company's private armed forces and returned to the secret of the male protagonist Wade. base.

If Wu Siyuan hadn't been worried that what he did would be known to [Annock] or [Halliday] lurking in the Internet, Wu Siyuan would have killed them easily, and he wouldn't be as aggrieved as he is now!

He also didn't expect that the energy of Company 101 was so strong. The male protagonist Parsifal was just a nobody in [Oasis]. He was unknown before. After Wu Siyuan came, he was not willing to cause trouble and was very careful to hide himself, but In this way, the 101 company found it in a very short period of time.

Wu Siyuan feels that the big companies in this world are like the umbrella companies in [Resident Evil].

In this case, Wu Siyuan did not delay any longer. After returning to the secret base, he entered the [Oasis] game again.

After going online, Wu Siyuan suddenly found that the curator was near him, looking at him with uncertain eyes.

Director, what's the matter? Wu Siyuan asked with his heart moving.

Let me think about it, you have just been away for less than an hour. Have you learned something new? the curator said.

The harvest is quite big. Wu Siyuan nodded, The people from Company 101 have already chased me to my door.

Oh? A trace of surprise flashed deep in the curator's eyes, and he said, It seems they didn't catch you!

It's just for the time being! Wu Siyuan shook his head, But I have to thank them. On the way to escape, they reminded me of a key point.

Danger always brings out the potential of human beings. The curator said with a hint of surprise in his eyes, Is there anything else you want to see?

No! I think I already know the answer! Wu Siyuan said confidently.

You look confident? the curator said with twinkling eyes.

Childhood! Wu Siyuan said with a slight smile, and then left without looking back.

The curator was left standing there in shock.

Wu Siyuan's performance exceeded his expectations.

He didn't know why, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Is it because I can't understand Parsifal anymore? the curator, or Moreau, thought to himself.

He sighed secretly, but had no answer in his heart.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

101 Corporate Headquarters.

Nolan, the manager hired by the company, was furious at the woman who had returned without success.

It's just a boy with no hair! And there are so many of you, but you let him run away?

If I were you, I wouldn't have the courage to live in this world! Would I wonder if I am a waste?

I'm telling you now, you don't have to doubt it, you are just a bunch of trash!

You get as much salary as 101 Company every year, and all you give me in return is, I'm sorry, he ran away! Is that right?

A group of people were scolded bloody by Nolan, but they did not dare to refute.

Finally, Nolan was tired of scolding. He panted slightly and said fiercely, I will only give you one last chance.

Bring Parsifal before us!

Not until he cracks all of Halliday's Easter egg games!

Or disappear completely in front of me! Nolan said the last sentence in a filial tone.

Yes! Yigan's men responded with a solemn expression.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

District 14.

Wu Siyuan was playing the game Magic Adventure in front of an old TV screen.

Halliday once said that the key is invisible, hidden in the dark room in the center of the maze.

There is a secret in [Magic Adventure]. You can't find it by clearing the level. You have to walk around in a dark room until you find an invisible small square.

When Wu Siyuan finally dragged the invisible small square to that position, the first game Easter egg in history appeared.

The TV suddenly turned off and was immediately tuned into the ice.

The entire ice realm also cracked, and Halliday, oh, no, Annock's figure also appeared in the sky of ice and snow.

This scene was also broadcast live on the entire Oasis channel.

Nolan just finished scolding his men and walked out of the luxurious office. Then he saw the live broadcast on the big screen and almost spit out blood.

His subordinates were all as dumb as a chicken.

Your efficiency is too high.

He ran away with his front foot, then logged into [Oasis] with his back foot and cracked the Halliday Easter Egg Game.

You are Halliday's illegitimate son and you got his guide, right?

If this is the case, just inherit it directly!

Why do you want to play with the whole world?

But when they looked back, they realized that this was Halliday's style.

He has always viewed life as a game.

It's just that there's no use saying anything now.

Wu Siyuan's speed was too fast. Even if they recognized that Wu Siyuan was in District 14, it would be too late.

I can only watch Wu Siyuan win the final grand prize and become the new richest man in the world!

And they have to worry about the possible revenge from the world's new richest man!

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