[iPhone] There’s a reason why I’m so nervous.

Because the emergence of [Great Sage Mobile Phone] is a dimensionality reduction blow to [Apple Mobile Phone]!

Just like the first generation [Apple mobile phone], it was a blow to Symbian keyboard phones like Nokia!

The effect will be devastating!

The keyboard of the Symbian mobile phone was replaced by multi-touch screen technology. From then on, the mobile phone no longer had an ugly keyboard that took up space.

And now, the artificial intelligence voice technology in [Dasheng Mobile] will once again lead the development of mobile phones. Previously, it eliminated the keyboard, but now it frees the user's hands to the greatest extent.

Maybe some private things, such as passwords, will be entered manually, while other things will be replaced by voice.

The artificial intelligence voice assistant will help you order takeout, play videos, search for information, reply to messages, handle work, and even help you play games if you are lazy.

Laziness is human nature!

People wouldn't like to go to work if they could help it.

Laziness is the driving force behind technological progress.

And [Monkey Mobile], which can make people lazier, is naturally a savage beast in the eyes of [Apple Corporation], a thorn in its side and a thorn in its flesh.

If [Dasheng Mobile] were not backed by [Chaoqun Group], it would already have full wings and strong strength. In addition, [Dasheng Mobile] is currently mainly developing the Chinese market. In this market, which is one of the best in the world, [Apple] has many means. If it is not used, if it is abroad, [Monkey Mobile] will not face traffic suppression and smearing.

But now [Apple’s] suppression has no effect.

A truly excellent product is difficult to truly suppress.

Taking advantage of the people's crazy consumption mentality and excellent performance, [Dasheng Mobile] has completely established a foothold in the domestic high-end market.

Now the contempt chain in the hearts of Chinese consumers has become like this:

Dasheng mobile phone, Apple mobile phone or = Warwick mobile phone, rice mobile phone, blue and green mobile phone, red rice mobile phone and other phones, Samsung mobile phone.

[Monkey King Mobile] is at the highest end of the contempt chain and the mobile phone at the top of the food chain.

[Apple Phone] and other brands will definitely lose a large number of high-end users - if they do not develop an AI system that is as intelligent as [Xiaolan].

The good days when [Apple mobile phone] took away more than 60% of the profits in the industry are destined to be gone forever.

I heard that Cuco, the CEO of [Apple's] headquarters, was so angry that he, who had always been elegant, got to know the situation in China. He also burst out with a beautiful country curse, saying that he would immediately convene a board of directors to let the Chinese branch The person in charge is game over!

The person in charge of the Huaguo branch had outstanding performance in the past and was praised by the headquarters of [Apple Company] many times. However, if he failed in this matter, or failed temporarily, Cuoco would fire him. From this, we can see that [Apple Company] How much the headquarters attaches great importance to [Monkey King Mobile]!

Or rather, fear!

[Apple] came to the end of the era of Nokia.

They are afraid of seeing their own ending fate on the [Great Sage Mobile]!

[Apple] is different from other mid- to low-end mobile phone manufacturers.

[Dasheng Mobile] takes the high-end market route and is destined to leave a large space in the mid- to low-end market.

This leaves room for other mobile phone manufacturers to survive, but not [Apple].

Unless [Apple] condescends to downgrade itself, lower its status, and go to the mid-to-low-end market.

Of course, this may cause [iPhone] to crash faster!

The reason why [Apple mobile phone] can maintain a high price now is that it has some similarities with luxury goods. Its function of showing off is greater than its function of use.

Once [iPhone] loses its halo, the collapse of the empire will not be gradual, but will happen overnight.

Just like the original Qing Dynasty.

When the first shot was fired, all regions in the country became independent, and the Qing Dynasty came to an end!

[Apple] might be like that too.

So from this we can see how scared [Apple] is. If we can’t get [Xiaolan]’s smart technology, we will enter the [Smartphone 2.0 Era] and meet its ending. It won’t be so wonderful!

Therefore, in this poaching offensive, [Apple] has the highest bargaining chip.

Because other manufacturers can still take one step at a time, but [Apple] has no retreat.

Or, rise from the ashes!

Or, go to destruction!

After the rise of [Monkey King Mobile], the stock price of [Apple Company] has shown signs of falling on the beautiful country's stock market. Even if [Apple Company] produced a beautiful financial report, it could not change this downward trend.

Because stock trading is based on expectations and betting on the future, and now, [Apple] has no future.

Wall Street's sense of smell is like a dog's and has long since sniffed out bad smells.

On the contrary, a large amount of northbound funds flowed into A-shares. The stock prices of listed companies under [Chaoqun Group] and affiliated companies of [Chaoqun Group] began to rise!

Of course, these have nothing to do with [Super Group].

[Chaoqun Group] is currently most concerned about the floods in Yu Province and the crazy consumption compensation behavior of netizens.

Especially the crazy consumption compensation behavior of netizens after learning the truth really put [Chaoqun Group] in a state of pain and joy.

This is similar to the situation where a novel written by an online author is sought after by many readers, but the author only updates a few thousand words every day, and readers are always asking to send him a knife!

[Chaoqun Group]’s products are all sold out by consumers!

It’s not just the [Dasheng Mobile] that can’t keep up with its production capacity, this happens to other products as well.

Some dealers are even hoarding.

Of course, in the face of this situation, it was quickly discovered by [Chaoqun Group], which has strong control over dealers, and immediately stopped it and imposed corresponding penalties!

Not only the actual products were sold out, but the virtual products were also sold out.

For example, [Elephant Weather], the first paid weather software in the country, became famous after the Yu Province flood incident and became an instant hit. Its downloads have reached more than 300 million and there are 130 million paying users!

Although the monthly membership fee is not high, only 1 yuan, 130 million users means a monthly revenue of 130 million yuan.

That’s 1.56 billion yuan a year.

This is still a pure membership fee.

If [Elephant Weather] introduces advertisers and collects advertising fees, then [Elephant Weather]'s annual revenue of more than 2 billion is not a problem.

The operating costs of [Elephant Weather] are actually not high. In the end, its net profit is estimated to be over 1 billion.

Who would have thought that a weather forecasting software could have such high profits?

But [Super Group] did it!

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