As the person in charge of [Dasheng Mobile] business, Yao Dong had to come out quickly and shout to netizens, saying, The thoughts and affection of netizens have been received by everyone in our group company! Thank you very much!

We have already placed orders with various accessories companies and chip foundry companies, and we will produce mobile phones as quickly as possible and deliver them to consumers.

Please be patient and give us some time.

[Dasheng Mobile] can be said to have become an instant hit. Not only is the domestic discussion hot, but there are also related topics abroad, which arouses the interest of many people. Many foreign consumers call [Chaoqun Group] on all consumers They should be treated equally and should not be sold only in China.

[Dasheng Mobile] has currently sold 1 million units directly, and the number of pre-orders is close to 5 million units.

These 6 million mobile phones alone will bring more than 78 billion in revenue to [Yangcheng Wushi Smart Electronic Information Technology Co., Ltd.].

This number may not seem very high.

For example, in the smartphone business of [Dami Phone], its revenue in 2020 reached 152.2 billion yuan.

[Dasheng Mobile] has a revenue of more than 78 billion yuan, which is a little more than half of others.


[Dami Mobile]’s revenue of 152.2 billion yuan is based on [Dami]’s shipment of 146.4 million units in 2020.

[Monkey Mobile] How many units have been sold?

6 million units!

That is 06 million units.

The shipment volume of [Dami Mobile] is more than 24 times that of [Dasheng Mobile].

But in terms of profit, the two are completely incomparable.

[Rice] Adding up all business revenue, the net profit in 2020 is only 13 billion yuan.

The gross profit of the [Dasheng Mobile Phone], which has sold 6 million units, is more than half, and the net profit is conservatively estimated to be 30 to 40%.

In other words, [Dasheng Mobile] has a minimum net profit of 23.4 billion yuan.

This is still the profit brought by [Dasheng Mobile]’s current production.

A third-party investigation agency estimates that if the production capacity is sufficient, the domestic sales of [Monkey King Mobile] can reach 20-30 million based on the current situation. If international sales channels can be opened, the sales volume will increase by another 30-50 million. It's entirely possible.

In other words, [Great Sage Mobile]

The potential consumer market is nearly 100 million units.

Its net profit can reach two to three hundred billion yuan.

[Chaoqun Group]’s total net profit in 2020 is about 300 billion yuan.

The hardware sales business of [Dasheng Mobile] alone has this development potential.

All mobile phone manufacturers looked melancholy and nervous.

Especially Apple.

Apple is paying the most attention to [Monkey King’s mobile phone]!

Because the market positioning of both is the same.

Once [Dasheng Mobile] is launched, it will have the biggest impact on the market of [Apple Mobile].

In the past, the traffic of [Dasheng Mobile] was suppressed, and all kinds of online control reviews actually had [Apple Mobile] behind it.

Of course, it's not alone.

While it suppressed [Dasheng Mobile], created the topic that [Dasheng Mobile] was about to go bankrupt, and threatened [Chaoqun Group], it also ran over as fast as possible to negotiate an acquisition with [Chaoqun Group], proposing to pay 30 billion U.S. dollars. The offer to acquire [Dasheng Mobile] includes debt.

[Chaoqun Group] only spent 100 billion yuan to acquire [Honor]. If it sells it for 30 billion U.S. dollars, it can earn 70 to 80 billion yuan. If it is more ruthless, it can earn even more, because [Apple] If you are willing to take on debt, there is a lot of room for maneuver.

But [Chaoqun Group] refused without hesitation, even if [Apple's] price was raised to 50 billion US dollars, it would not be moved.

[Apple Inc.] tried to make another plan after failing, so it hoped that the two companies would strengthen exchanges on intelligent voice technology. In fact, to put it bluntly, they just fell in love with [Xiaolan]!

[Apple Company] proposed that it could share its national sales channels with [Dasheng Mobile], which would save [Chaoqun Group] a lot of detours when it develops the international market.

But [Chaoqun Group] is still unmoved. If it is just for international sales channels, then [Dasheng Mobile] might as well go back to [Warwick]. At least everyone [comes from the same school] and there is room for negotiation.

[Apple] hates [Chaoqun Group] with gnashing of teeth, but refuses to give up.

[Chaoqun Group] has not been able to make any progress, so it will intensify its efforts to crack down on [Chaoqun Group] and Wu Siyuan, using all possible means - this is also the reason why [Chaoqun Group] and Wu Siyuan were so badly hacked some time ago.

While spending a lot of money to dig [Super

Group Group] key personnel in related businesses.

This is the best time for high-end headhunting in 2021.

Not only [Apple], but also [Warwick], [Dami], and even [Penguin], [Ari] and other major Internet technology companies are crazy about poaching people from [Chaoqun Group].

As long as you have the ability, your annual salary will be doubled, and stocks will be given free of charge!

The money for breach of the non-competition agreement will be paid by the recruiting company!

If you want money, give money, if you want people, give them, if you want imperial capital residence, you will give them!

Under this crazy offensive, many employees of the [Artificial Intelligence Voice Business Line] were really moved and were poached.

They comfort themselves by thinking that this ship is going to sink, but I have seniors and juniors on board, so I have to think about them.

Some people actually don't want to leave, but they just want to take this opportunity to renegotiate their salary with [Chaoqun Group].

However, [Chaoqun Group]’s salary is coordinated by [Four-Armed King Kong], which is allocated according to their abilities and existing market conditions, ensuring that their salary and benefits are at the upper level of the same industry, not inferior to [Penguin], [Yari] This kind of company.

What is happening now is price imbalance caused by short-term market fluctuations.

It will eventually return to normal.

To put it bluntly, [Four-Armed King Kong] thinks you are not worth the price!

Therefore, when faced with the resignation applications submitted by the people who were poached, they all agreed. As a modern enterprise, if you have better development, I won’t stop you. Everyone can get together and disperse. It’s just that the group’s talent pool is quickly falling apart. The library promotes backup personnel to replace the positions of these resigned personnel.

Their departure just provides positions for the outstanding talents below, adds fresh blood, and creates new vitality.

As for whether they can show off their talents in the new company, [Chaoqun Group] can only wish them well.

Faced with such unfeeling behavior from their old employers, some of those who left their jobs devoted themselves to new jobs without eating or sleeping, hoping to prove their abilities and make Super Group regret having missed such an important opportunity. Talent!

Some people were so determined that they went to [Bihu] or [Weibo] to join the army of smearing [Chaoqun Group] or Wu Siyuan!

[Bihu], please share the story you just made up.

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