I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 50 Voices from Group Executives

In fact, in addition to the donation from [Red Star Erke], many domestic companies also extended a helping hand to Yus when they were facing operating difficulties.

For example, the milk tea brand [Bingcheng Mixue], which was in trouble in 2021, not only had to save itself, but also donated 22 million yuan.

The old domestic fast-moving consumer goods brand [Huiyuan Juice] filed for bankruptcy, but still donated 1 million yuan. The domestic car [Qirui] made 7.37 million yuan last year and donated 35 million yuan.

There are many such companies.

Netizens with good intentions also listed these conscientious companies and said that they would support the operations of these brands.

Corporate donations are a good thing.

Reflects the corporate social responsibility!

The people in the disaster area have benefited, and the donation companies have gained a reputation, and their reputation has turned into profits.

However, in everything, be afraid of going too far.

Corporate donations are voluntary actions, and it is their right to donate or not. Of course, consumers choosing not to donate to the company for consumption is also the consumer's personal choice for the company.

However, some netizens stand on the moral high ground and force companies to donate.

Maybe their intentions were good, but the impact was very bad.

The domestic brand [Red Star Erke] donated 50 million yuan to Yus and attracted the attention of netizens. The good deed attracted netizens to wild consumption, and the popularity of the live broadcast room was in full swing.

In addition to venting their passion, some netizens went to the live broadcast rooms of fellow companies and posted comments such as [Red Star Erke] and Have you donated? that were flooding the screen, in effect forcing other companies to donate!

After this disaster, not only Internet celebrities, but also celebrities and companies became the targets of being forced to donate.

Many celebrities were criticized by netizens for making too much money and donating too little, triggering a wave of ridicule.

What was originally a voluntary donation to contribute to post-disaster reconstruction ended up being a compulsory act in full view of the public.

Some netizens also made a charitable donation ranking to morally condemn people or companies at the bottom of the rankings and use the pressure of public opinion to force them to make subsequent donations. This behavior not only distracts people's attention from the disaster relief scene, but also distracts from the disaster relief work. Acts of kindness like donating money fall into dust.

As a result, the original intention of donating money has changed now. Those who donate more are good people, and those who donate less are bad people. They must all be given out.

For example, after the disaster, it has been very low-key - of course, [Chaoqun Group], which was also very low-key before, was picked out by netizens, saying that [Chaoqun Group] earns hundreds of billions a year, but in a company as big as Yus In the face of floods, remain indifferent!

These netizens with no trumpet denounced Wu Siyuan, saying that Wu Siyuan could only talk and shout slogans, but it would be harder than killing him if he really wanted to take out real money!

They joined forces to set the pace on the Internet, morally condemn Wu Siyuan and [Chaoqun Group], and intended to discredit Wu Siyuan.

Of course, it is not that no one speaks for Wu Siyuan on the Internet.

After all, Wu Siyuan and [Chaoqun Group] made the most contribution during this flood.

Many people just remain silent out of habit, but they are not blind.

In this incident, they finally couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to stand up and speak for Wu Siyuan and [Chaoqun Group].

Those who wanted to discredit Wu Siyuan and [Chaoqun Group] did not succeed in their plan.

Of course Wu Siyuan knew that these people had bad intentions behind their backs, and he also found out that they were closely involved with Taiwan's 1450.

Before Wu Siyuan could expose it, Guan Xuelie from [Chaoqun Group], he was the former head of the agriculture and animal husbandry division of [Chaoqun Group], and now he is the person in charge of [Gushen Group] and the listed company [Chaoqun Animal Husbandry] people, with an annual salary of tens of millions of yuan.

He posted counter-posts on [Weibo] without Wu Siyuan’s consent.

He said, At that time, Director Wu announced at Yu's investment conference that Yu's might encounter a heavy rain that only happens once in a thousand years, which would very likely cause floods. Almost no one believed him, and the whole society was laughing at him. he!

But Director Wu still has no hesitation and is running around the frontline areas of Yus, using his influence to strengthen the disaster prevention capabilities of various places as much as possible.

But society is full of ill will towards him, thinking he is arrogant and thinking he is abusing his privileges.

I found Director Wu and told him to stop! Why bother? It's just causing trouble! It's not our responsibility!

Director Wu said to me at that time, yes, this is not our responsibility. If I do nothing, the reputation may be better! If the [Elephant Weather] forecast is wrong, then I will be a big joke. What a fool! But what if it’s true?”

This sentence [if it is true] touched me deeply! Indeed, if the prediction is wrong, there will be no disaster, and we will just be laughed at! But what if the prediction is true? Just like what Yu is doing now How many people would die if we were unprepared for this kind of flood situation? Among them may be young children studying in kindergarten, old people going out to deliver umbrellas, young people returning home and being submerged in the subway, and some being drowned in the subway. Relatives who were caught off guard by flash floods and buried by mudslides...

So, Director Wu spent more than 80 million to rent venues in various places in Yus, and I had no objection, even though in the end these venues were not used, and the group lost tens of millions in deposits.

So, I have no objection to Director Wu spending more than 100 million to buy fast-food products, even if in the end these fast-food products can only become benefits distributed by the group to employees.

So, I have no objection to Director Wu spending hundreds of millions of yuan to purchase medical supplies and rescue tools such as assault boats, even if these supplies can only be donated to charities in the end.

Because at that time, I hoped that we were just a joke. For the first time, I was not considering the problem from the perspective of the company, but as a Chinese, I hope that the materials that Director Wu spent hundreds of millions of dollars to buy back have not been used. A day of action.”

The flood has finally come. To be honest, my mood is very complicated. I don't know whether I should be grateful or something else...

[Red Star Erke] was recognized and sought after by netizens because of its donation, and our group held an internal meeting. I suggested to Director Wu that the sales of our group's newly launched [Dasheng Mobile] are not good. If there is no improvement, eventually The losses may be serious. The group itself has a plan to donate to the post-disaster reconstruction of Yus. How about we take advantage of this popularity and promote our group's mobile phones while donating money. If we can sell one more, we will lose one less. .”

Dr. Wu thought for a while and said, forget it. What we donate is our heart, not our business. When the boss of [Red Star Erke] donated, he certainly did not expect that such a situation would happen today, but he still donated. Even if there is a chance that no one will care!”

Guan Xuelie did not fiercely criticize those netizens who were arrogant, but wrote a paragraph calmly.

At the end of this paragraph, Guan Xuelie posted a picture of a lone traveler.

(Thanks to Bingdu\\\\Missing, 15061415939650 for the reward)



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