I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 49 The Chinese supported by all parties

Although the Yus floods were handled properly, there were almost no casualties.

However, under the impact of heavy rains and floods, the property of the vast number of Yus people inevitably suffered huge losses.

Let’s not talk about anything else, just talking about crops, the affected area of ​​crops is 16.203 million acres, the disaster area is 10.01 million acres, and the area with no harvest is 5.137 million acres. This is a huge loss.

In addition, preliminary statistics show that 35,325 households with 99,312 collapsed houses, 53,535 households with 164,923 severely damaged houses, and 209,465 households with 664,279 generally damaged houses are another inestimable loss.

This is not bad.

Let’s look at the future as Wu Siyuan sees it:

Because the rainfall exceeded predictions, most areas of Yus were flooded, which caused serious damage to many equipment located underground and on the first floor.

Hospital units have suffered serious losses.

Like MRI, CT, X-ray, radiology room, laboratory, pharmacy... everything is over under the flooded Jinshan Mountain!

An NMR costs tens of millions. According to preliminary statistics, the loss may be billions!

In addition, there were many businesses on the first floor that had no time to evacuate, such as tobacco and alcoholic beverages, etc., which were washed away by the flood and disappeared!

There was an owner of a tobacco and alcohol shop who had stocked a lot of high-end liquor, but was washed away by the flood. He suffered a loss of two million.

According to statistics, at the end of 2020, the total number of market entities in Shangcheng City reached 10,000 households, ranking eighth in the country in the S.C. Assuming roughly that each household loses 50,000 yuan, that is 70 billion.

This is still a city in Shangdu. What if the scope is expanded to the entire Yus?

The loss is even more immeasurable!

The same goes for cars!

As of July 6, 2021, the number of motor vehicles in Shangcheng City reached 4.9 million.

Even if the average loss per vehicle is 2,000 yuan, the loss alone is as high as 10 billion yuan.

What if it's the entire s?

The total losses would exceed hundreds of billions.

Not to mention all kinds of indirect losses!

Fortunately, in this world, with Wu Siyuan's reminder, the government's support, and careful protection, many properties were transferred or preserved in advance, and the losses were much greater than what Wu Siyuan saw in the future. A lot lower.

But even so.

The losses caused by this flood are already immeasurable!

It was also a major blow to the broad masses of Yus people.

The cost of post-disaster reconstruction is even greater!

Fortunately, the Chinese people have always been able to provide support from all sides when one side is in trouble.

This is the mutual help and the inheritance of fire for thousands of years!

It is different from the beautiful country that only has a history of several hundred years.

In the beautiful country, if a state encounters a serious natural disaster, it is difficult to get effective support from other states except for some meager charity assistance.

Just like the snow disaster that the beautiful country once encountered, Texas in the southwest was the most severely affected, with temperatures as low as more than 20 degrees below zero.

Many areas in Texas are without water, power or food.

But they get no help from the government.

Look what Colorado, Texas Mayor Tim Boyd had to say. He tweeted,

No one owes you or your family anything; nor does local government have a responsibility to support you during these difficult times! It is your choice to sink or swim! The city and county, nor the electricity provider or any other service provider owe you anything Anything! I'm tired of people asking for those damn handouts, it makes me furious.

The responsibility of the beautiful country's government is not to provide help to you in this difficult time! Survival or death is your own choice!

Only the fittest can survive, and the weak will only be eliminated. When they encounter difficulties, they turn to the government for assistance. This is a sad product of the socialist government.

Behind the millions of power outages caused by the snowstorm, the wealthy areas of the beautiful country have not experienced power outages.

In the city centers of Houston, Dallas, Austin and other cities, empty office buildings are brightly lit, and city government offices are also not short of electricity.

This is the completely different behavior of the two countries in the face of natural disasters!

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Natural disasters are ruthless, but there is love in the world of China!

Ever since the floods occurred in Yu, there have been people, companies, and celebrities on the Internet and in society, either spontaneously or driven, who have contributed their strength and money to support Yu.

Of course, there are inevitably some opportunistic people among them.

This is human nature.

For example, some celebrities, well, to be precise, it should be carpet stars who have dominated the hot searches through donations during the disaster. For example, a certain starlet with cut-out pictures and glaring eyes donated only 500,000, but she dominated the hot searches for a day.

Normally, forget it, but at such a critical moment, how could she be allowed to waste social resources like this?

Amid the scolding from netizens, the hot search for a cutout female celebrity to donate 500,000 yuan has finally dropped.

July 21st.

Domestic sports brand [Red Star] posted on Weibo to announce a donation of 50 million yuan to aid disaster areas. At the same time, the president of the company also forwarded this message.

At that time, there were not many companies making large donations, but when celebrities’ donations were still dominating the hot search list, not many people paid attention at that time.

Late at night on the same day, some netizens began to notice Hongxing Erke’s donation announcement, and then left messages. There were three comments that were the most touching:

One netizen said it felt like you were going bankrupt yet you still donated so much.

Another netizen said that a celebrity's 500,000 yuan went directly to the hot search, while a conscientious enterprise's 50 million yuan received more than 100 comments and 2,000 likes. I was really upset.

Another netizen said, I am a little worried for you no matter how you promote Abao.

The president of [Red Star] also likes to surf the Internet on weekdays, and he will also reply to comments from netizens.

He said that in the face of disasters, there is only so much we can do, so we should do our best to leave publicity resources to the disaster areas that need more attention.

[Red Star Erke] The contrast between the boss and the star is really too strong.

Netizens have long been dissatisfied with celebrities dominating the list, and feel sorry for the silent efforts of conscientious companies, which has made this matter ferment.

On the 22nd, under the publicity of countless tap water netizens, the event of [Red Star Erke] donating 50 million yuan directly topped the hot search.

Subsequently, netizens began to flock to [Red Star Erke]’s live broadcast room to support the event, and the whole incident began to heat up.

Faced with the enthusiasm of consumers, the anchors in the [Red Star Erke] live broadcast room did not take advantage of this emotion to lure consumers into crazy consumption. Instead, they kindly reminded netizens to consume rationally. The boss of [Red Star Erke] even came to the live broadcast overnight. He thanked netizens and reminded them to consume rationally, which once again aroused the emotions of netizens.

There are really too few companies with such a conscience!

On July 23, the goods in the [Red Star Erke] live broadcast room were snapped up, and netizens started [wild consumption] and were proud to wear [Red Star Erke] clothes!



1 second remember network:.

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