I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 57 Pointing at the nose and scolding

His store was suspected to have been bankrupted, and Xiao Luo, the BD manager of [Feixia Takeaway], was no longer in the mood to play games and drink milk tea. After telling his colleagues, he left.

He first sneaked around [Liang Ji Pork Knuckle Rice] and hid like a spy.

Before long, Ronaldinho saw the employees of [Liang Ji Pork Knuckle Rice] bring out several packaged fast food. He looked around for a while, and then put the packaged fast food on the table outside the wooden barrel rice next door. superior.

Ronaldinho took photos with quick eyes and hands.

The employee at [Liang Ji Pork Knuckle Rice] put away the takeout and walked back. Not long after, a [Li Tuan Takeaway] rider in yellow clothes came over on an electric bike and placed the I searched the takeout table, took a piece of fast food and put it in the insulator, and then rode an electric bike to deliver the takeout.

Ronaldinho immediately took another photo.

After getting the evidence, Ronaldinho could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He didn't care that it was the lunch rush hour, which was the busiest time for a fast food restaurant owner, so he called Boss Liang via WeChat.

The owner of [Liang Ji Pork Knuckle Rice] didn’t answer.

Ronaldinho hits again.

Boss Liang didn’t answer again.

Ronaldinho continued to fight.

Finally Boss Liang picked up.

Ronald, what's the matter? I'm busy here! Why don't you call back later. As he said this, Boss Liang wanted to hang up the voice call.

Ronaldinho, the BD manager of [Feixia Takeaway], didn't tolerate him. He didn't give him a chance to hang up the voice call and asked coldly, Boss Liang, have you secretly logged in to [Lituan Takeaway]?

No. I've already cooperated with you, so how come I got [Li Tuan Takeout] online? Have you seen my shop on [Li Tuan Takeout]? It's a pity that Boss Liang doesn't want to be an actor because of his acting skills. You can hear his doubts, confusion, and strangeness just by listening to his voice.

Ronaldinho had already disliked Boss Liang before. Hearing this, he broke out and said, I think you are still pretending! I have seen it all! I also have the evidence.

The company system has also detected it.

It must be the [Gold Medal Longjiang Pork Knuckle Rice] launched at [Li Tuan Takeaway].

... When the secret was revealed, Boss Liang lost his voice instantly and didn't know how to reply. At the same time, facing Ronaldinho's unceremonious scolding, he was also holding back an unknown fire in his heart.

You violated our agreement and you have no faith, Boss Liang. Ronaldinho's words were like pointing at Boss Liang's nose and scolding him.

On the other side of the phone, Boss Liang had been scolded until his veins popped out.

I want to ask you now, do you still want to do it? If you don't, I will close your store and make you a blacklisted merchant on our platform. You will no longer cooperate with us in the future. From now on, each side of the road should go its own way! Ronaldinho's voice got louder and louder, and he was so excited, but it was hard to say how true it was.

Boss Liang really wanted to say something tough, If you don't cooperate, you won't cooperate, cnmd!

But he looked at the computer screen and saw 39 orders for [Lituan Takeaway] and 119 orders for [Feixia Takeaway].

A threefold order gap.

I just couldn't say that sentence.

He had no choice but to force a smile and said in a low voice, Ronald Ronaldinho, Manager Luo, I'm sorry.

Cooperation! We have signed a cooperation agreement with [Feixia Takeaway] and we will definitely continue to cooperate.

I did something wrong this time. Manager Luo, next time you come over, I'll buy you a drink to express my apology.

Seeing that Boss Liang had relented, Ronaldinho's tone also softened a bit, and he said, Boss Liang, I'm not talking about you. Since we are cooperating, let's work together well and don't cause any trouble for me.

Our company's systems are very robust.

Do you know? Because of your matter, my supervisor pointed my nose at me and scolded me for an hour, a whole hour!

Yes, Manager Luo, I'm really sorry. Sorry! Since Boss Liang chose to surrender, he will naturally surrender to the end.

Just take care of yourself. It was detected by the system this time and will definitely be flagged by the system. I don't know if it will affect future subsidy activities.

Hey! Hurry up and close the [Lituan Takeaway] store. After saying that, Xiao Luo, the BD manager of [Feixia Takeaway], hung up the voice call.

He opened the work background and clicked [Confirm] in the prompt box of [Gold Medal Longjiang Pork Knuckle Rice], the suspected exclusive customer [Liangji Pork Knuckle Rice].

Immediately, a new notification popped up in the system, Should we issue a warning to the exclusive customer [Liang Ji Pork Knuckle Rice], or impose penalties such as fines and store closures?

Is this system so smart?

Seeing this scene, Ronaldinho's heart skipped a beat. He thought about it and chose to send a [warning]!

Ronaldinho looked at several other restaurants that had been breached. He was too lazy to collect evidence and activated [Warning] for them all!

the other side.

Inside the Liang Kee Pig Knuckle Restaurant.

Boss Liang put down his cell phone with a livid expression on his face.

The landlady finished serving a customer's meal, then asked an employee to take over her work. She walked up to Boss Liang and asked worriedly, Is this the business manager of [Feixia Takeout]?

Yes. Boss Liang responded gloomily without turning back.

What did he say? the landlady asked again.

The store where we launched [Lituan Takeaway] was discovered, and he called me and scolded me, what a son of a bitch. When he begged me to launch [Qiandu Takeout] before, he was like a dog trying to please me, but now he has become The employee at [Feixia Takeaway] actually dared to scold me, this grudge! Boss Liang couldn't help but cursed angrily.

Then what should we do now? The worry on the landlady's face became even stronger, Didn't Xiaoli say she wouldn't be discovered? We've only been online for less than three days.

What else can we do? There are too few orders from [Lituan Takeaway], so we can only do [Feixia Takeaway]. md, I directly told the people at [Lituan Takeout] that we need to provide subsidies and make Big event. Is it useful to catch up now that I'm behind? Boss Liang couldn't help but curse again.

Now, the reputation of [Feixia Takeaway] has been established.

Everyone on the Internet knows that [Feixia Takeout] is running a one-cent campaign.

If you want to order takeout, open the [Feixia Takeout] app.

[Li Tuan Takeaway] It’s not that easy to catch up.

[Money Ability] is, after all, a very powerful ability in this world.

[Feixia Takeaway] has launched such a big battle, and if [Lituan Takeout] wants to follow suit, the daily subsidy alone can hold it back.

[Feixia Takeaway] does not have as big an investment burden as [Lituan].

If [Lituan Takeout] doesn't follow suit, [Feixia Takeout]'s orders will keep rising, and those high-quality customers who have finally accumulated it will be slowly pried away.

Without the food delivery market, [Lituan], as the parent company, will also lose an important support for its valuation.

[Li Tuan] is in a dilemma, that’s why it’s neither up nor down now.

Gu Shu

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Just as Boss Liang and the wife of the boss were talking, an electronic voice suddenly came from Boss Liang's computer, Hero, something happened!

Something happened? What happened? Boss Liang and his wife were startled by the sudden sound. When they came to their senses, Boss Liang looked at the computer.

On the computer screen, a notification popped up: Liangji Pig Knuckle Rice, your restaurant violated the exclusive subsidy cooperation agreement signed with our company. During the agreement period, it privately launched other takeout platforms, which seriously violated the interests of our company. Hereby, Warning once, please correct it immediately.”

Warning? Lao Liang, is something okay? the landlady asked nervously.

Boss Liang didn't know what was going on, so he could only think about inviting the business manager to dinner and asking again. After a pause, he comforted his wife and said, It's okay, it's just a warning.

Then what do we do now?

Hey, let's close the [Li Tuan Takeaway] shop. Boss Liang sighed and said helplessly, while operating on the computer, and put the [Gold Medal Longjiang Pork Knuckle Rice] served by the [Li Tuan Takeout] merchant. 】Closed for business.

Both couples looked unhappy.

The employees in the store didn't dare to talk much and went about their business in silence.

Fortunately, the orders on [Feixia Takeout] were not affected, and Hero, you have a new order sounded from time to time.

This diluted the depressing atmosphere in the store.

Boss Liang also came to the chopping board and continued working.

I was busy until 1:30 in the afternoon, and the lunch rush was over.

When the store is less busy.

Boss Liang’s cell phone rang again.

It's Xiaoli, the bd manager of [Li Tuan Takeaway], calling.

Boss Liang hesitated and answered the phone.

Brother Liang, I see your shop is closed. Are you too busy?

Ah? The BD manager of [Feixia Takeout] discovered it. How could it be possible? Impossible!

You said their system sent you a warning? This...

Brother Liang, stop it! Look, you have a lot of orders from [Lituan Takeaway]. As long as you persist for a while, the orders will definitely come in, I promise! Do you want to be threatened by them all the time?

...I understand, I understand. But Brother Liang...

Okay. Okay. Then let's see. If there is a suitable opportunity, we can cooperate again.

Yeah, yeah.


Xiaoli hung up the phone and looked up, it was her young supervisor looking at her with questioning eyes.

I was discovered by the [Feixia Takeout] business. The boss was timid and was threatened by that business. And now our order volume is small. He also has to support his family and pay the rent... so he can only suspend cooperation. Xiaoli's expression Said extremely ugly.

Opposite her, her supervisor also frowned deeply.

At this time, Xiaoli's cell phone rang again. When she saw it, it was another merchant who had been defeated by her.

Xiaoli suddenly felt an ominous omen in her heart.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

[Feixia Takeaway] BD manager Ronaldinho is here.

After he issued a system [warning] to all merchants whose independence was broken, his mobile phone also received messages or voice calls one after another.

At this time, he was on a voice call with the boss of [Qixiang Western Baked Rice].

The owner of [Qixiang Western Baked Rice] is also from a trendy family, but he is only in his twenties, about the same age as Ronaldinho.

He used to do more than 7,000 orders a month on [Li Tuan Takeout]. After doing [Feixia Takeout] exclusively, he can get up to more than 600 orders a day, which is one-third higher than [Liang Ji Pork Knuckle Rice]. Even more than that, there are an average of four to five hundred orders per day.

For this customer, [Fei Xia Takeaway] BD manager Xiao Luo naturally cannot use the same tactics as the owner of Liang Ji Pork Knuckle Rice.

So as soon as he answered the phone, Ronaldinho laughed and cursed, Diaomao, what's the matter? Do you want to drink with me?

Drink your sister, why did I receive a warning here? A young man's voice came from the other side of the phone.

What warning? Ronaldinho replied pretending not to know.

Well, your system said that I violated the agreement by going online to other food delivery platforms. The young man was silent for a moment and then said truthfully.

Then have you launched any other food delivery platforms? Ronaldinho rolled his eyes and asked.

Hehe, you know how to make money, you're not shabby. Hehe. The young man said with a smile.

Damn you, that's right! Ronaldinho said with certainty.

How many orders do you have in a day now? From [Li Tuan Takeaway]. Ronaldinho asked.

It's about one to two hundred orders, not as high as your platform. The young man said.

Damn! Why are you online on other platforms if they are not as high as ours? Ronaldinho asked dissatisfied.

It's not easy to make money now! Besides, some stores on your platform are not bound by your exclusive agreement. They can go online on your platform and [Lituan Takeout]. You can make money on both sides. It's so enviable. ! The young man's voice came through the mobile phone.

It's just jealousy. Ronaldinho said angrily, Don't even think about it. Those customers were still doing business on our platform when there was no subsidy. No matter what their reasons were, the company said that since they originally We're not going to force them now without abandoning us. That's the bottom line for our company.

Haha, your company really has character.

You didn't know until now! Ronaldinho's tone was like chatting with a friend.

Let's get down to business, I received this warning, what should I do now? Should I close the shop above [Lituan Takeout]? Is there any other way?

If you don't want to lock me up, you don't have any objection. Xiao Luo said casually, but his eyes became sharp.


Of course! Anyway, it will be detected by the system and punished by the system. At that time, the system will deduct your deposit, forcefully close your store, and be on the system's [Blacklist of Dishonest Merchants]. From then on, you will be in [Chaoqun Group] I'm registered in various systems, so don't come to me. You can treat me to a drink, but I'm not that capable to help you handle this matter. Ronaldinho said angrily.

So serious? the young man said, smacking his tongue.

What do you think?

Your company won't be so serious, right? We can't continue to cooperate in the future?

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