I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 141 Uncle helps you awaken your power

Chapter 141 Uncle will help you awaken your power~

It's another person.

Latiya's answer surprised Sean.

However, even another Latiya, even the crimson strongman in the white coffin, cannot enter the thinking hall, so he is not worried.

But where did the second person come from in the breeding warehouse?

Sean nodded: Your friend?

Latiya shook her head: I have no friends...that person is weird.

She was a little embarrassed and said: I don't have anything else of value, only this - I don't remember the specific situation, I just know that that person is actually a part of me, separated from my body, and then slowly accumulated It's getting wet. But it's not that, that excrement! It doesn't stink, it just smells like blood.

She is not in good shape, and her skin is very thick and hard, which makes me a little uncomfortable - but I can feel that she has great energy. Sir, do you need that?

She looked expectant: As long as you help me notify the [Academy], I will give her to you after I am rescued!

At this time, Sean's heart had already set off a huge storm.

Latiya is describing... proliferation? !

Individuals in the breeding chamber rely on nutrient solution injections to maintain vitality, and of course there is no possibility of excretion.

It's very thick and hard, and it smells like blood... Isn't this a crazy beast formed by multiplication and accumulation? !

The Latiya in front of me has already entered the crimson level?

Damn it...

He asked Noah in his mind: Does thinking projection also include the strength of the body?

Of course, Three Saints, but in this hall of thinking, you can limit everyone's power, because power is also part of the projection.

Then she can have a subtle connection with the real body. Will the power of reality overflow from her?

Noah paused for a moment: During the data search... there has been no similar situation. The database data shows that even if you have connections and powers, you can link with the etheric body, but the power of reality cannot be leaked into the thinking hall.

On the contrary, with the help of this connection and power, the Hall of Thought can reversely detect more detailed information about the other party.

Explore her. Sean ordered directly.

She needs to show connection and strength. It is best to let the projection and the body interact and react at the same time. Noah said.

Sean looked at Latiya, who was looking at her expectantly.

He chuckled lightly: Oh, for me, power is less interesting.

Latiya looked disappointed: Huh? But she is very powerful...

Sean smiled and said, Since she has power, why not let her take you out of trouble?

It's useless - she gestured dejectedly, it looks like there is a box, but I don't have a lock.

Then maybe you can feel your own power now. Sean said coaxingly.


Sean waved: Come here, let me help you.

Oh. Latiya walked over obediently.

Latiya's overall style is somewhat similar to Mio Thirteen. It seems that artificial products always make the appearance of the main body extremely perfect.

Mio Thirteen's beauty seemed hollow, and the dean he saw on weekdays always had a strange sense of harmony.

However, Latiya looked much more vivid in front of Sean, especially when she looked at her confusedly and expectantly, like a small animal looking forward to being fed.

If there is indeed a connection between the projection and the ontology, then all the influences she received in the thinking hall will also be transmitted to the ontology, right?

Sean thought so, and then motioned for Latiya to come to him.

A low stool appeared, and she sat upright, putting her hands on her knees obediently, like a student listening to a lecture.

It is indeed a perfect body. The products of artificial cultivation will always undergo genetic modification from generation to generation, tending to the most perfect form.

However, Latiya in front of me is still vivid enough.

It's a pity that it's not as good as Qiongying...

Feeling the touch in his hands, Sean silently compared the differences between Latiya and Qiongying.

Latiya's face turned red visibly. She twisted her body uncomfortably and asked with some confusion: Can this help me awaken my power?

Sean held a 'ceremony' for her with a calm face: An attempt.

This is ***** behavior. In this hall, you and I are just projections. However, I can briefly affect your body.

Sean directly took credit for the other person's special qualities.

Latiya nodded ignorantly, then showed admiration: Sir, you are so amazing.

Sean said calmly: It's very simple for me - relax your body, immerse yourself in it and feel it all, don't resist.

Latiya's face was already flushed. Obviously, for her, this was something she had never experienced before.

She took a few breaths, with a hint of confusion in her tone: Sir, I don't quite understand all this...

Then feel...pass this feeling back, so maybe you can feel a little bit different.

I understand... Latiya took a deep breath, and then said in admiration, Sir, thank you, you are such a good person.

You're welcome.


At this time, the door of the [Academy] is closed, and the members of the direct lineage are making various preparations.

Several senior officials were originally dissatisfied with Dean Latiya because the news about Brother Tommy was also sent to the [Academy] in time - they believed that they should participate in the siege of the [Golden Ghost].

However, it turned out that Latiya made the right choice.

[Company] and [Twilight Tower] were completely eliminated from Paradise City overnight. The notorious Sean led the villains to directly swallow up the two huge forces.

This makes [College] a little jealous, but more of it makes them happy.

That insidious boy... If it weren't for Dean Latiya's caution, the [Golden Ghost] family would be the only one left in Paradise City...

However, trouble remains.

Everyone knows that after [Golden Ghost] completely absorbs the forces of both parties, [Academy] will be put on the chopping block sooner or later.

Therefore, everyone was very convinced by Dean Latiya's order to close the door and make active preparations.

The senior executives who had been dissatisfied with Latiya were also called to the dean's office to talk alone.

I hope the dean can convince those people... The current [College] really needs a calmer person to completely grasp the overall situation...

Many people have this in mind.

What are you doing?!

In the dean's office, a short exclamation sounded, and then turned into a suppressed roar of pain.

Two senior leaders of the [Academy] were holding down a struggling person, who was the leader of the Mikasa team.

This team leader was once one of the people behind Latiya's apocalypse, and now the back of his neck is covered with a device.

Latiya's face is cold, and her completely symmetrical face reveals a strange sense of coldness.

Take him down.

Latiya was the only one left in the office. She sat in the dean's seat with indifferent eyes.

Unexpectedly, [Golden Ghost] would actually do this... That boy named Sean is really insidious...

Latiya, who was thinking silently, suddenly changed her expression.

She involuntarily tightened her legs.

What's going on... A blush appeared on Latiya's face.

I'm thinking about changing the title, cover, and introduction... Do you have any suggestions?

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