I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 140 The Third Saint Latiya (two chapters in one)

Chapter 140 The Third Saint—Latiya (two chapters in one)

In the hall of thinking, Sean was looking at the small statue of himself.

Even though they are small, they are very cute...but why do they look like this after the animal nature is separated...

Noah didn't know the principle, so Sean had to slowly study it by himself.

However, after a while, nothing new was gained. The dizziness caused by being instantly killed by the Crazy Beast's projection was relieved a lot.

Noah gave a new reminder: Three Saints, the energy preparation is complete. Do you want to summon the next saint?

Are you ready?


Sean sat down in his seat, then nodded: Summon.

The Hall of Thought once again emitted a faint white light to welcome the arrival of the next saint.

When the other party walked into the hall, the corner of Sean's eyes, which was blurred, twitched.

Is this hall of thought of yours serious or not?

The last time Bai Ye came here, he was wearing nothing. This time, the new saint who came here turned out to be a woman wearing nothing.

Could it be said that everyone is in this state when they enter the thinking hall for the first time? Want to see this place in its most original appearance?

But I was wearing clothes when I came in, which clearly reflected my state at that time...

The third saint slowly approached, but she didn't look as ashamed or panicked as Bai Ye.

To be precise, she looked so confused that she didn't even realize she wasn't wearing any clothes.

He looks to be in his early twenties, with black hair... a standard figure, even a little too standard... However, I don't remember that there is such a woman in the character design... Could it be a character who appeared after the world was automatically completed?

Under the cover of the blurred white light, Sean looked at the beautiful woman unscrupulously.

When the other party noticed him and subconsciously came closer, Sean's pupils suddenly contracted violently.

The person in front of me...is Latiya? !

She no longer had symmetrical black hair on both sides, and her black hair fell softly to her shoulders, and she no longer had the aloof aura of looking at people through her nostrils - because it was so different from Latiya in reality, Sean immediately thought Not recognized.

However, after seeing the other person's face clearly, Sean recognized the other person immediately.

It's Latiya, this face must be Latiya!

Wait...why does Latiya have a slate?

Sean was so surprised that even his body movements changed unconsciously.

However, in the eyes of Latiya who came over, he was just a mysterious white figure.

Hello, sir? Excuse me...where is here? She spoke softly.

She looked a little naive and ignorant, even a little dull, making it impossible for people to connect with the dean of the [College].

Sean, who was ready to fool him, became more and more confused. Doesn't this feel like Latiya?

Latiya was a product of artificial breeding and was ten years old when she was born. She has no parents, elders, or playmates to grow up with.

The knowledge of the [Academy], fighting methods, etc., entered Latiya's mind in a cram-like manner, which also caused the dean's emotional obstacles and character flaws.

But after all, he is a high-ranking and powerful being, and he will not lack the most basic knowledge.

However, the Latiya in front of me looked like an unexperienced little girl...

Latiya's face itself has a strange sense of harmony. Depending on the state of the other person, sometimes she looks like a beautiful woman in her thirties, sometimes she looks like someone in her early twenties. girl.

And this one... looks more and more young and innocent, and his sense of ignorance can inspire people's desire for protection.

However, this defenseless naked appearance always makes people have some evil reveries.

Are you trying to test me after deliberately pretending?

Sean, who was somewhat unclear about the other party's details, became more cautious.

Of course, there are still some necessary steps.

伱, I was chosen.

Am I chosen? Latiya tilted her head, showing a puzzled look.

With a smile on his face, Sean played the role of a mysterious strong man perfectly.

Didn't you notice anything was wrong before this? He said with a chuckle.

Latiya showed a thoughtful expression, and then shook her head in confusion: No...ah——

She suddenly let out a small exclamation, but it didn't sound urgent.

I have no clothes... Sir, can you give me some clothes? Thank you.

She seemed to have just realized that she was still naked.

However, she was completely different from the extremely shameful princess. She only realized that she was not wearing any clothes, but she didn't feel any embarrassment. Even though she was so close to Sean, she made no move to cover her.

It seemed that, for her, it was simply an understanding of the concept that humans should keep their clothes on when facing strangers.

She seems to have no sense of shame as a human being.

This person is completely different from Latiya...

I haven't heard that Latiya has a sister? A spare body left over from artificial breeding?

Sean chuckled and said, Concentrate and use your memory to outline it.

Latiya blinked, she closed her eyes in confusion, and then clenched her fists.

After some attempts, she was still naked...

She opened her eyes sheepishly, and even raised her hand to poke herself with a finger.

The swaying beauty was presented unreservedly before Sean's eyes.

Latiya's voice sounded weak: I'm sorry, sir... I don't seem to be able to do the method you taught me.

Sean became more and more confused. Even if he had to change his appearance to test this unknown hall and this unknown person like me, this method would be too stupid.

It was hard for him to imagine that the aloof Dean Latiya would be willing to talk openly to strangers in such a discreet state. Her arrogance would not allow such a thing to happen.

There is indeed something fishy here...

After thinking about it, Sean smiled and said: Then don't force yourself. This is the origin of [the world]. There is nothing wrong with this.

Latiya showed an expression of sudden realization, and she seemed to believe it...

Without the slightest bit of shame or confusion, she even found the nearest stool and sat down in a familiar manner.

Behind the back of the chair, a character Qi appeared.

Saint Qi... Sean looked weird.

Latiya looked around curiously, and then asked confusedly: Then where is this place? I don't think I have heard of the origin of the world.

This doesn’t look very intelligent...

Noah's voice sounded in Sean's mind: Lord Saint Three, the new Lord Saint Seven seems to have a very serious emotional disorder and lack of personality.

Lack of personality...

Sean spoke calmly: The origin is the origin, you just need to understand this concept. As the chosen one, you can introduce yourself to everyone.

Latiya looked around and looked confused: Others? I only saw you, sir.

Immediately, she showed an indifferent look, stood up from the chair, stood on one side, and bowed generously.

Shaking so hard...

Under Sean's appreciative gaze, Latiya's voice was clear: Hello, my name is Latiya. I come from Paradise City. The place where I was born is called [Academy]. I don't know how old I am this year.

Sean's temples twitched, and he was now certain that the other party was definitely not the Latiya he knew.

But the other person’s self-introduction was also from [College]...

Sean nodded, indicating that he understood, and then said calmly: We are an organization. You need to tell more about yourself so that the organization can trust you.

Latiya blinked: Do you want me to join here?

Don't you have this idea? Sean asked with a smile.

Latiya said with some embarrassment: Sir, thank you for your kindness, but I have already joined the [Academy] and cannot join other organizations. This is disloyal to the [Academy].

No, this is not a conflict. Sean said with a smile, We don't need you to betray your organization, just think of this as...hehe, just think of it as a place where you can make friends.

Make friends? Latiya didn't seem to quite understand the meaning of this word. She raised her head and thought about it for a moment, then said, I don't quite understand these things... But, sir, can you inform me [ Academy], let them rescue me?

Inform [College] to rescue her? She's not in [Academy]?

Sean said calmly: Of course you can if you pay the due price - but what kind of predicament are you in now?

Latiya described it.

In her mouth, she was in a place with a faint white light all around, but she couldn't get out and had difficulty opening her eyes. She could only rely on her own senses - she thought she was trapped somewhere else.

Sean, on the other hand, had some weird ideas.

Listen to her words... Is this Shen sleeping in the healing warehouse?

The Latiya in front of me is sleeping in a certain warehouse... No wonder, no wonder she is without clothes...

Sean said thoughtfully: Can you think of anything else? I need to evaluate the difficulty of rescuing you -

Latiya immediately believed it.

She was still hesitant to betray the [Academy] just now, so she told everything she knew.

Then, Sean's expression became even weirder.

He knew everything the other person said...

That is the development history of [College], various charters, development concepts, etc.

At the same time, Sean also noticed that some of the regulations have been abandoned and new regulations have been adopted.

In other words, the Latiya in front of her is ‘outdated’.

From this point of view, it is very likely that she is another artificially cultivated Latiya to serve as a backup function.

However, what Sean doesn't understand is that if the other party is a backup existence, then my consciousness should not be generated. Otherwise, when the subject wants to activate it, serious consequences will occur due to the conflict between the two consciousnesses. .

Another point is that if the other party has been staying in the artificially cultivated breeding barn, she cannot get the stone slab.


How did you get to where you are now?

have no idea.

Have you ever seen anything like a stone slab?

Maybe not.

Have you seen anyone else besides me?

This time, Latiya finally nodded.

She said thoughtfully, I've met dozens of people, oh, that doesn't seem right - I've heard dozens of voices!

There were dozens of voices... Sean asked calmly: Those voices all said the same thing at the same time, right?

Latiya nodded immediately: Yes, how do you know?

Sean added: When dozens of people were talking at the same time, did you open your eyes and see a white coffin?

Yes! Latiya suddenly showed an expression of admiration, You are so awesome, you even know this - then can you help me inform the [Academy] and ask them to rescue me?

Sean didn't answer for the time being, he just looked weird.

He can now confirm that the other party is indeed in the cultivation warehouse and is within the [Academy].

This seems to be not only a problem of personality loss, but also a lot of errors in her memory, perception, etc.

Is she an experimental subject?

Seeing that Sean didn't speak, Latiya tilted her head in confusion: Sir?

Sean then said calmly: It's not difficult to help you, but you just heard that you need to pay a sufficient price for your request - Haha, little girl, I don't see what you can give me of value. .”

Latiya finally showed a troubled expression.

She said weakly: I really don't seem to have anything of value...wait for me a moment...

Latiya stretched out her hand, with an expression of exertion on her face. She stood naked on the spot, but made a movement of being squeezed and turning, which looked a bit funny.

But Sean's eyes showed surprise.

Is she contacting her own body?

When the thought projection enters the hall, its body in reality will not appear in any other condition. If an outsider looks over, it will be that the body is silent and motionless with its eyes closed.

But this action of Latiya looked like a person squeezed in a breeding warehouse and groping for things around him with his backhand.

Noah, can she contact the real body?

Noah's voice came: Ms. Saint Qi is a bit special. It seems that because she has been sleeping all year round, her subconscious can control her body to a certain extent. Moreover, although she has emotional disorders and her personality is not sound enough, this Instead, it makes her pure.”

There is an extremely close connection between her body and her etheric body. There are related records in the database, but they are very rare. Based on the data, I am willing to use the word 'blessing in disguise' to describe the other party.

Sean's eyebrows twitched, what kind of freak is this...

Finally, Latiya found something, and then pushed it out hard.

Of course, there is an empty space in the hall of thinking.

She blinked and then wondered: Why can't you take it out? That's the only valuable thing around me.

You can talk about it. Sean smiled.

Latiya blinked: Well, it's another person.

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