Rab just mentioned that there are two ways to lure out Rajaksh, so Lin Yuan asked:

"You just said there is another way, what is it?"

Rabu knew that Lin Yuan was determined to find the Tiger King, so he replied:

"At the westernmost part of the Beast Forest, near the sea, there is a bay where there is a fish called red-scale salmon.

If you can catch enough red-scale salmon, there is a great hope that you can lure out Lagakesh."

Hearing Lab's answer,

Lin Yuan nodded,

"Got it."

After that, he prepared to go to the west of the Beast Forest to catch fish.

Before leaving,

Lab reminded him:

"There is a group of sea giants where the red-scaled salmon live. You have to be careful. Even the tiger king Rajaksh doesn't want to provoke them.

Seeing Lab's seriousness,

Lin Yuan said"hmm" and disappeared.

Five minutes later,

Lin Yuan arrived at the bay that Lab mentioned.

"The scenery is nice."

Lin Yuan sighed.

He was standing on a towering hillside at this time.

Looking down from the height, flocks of birds were foraging on the crystal clear sea.

If one uses one sentence to describe the scenery here, it would be that seagulls are flying, fish are swimming, and the shore is covered with lush green grass.

The sun shines down, and the entire sea surface is glowing with golden light.

It is extremely beautiful.

Coming here,

Lin Yuan's mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

This is really a good place to fish.

Near the sea,

Lin Yuan suddenly heard a splash.

A huge crab moved its feet in the water.

It turned out that Lin Yuan's shadow blocked it from basking in the sun.

Lin Yuan turned his head to look at the crab, and the crab also stared at Lin Yuan with its two big eyes.

The two of them stared at each other.


Lin Yuan saw a human-like look of contempt in the crab's eyes, and it spit bubbles at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan was stunned and thought: Am I despised by crab roe rice?

Click on the properties of the crab,

【[Golden Iron Claw Crab] (Elite) lv35

HP: 980000

Attack Power: 120000

Iron Claw: Causes 120% damage and imprisons the target for 3 seconds.

Golden Shell: Reduces magic damage by 25%.

Lin Yuan was shocked.

It turned out to be an elite crab.

Lin Yuan was about to leave, but when he saw the Golden Iron Claw Crab blowing bubbles in the water and being leisurely, he suddenly felt unhappy.

He went down to absolute zero.


Several of them froze to death.

Lin Yuan threw the frozen crabs into the package.

Not to mention, the crabs' relaxed expression was still clearly visible.

And Lin Yuan also discovered that the skill of absolute zero has a very important use.

That is the freshness-locking function.

Don't get me wrong,

Lin Yuan didn't want to try dishes like steamed crab claws, crab roe rice, and spicy fried crab legs.

He just couldn't stand the crabs' arrogant expressions.

After walking a little further and entering the middle of the bay,

Lin Yuan finally found traces of red-scaled salmon.

【Red-scaled salmon] lv40

HP: 250,000

Attack power: 10,000

Delicious food: After eating, it can increase all attributes by 5 points (limited to 5 times), and it will emit an attractive aroma after cooking

"It's you!

" Lin Yuan was overjoyed when he found the target.

This fish can increase all attributes after eating.

This is a pleasant surprise.

In the following time, Lin Yuan started fishing.

He first used a fishing rod to fish.

As a result, these red salmon were very cunning and only ate the bait without biting the hook.

Then Lin Yuan threw away the fishing rod and used the Spear of the Earth to stab the fish.

The effect was minimal.

After seeing Lin Yuan, these fish immediately dived into the deep water.

In half an hour, he caught a total of 3 fish.

"I really don't believe that I can't catch you!"

Lin Yuan confirmed one thing, there were no red-scaled salmon on the entire sea.

These fish have dived into the seabed.

When Lin Yuan left, they would emerge.

Lin Yuan decided to make a ruthless move.

What are you catching?

Why waste your energy?

Look, I will blow you up to the sky.

Lin Yuan came to the mid-air and used the secret effect.

It took 20 seconds to prepare to cast a meteor shower.

Hundreds of flaming meteors as big as hills appeared in the sky.

Lin Yuan waved his hand, and hundreds of flaming meteors hit the sea.

Puff! Puff!

The meteors fell into the water with a puffing sound, and then the entire sea surface kept shaking.

After a while, countless corpses floated on the entire sea surface.

Next, it was time for a good harvest.

Lin Yuan picked up all the red-scaled salmon.

Lin Yuan picked and chose other things. The crab legs of this golden iron-claw crab fell off, so he didn't want it.

This equipment is really rubbish, he didn't want it.

This shell is good.

It took about ten minutes to pick.

All the red-scaled salmon were collected.

Lin Yuan counted them and there were 486 in total.

From now on, please call me Lin-Fishing Master-Yuan!

If these fish are sold, they will definitely sell for a high price.

Lin Yuan was just feeling happy when suddenly a stone the size of a car hit him.



After causing 185000 damage, there is also a knockback effect.

Smashed Lin Yuan into the sea.

But the next second,

Lin Yuan spread his devil wings, flew out of the sea, and hovered in the air.

Being smashed into the sea for no reason,

Lin Yuan was furious and looked around, trying to find the one who did it.

At a glance.

Lin Yuan found that 50 meters to the right, there were two 8-meter-tall sea giants glaring at him.

One of the sea giants was holding a car-sized stone in both hands and was about to attack him.

【Sea Giant (Hero) lv40

HP: 4000000

Attack Power: 280000

Armor: 80000

Magic Resistance: 50000

Giant Strength (Expertise): Increases Strength by 200%, and attacks will produce a knockback effect.

Siren Shell: Reduces magic damage received by 60%.

Giant Wave: Summons a wave to attack the enemy, causing 50,000 magic damage and reducing the enemy's movement speed by 50%.

The two sea giants are the guardians of this bay, and the red-scaled salmon are raised by the sea giants.

The two sea giants were a little hungry just now and planned to find something to eat.

Thinking that no one usually comes back here, they went to the deep sea to catch a few sharks together.

Not long after they finished eating, as soon as they returned to the bay, well!

The sea was littered with corpses.

Only Lin Yuan was happily searching for something.

The two sea giants were immediately angry, picked up stones, and threw them at Lin Yuan.

They thought they could kill this despicable thief, but who knew that Lin Yuan was still alive.

The two sea giants became even more angry

"Damn humans, they stole all the red-scale salmon, go to hell!"

The sea giants spent a lot of energy to breed so many red-scale salmon.

These red-scale salmon are very important.

They are the tribute that the sea giant leader prepared to offer to the Naga Queen.

In the end, all of them became wedding clothes for Lin Yuan.

One of the sea giants took out a horn and put it to his mouth.

""Woo woo woo!"

After the horn sounded, the two sea giants attacked again.

"Do you really think I'm made of mud?"

Before, Lin Yuan was not paying attention and was ambushed.

Now Lin Yuan is prepared, so he will not be hit so easily.

He used dimensional walking continuously, leaving many phantoms around.

Then Lin Yuan released the mirror technique.

For a moment, dozens of Lin Yuan's figures appeared in front of the sea giant.

This confused the sea giant.

Although their heads are huge, their

IQ does not increase according to their body size.

For a moment, they didn't know which target to attack.

However, the sea giant is born to drive the waves.

The two of them worked together to create waves more than ten meters high and hit Lin Yuan.

Seven or eight phantoms were extinguished at once.

Only Lin Yuan's body and three mirror clones were left.

However, Lin Yuan's goal has been achieved.

The counterattack began.

The skills he added to the three mirror techniques are all absolute zero.

The control effect is maximized.

The three mirrors took turns using absolute zero to form a control chain



Sea Giants have extremely high magic resistance, and they also have a perverted defensive skill like Siren Shell.

The damage caused by the mirror image is very low.

However, the control effect is still there.

The two Sea Giants can no longer perform any actions.

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