After the mirror image controlled the sea giant,

Lin Yuan began to cast a spell.

He first threw out the annihilation black hole.

Then he followed it up with the meteor shower.



Sea Giants have high magic resistance, and they also have a Siren Shell to reduce damage.

Lin Yuan's skills can only cause about 200,000 damage to them at most.

In order to increase the output,

Lin Yuan cleared the blue bar when he used the War Wind.


This time, the damage caused was very considerable, and it was able to knock down one million HP of the sea giant.

And Lin Yuan didn't have to worry about the mana problem, the Supreme Energy could restore 50% of the mana per second.

Long-lasting and durable.

That's what he said.

Every time Lin Yuan released a skill, he would leave 100,000 mana in case of emergency.

The remaining mana was all invested in skill output.



7 seconds later.

The two sea giants were killed by Lin Yuan.

Their bodies fell to the ground with a thud.

【Kill the sea giant, experience points increased by 220000] * 2

【Gluttony effect is triggered, all attributes increase by 20]*2

After killing the sea giant,

Lin Yuan received two prompts

"The experience value of a level 40 hero monster is really high!"

One hero monster is equivalent to 20 elites.

And it also triggered the gluttony effect.

Lin Yuan remembered that this was the first time he triggered it after getting the Heart of Gluttony.

Is the probability so low?

Or is this effect only effective for high-level creatures?

I can experiment with the Tiger King Galaksh later.

When he came to the sea giant,

Lin Yuan touched the corpse.

Two pieces of equipment and some strange items

【Water Elemental Essence] (Platinum)

Function: Increases the water elemental damage of the weapon

【Heart of the Sea Giant] (Special)

Function: Forging Material

【Murloc Horn - Accessory] (Gold) lv25

Attributes: HP +1200, Constitution +80, Agility +50

Come to me: Summons 20 bluegill murlocs to help in the battle, lasts for 30 minutes, cooldown time 30 seconds

【[Clam Shell Shield] (Platinum) lv30

Attributes: Armor +8000, Constitution +200, Strength +150

Hard Shell: Armor +5000

Smooth Surface: Ranged Attack Hit Rate Reduced by 25%.

Two Sea Giant Hearts,

One Water Elemental Spirit,

Two Unusable Equipment.

It's not like they are all useless.

The Murloc Horn might be useful, but bullshit!

Murlocs are at the bottom of the food chain.

Summoning 20 Murlocs is useless. They are not even worthy of being cannon fodder.

"Well, Alunes has reacted!"

Lin Yuan was about to put the water elemental spirit into the package when

Alunes expressed the emotion he wanted to express to Lin Yuan.

"You want it?"

Take out the staff and stick the water elemental essence on it.

In less than a second, the water elemental essence was absorbed by the staff.

Lin Yuan noticed that ten cracks on the staff disappeared.

Compared with the tens of thousands of cracks before, it was insignificant.

But the result was good.

Lin Yuan at least knew that the elemental essence was useful to Aluneth.

"Elemental monsters will also be included in the killing list in the future."

I sorted out the package.

I found more than 400 red-scaled salmon, dozens of golden crabs, and some miscellaneous equipment and materials.

This trip was not in vain.

I don't know if I will have the opportunity to come here again. After looking around and making sure that there was nothing missing,

Lin Yuan prepared to leave.

Suddenly, there was a shocking sound of waves a thousand meters away.

Lin Yuan turned his head and saw a wave hundreds of meters high coming towards him.

The waves were surging and fierce.

Facing the towering waves,

Lin Yuan was like a small boat in the sea.


Lin Yuan's first thought was to put on a layer of energy shield for himself.

-0 immunity.

Lin Yuan's guess was correct, this wave was indeed man-made.

It was wise to put up an energy shield.

After the wave passed, a terrifying figure came over from a thousand meters away.

This figure was 50 meters tall.

With one step, the sea surface shook violently.

Just walking in the sea could set off huge waves.

【[Wavewalker - Modri] (Sea Giant Leader - Legend) lv70

HP: 360,000,000

Mana: 800,000

Attack Power: 4,500,000

Armor: 600,000

Magic Resistance: 900,000

Wavewalker: Raises a huge wave, causing 3,000,000 damage, doubled in the sea.

Giant Anchor: Throw out a flying anchor to attack, ignoring defense, causing 300% attack damage and knocking the target away.

Siren Shell: Immune to control effects, reducing magic damage received by 80%.

Destruction (Expertise): Trample the ground, stun enemies within 50 meters, and cause 1000% attack damage.

Seeing the sea giant leader running towards him,

Lin Yuan's eyes almost popped out,

""Fuck, what the hell!"

They started fighting again.

What did I do to you ?

You want me to die so badly.

The two sea giants just now were the same.

They greeted each other with stones when they met.

Are all sea giants so irritable?

I just fried some fish here.

Is it necessary to do this? What

Lin Yuan didn't know was that the red-scale salmon he killed were carefully cultivated by the sea giants and prepared to be tributed to the Queen of Naga.

Originally, Modly planned to use these red-scale salmon to get rewards from the Queen of Naga this year.

To obtain the holy weapon of the sea giants.

As a result, the sea giant in charge of guarding told Modly that all the red-scale salmon were stolen!

This made Modly very upset. Modri was furious.

He rushed here as soon as possible, but was still a step too late.

That damn thief not only stole the red-scaled salmon, but also killed two of his men.


A thousand meters away,

Modri attacked angrily, but to his surprise, the huge waves he created did not cause any damage.

Although Modri was a little surprised, he did not stop and ran towards Lin Yuan.

When he was still 800 meters away from Lin Yuan,

Modri raised his hand, locked onto Lin Yuan, and released a powerful anchor attack.

Two anchors as big as buses rotated and flew towards Lin Yuan.

The swish sound of breaking through the air gave Lin Yuan goose bumps.

"Can't dodge."

Lin Yuan used Dimensional Walking to avoid it.

But it was useless.

The anchor was still flying towards Lin Yuan.

This was a locking skill.

Can't dodge!

Then he could only take a gamble.

When the anchor approached,

Lin Yuan released Absolute Zero on himself.

A piece of ice emitting cold air appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

The life value of the ice was 5 million.

But this did not stop the anchor for even a second.

-5000000 ice blocks collapsed at the touch.

The anchor came in front of him, and

Lin Yuan used the dimensional walking in time.

The 0.5 second invincibility effect flashed across his body.


He avoided the attack of the anchor.

Lin Yuan, who had dodged to a distance, breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really dancing on the edge of a knife just now. If he was a second slower, he would be killed instantly.

Modri saw that his attack missed, and his face darkened.

With a wave of his hand, the anchor flew back in the direction of Modri.


Lin Yuan was between the two.

Hearing the sound of breaking through the air behind him.

Lin Yuan only had time to release another absolute zero.


-10760000 ice cubes shattered.

Lin Yuan also suffered over 10 million in damage.

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