[Kill Swift Flamingo, experience +11000]

An elite monster increases about 10,000 experience points.

I have killed more than 100 monsters before. If I kill more than 30 Swift Flamingos,

Lin Yuan can reach level 24.

After 15 minutes,

Lin Yuan has killed 50 monsters.

The level has also risen to 24.

【You reach level 24 and gain 2000 skill points】

【You have completed the top trial 1, please return to the hunting camp as soon as possible.

After completing the task,

Lin Yuan opened the map and used the dimensional walk to return to the hunting camp.

Lin Yuan saw Gwari and greeted him.

"I have completed the task."

Gwari was holding a thigh of an unknown animal in his hand and was about to put it on the fire to roast.

When he heard Lin Yuan's words, he was stunned for a moment.

"So fast!"

It's been less than an hour since Lin Yuan received the mission.

He killed 150 level 30 elite monsters in such a short time?

You must be kidding.

Lin Yuan walked to Gwari and handed in the mission.

【Complete top hunting 1, reward experience value 200000. 】

Gevri saw that

Lin Yuan's first task was completed, which was naturally true.

"You are very good."

In all these years,

Lin Yuan was the first professional who completed the first step of the task in less than an hour.

The fastest person before him took a full six hours.

That person pursued the way of the beast herd and was called the Beast King by many people.

"You are much faster than Sacre, you are worthy of being the one who killed the demon."

After praising him,

Gwari said:

"The warm-up is over, and the hunt has just begun. Your next target will be very dangerous. Are you confident?"

Lin Yuan did not comment, and sat next to Gwari.

After thinking for a while, he took out the roasted kidneys that Zhang Fan had left for him, and replied while eating them ,

"What is the highest level of the target? Is there anyone above level 60?"

Gevri shook his head when he heard this.

"No, the highest level is no more than 50"

"That's no problem."

Lin Yuan answered without thinking.

After finishing a bunch of roasted kidneys,

Lin Yuan felt a little warm in his stomach.

He glanced at Gwari, and with an idea in his mind, he took out a few skewers of roasted kidneys and handed them to him.

""Would you like some?"

Gwari took the food handed to him by Lin Yuan and smelled it.

It had a fragrant grass scent and he had the urge to taste it.

He put it in his mouth and took a bite.

Gwari's eyes lit up.

【Ace Hunter Gwari's favorability +15, current favorability 20.

Gwari seemed to be in a good mood, and ate the whole string of roasted kidneys in a few bites.

After eating, he still felt unsatisfied.

Hesitantly asked:

"What is this thing, so magical?"

Lin Yuan replied:

"This is a roasted kidney, but it is not an ordinary roasted kidney. It is made with fairy spices and has magical effects."

Gwari nodded.

He has already felt the magical effect.

As a hunter, it is very important to increase the strength of the waist, which can make you stand more steadily, shoot farther, and last longer.

After a while,

Gwari asked a little embarrassedly,

"Is there any more of this? I have a good friend and I want him to try it too."


Hearing what Gwari said,

Lin Yuan looked at him askance.

That friend can't be you!

Making friends out of nothing?

But after thinking about it, Lin Yuan took out the food bag and generously gave Gwari 50 skewers.

"Your friends are my friends. If you don't have enough, ask me for more. You're welcome."

【Ace Hunter Gwari's Favorability +20, Current Favorability 40. 】

Lin Yuan:...

Your friend is indeed you.

Otherwise, there is no way to prove your sudden increase in favorability.

The two chatted for a few more sentences.

Perhaps because the dwarf felt that Lin Yuan was very speculative, he said a lot.

Lin Yuan knew that Gwari's homeland no longer existed.

It was destroyed by the army of the Jealous Demon God.

It has now become part of the Purgatory Plane.

As he spoke, the dwarf's tone was a little lonely.

He picked up the wine glass next to him and took a big sip.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan comforted him:

"Don't lose heart, brother. I think one day you will make a wine glass out of Leviathan's head."

"Hahaha, I also think it will be like this. I have suffered losses fighting alone before. Once I was ambushed by Leviathan and almost died."

The dwarf seemed to have opened his mouth.

"Since then, I have known a truth."

Lin Yuan asked appropriately:"What truth?"

"A fight needs more people!" The dwarf burped.

"Don't worry about the code of conduct. When you meet someone, call your friends. The majority bullies the minority. Use whatever means are cheap and whatever means are useful. No matter what means are used, as long as they can kill the opponent, they are good means."

Lin Yuan:...

There is nothing wrong with what you said. It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

The dwarf felt that Lin Yuan was very congenial and threw out a mithril badge from his bag.

"This is the badge of the Mithril Brotherhood. I am one of the founders. Do you want to join?"

After hearing what the dwarf said,

Lin Yuan carefully examined the badge in his hand.

It was slightly cool to the touch.

The material was a metal that Lin Yuan had never seen before.

The pattern on it was a huge hammer.

The badge also had attributes.

【Mithril Brotherhood Badge] (Dark Gold)

Attributes: Fire Resistance +2, Constitution +200

(Note: This is the symbol of the Mithril Brotherhood.)

Lin Yuan played with the badge and asked the dwarf:

"What kind of organization is the Mithril Brotherhood?"

The dwarf saw that Lin Yuan did not choose to join immediately, and a trace of admiration flashed in his eyes.

"The original intention of the Mithril Brotherhood was to forge the dwarven supreme artifact, Thor's Hammer. Most of them are forgers."

"But after my world was destroyed, I was the only one left alive. Although I know how to forge, I can't create a divine weapon by myself."

"Later, I met many friends and invited them to join the Mithril Brotherhood for two purposes. One was to find partners to fight against Purgatory together, and the other was to go on adventures."

"If you join, there will be a total of 8 people including you.

After the dwarf told Lin Yuan about the Mithril Brotherhood,

Lin Yuan was a little confused.


Do you think you are a child?

Founding an organization just to go on adventures?

The dwarf seemed to understand what Lin Yuan was thinking and said:

"We dwarves are born adventurous. The reason why my hometown was invaded by Purgatory was because an adventurer named Columba discovered the profession of Demon Warlock during archaeological excavation."

"Columba was curious about what a demon was and planned to try this profession himself. Later, Columba was bewitched by the demon and secretly built a demon portal, which eventually led to the destruction of our homeland by the demon."

Gwari seemed to want to use this story to prove that the dwarves love adventure by nature.

Lin Yuan looked at Gwari speechlessly.

Is the organization founded by this guy reliable?

After thinking about it,

Lin Yuan decided to join.

【You have joined the Mithril Brotherhood.

Why did Lin Yuan join?

Because after Gwari's reputation reached 40,

Lin Yuan could already see his level.

【Ace Hunter Gwari】(Legend) lv86

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