The light flashed, and

Lin Yuan's figure was still there, but at this moment, Lin Yuan's face was gloomy and full of murderous intent.

Hunter, who was laughing, was like a duck with its throat choked, and his voice stopped abruptly.

" come you didn't die!"

Hunter couldn't believe it.

All the 500,000 damage hit him, but he didn't die in one second?

Did he have a life-saving scroll like me?

Yes, the opponent dared to run here at level 23, he must have relied on the life-saving things on him.

Bah, a waste who only relies on others!

Hunter looked down on Lin Yuan from the bottom of his heart.

Little did he know that he could live until now, didn't he rely on the scroll given to him by his father.

Otherwise, he would have been killed by Ina long ago.

After thinking it through,

Hunter prepared to leave.

Before leaving,

Hunter was still making harsh remarks,

"Zhongzhou people, you are lucky to have a life-saving scroll. I don't believe you will have such good luck in the future."

"Pray that you don't meet me next time, or I will kill you."

After saying that, Hunt gave Ina a middle finger and prepared to return to the hunting camp.

After hearing this, Lin Yuan

's gloomy face suddenly calmed down.

This was a sign of complete anger.

"Want to leave? Have you asked me?"

The tone of the words was filled with cold murderous intent.

Ina, who had been staring at Lin Yuan, had her eyebrows twitching wildly.

"Such a strong murderous aura."

As a wilderness hunter,

Ina's senses were very sharp and she could sense the strong murderous aura on Lin Yuan.

However, Hunter's shield was still in effect and her attacks could not cause much damage.

What could a level 23 mage do?

Could it be that he still had a one-time damage scroll in his hand?

Hunter obviously had the same idea.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, he replied arrogantly:

"I'm standing here, what can you do to me? Do you have any harmful scrolls in your hand?"

Lin Yuan shook his head.

"I really don't have the scroll."

Hearing Lin Yuan admit that he didn't have the scroll,

Hunt became even more proud.

Before Hunt could say anything else,

Lin Yuan raised his hand and said lightly,

"I don't need any scrolls to deal with you."

After Lin Yuan finished speaking,

Hunt was stunned.

No scrolls needed, what does that mean?

Then, the magic light in Lin Yuan's hand lit up, black, red, green, and blue, a total of four lights.

Representing the annihilation of black holes, meteor showers, absolute zero, and war gale.

Four skills were thrown out.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color.

Ina's little mouth opened wide, enough to swallow 18 cm of red sausage.

"Oh my god, is the end of the world coming?"

In Ina's eyes, there appeared a black hole that devoured life, a raging wind, ice that froze everything, and a blazing flaming meteor.

To describe it in one word, it was the destruction of heaven and earth.

Any damage to Hunt would be enough to kill him instantly, let alone four




In the first second,

Hunter's shield was broken.

In the second second,

Hunter's health bar was emptied.

After death, his body was sucked into the annihilation black hole and turned into dregs.

Nothing was left.

As soon as Hunter died, the Avenger status on Ina's attribute bar disappeared.

【Successfully complete a revenge, attack power +130】

Although this skill is strange, the effect is beyond words.

After the revenge is successful,

Ina will be rewarded according to her performance.

In this revenge mission,

Ina killed the other three people independently, but the most important one, Hunt, was not killed by her.

The mission completion rate is 60%.

Increased attack power by 130.

If it is 100% completed,

Ina will receive an additional reward, at least 300 points of attack power increase.

After Ina received the reward, there was another negative status on the attribute column that she was very reluctant to see.

【[Repay a Favor]: Someone has provided you with help, but it has not been repaid. Damage caused is reduced by 50%.

On the one hand, Ina is happy about Hunt's death, but on the other hand, she is worried about how to repay Lin Yuan's help.

Hunt's death has reduced a hidden danger for Ina.

At least she doesn't have to face Hunt's father's pursuit directly.

As for how to explain Hunt's death here after she gets out, she will figure it out when the time comes.

After the terrifying skill ended,

Ina came over,

"Thank you very much for your help!"

Before coming,

Ina had been thinking about how to thank him.

After carefully searching her backpack, she found only 300 gold coins. The reason why there were so few left was because she had spent all the money on equipment some time ago.

After searching, she found that there was nothing valuable.

Ina was worried.

She couldn't give herself to him.

After thanking him,

Ina looked up.

Seeing Lin Yuan looking at her intently, she was stunned for a moment.

Following Lin Yuan's gaze,

Ina found that Lin Yuan was staring at her chest, his eyes were generous and unconcealed.

Ina looked down and her face flushed slightly.

The battle was a bit intense just now.

Unknowingly, two buttons of the leather armor on her chest broke off, and the flesh was plump.

It was very beautiful.

Ina had met many men before, but those men were all looking at her secretly.

How could Lin Yuan stare at people like this?

Not ashamed.

After buttoning up,

Ina looked up again and saw Lin Yuan looking at her seriously,

"You're welcome. I didn't mean to help you. This guy is looking for death."

At this moment, Lin Yuan had a pure face, like a moralist.

Ina was speechless.

You looked so excited just now, but you changed your appearance as soon as I buttoned my clothes.


Thinking of this,

Ina was shocked.

The other party would not do anything to her.

Although the other party was only a level 23 mage.

But the combat power was amazing.

The devastating skill just now was still echoing in her mind.

It was too scary!

Why not take the initiative and give him some sweetness, so she decided.

Lin Yuan didn't know that Ina was struggling in her heart.

Seeing that Ina was fine, he was ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, before he moved his feet,

Ina suddenly rushed in front of Lin Yuan, and the roundness on her chest hit Lin Yuan's body.

Bringing the ball into someone! Foul!

Such a thought emerged in Lin Yuan's mind.

Unexpectedly, Ina moved her face closer again.

She kissed Lin Yuan's mouth.

"Damn, what's going on?"

But why are there always demons trying to ruin my practice?

I want to be a man who is a god of magic.

If there is no woman in my heart, I can cast magic naturally.

Women, heh, will only affect the speed of my casting.

But if you throw yourself into my arms,

I can't refuse.

Ina kissed Lin Yuan, turned around and left, and found that the negative status on the attribute bar also disappeared.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I silently said: I just want to eliminate the negative status

"This is my first kiss!"

Yina left these words and fled.

After a while,

Lin Yuan replied,

"Who isn't?"

My first kiss that I treasured for eighteen years was taken away just like that.

Damn my charm!

He threw himself into my arms and kissed me after only two meetings.

If we meet again, wouldn't it be...


As the old saying goes, the first time is new, the second time is familiar, the third and fourth time is a warm bed.

Lin Yuan smiled and said,"

Witch, next time we meet, I want you to help me practice!"

Da Me!

What are you thinking about?

It's important to do serious things.

Don't get off track.

After this little episode,

Lin Yuan continued the trial mission and came to the territory of the Swift Flamingo, setting off a new round of killing.

【[Swift Flamingo] (Elite) lv33

HP: 880000

Attack Power: 75000

Swiftness: 30% chance to dodge physical attacks.

Weakness Break: Use the mouth to launch a powerful attack on the target, increasing the critical hit rate by 20% and causing 180% attack damage.

The Swift Flamingo is more than 2 meters tall, and the most eye-catching feature is its fiery red beak, like a sharp sword.

It looks quite creepy.

Of course, these flamingos can't stop Lin Yuan at all.

A war gale went down,

-2300000 left behind a dead bird.

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