After eating a demon essence, Alunes seemed to have changed and began to actively communicate with Lin Yuan. He could still express his emotions, but it was a bit childish.

Lin Yuan could feel the grievance on the staff, as if a child was expressing his dissatisfaction with his old father, which made Lin Yuan laugh.

"Don't underestimate this staff!"

Lin Yuan showed the properties of the staff.

"This staff had once single-handedly repelled the demon army of the lazy demon Belia, but it was later shattered by the demigod and became what it is now."

When Lin Yuan spoke, his eyes were fixed on the staff in his hand. He could see that there were dense cracks on the staff. It was just a little bit away from being completely shattered.

Zhang Fan's eyes widened immediately when he heard it.

"Damn, a one-on-one fight with the devil!"

"Is he so awesome?"

When the others heard Lin Yuan say this, they were also shocked.


We just left the Novice Village, how come you already got the artifact?

Seeing the reaction of Zhang Fan and others, Alunes seemed very proud. He restrained his light, as if to say,"

You ignorant mortals, now you know how powerful Uncle Alunes is."

Feeling that Alunes's mood had improved, Lin Yuan put away his staff.

At this time, the Abyss Portal had appeared beside everyone.

Wang Ping and the others did not dare to move, and looked at Lin Yuan and others with slightly complicated eyes.

It took less than 40 minutes for a team to get through the difficult level of the Barren Swamp.

It's terrible!

In fact, what Wang Ping didn't know was that they spent 40 minutes because Lin Yuan didn't take action most of the time. If Lin Yuan took action directly, it would take as long as it took him to walk from the door to the final BOSS.

Focus on efficiency.

"Let's go."

After this trip to the barren swamp, Lin Yuan gained more than 100,000 experience points.

But now it takes more than 1.5 million experience points to level up, not even one tenth of it.

Lin Yuan was very dissatisfied with this upgrade speed.

The other people in the team obviously thought so too.

After coming out of the abyss, Zhang Fan took the initiative to suggest,

"Ah Yuan, if you had taken action against the abyss just now, it would probably not take even 10 minutes."

Lin Yuan nodded and acquiesced.

With Lin Yuan's strength, ordinary abysses could no longer satisfy him.

But Zhang Fan and the others couldn't.

Like the gluttonous demon god they met before, Zhang Fan and the others died under the effect of the plague field before they could get close to the demon god.

When Lin Yuan was alone, he could escape far away if he couldn't win. He could move forward and backward freely. If he took Zhang Fan and the others with him, he would have to pay attention to their safety.

Zhang Fan and the others were prepared for the separation from Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan is not a loach in the pond, but a real dragon soaring in the sky.

The reason why we brushed the peaceful abyss first today was to show Lin Yuan.

Although our strength is not as good as yours, it is not comparable to that of ordinary professionals.

Zhang Fan stretched out his hand and punched Lin Yuan's chest, and then hugged him again

"I've always kept a place in the team for you. Don't forget us when you become a big shot in the future."

When the other members of the team heard Zhang Fan say this, they all smiled.

"Great Master Lin Yuan, keep up the good work." Wang Xue raised her little fist and waved it at Lin Yuan.

Zong Junru pursed her lips and said,"You are very strong, but I will not stand still. Sooner or later, I will catch up with you."

Xu Shan scratched his head, chuckled, and said nothing.

Lin Yuan suddenly felt a little sad, but he didn't know why.

Maybe this is the price of growing up?

When a person has fewer and fewer friends around him, does he become stronger?

Lin Yuan didn't know, but he was sure of one thing, that is, he would become very strong in the future.

The kind that can protect everyone.

Before leaving, Zhang Fan mysteriously took out a bag and stuffed it into Lin Yuan's hand.

"Tell me when you're done eating, it's all you can eat!"

After Zhang Fan left, Lin Yuan opened the bag and took a look.


A full hundred skewers of grilled kidneys.

Are you going to kill me?

Putting away the bag, Lin Yuan walked towards the abyss of the mission area.

The mission-type abyss is only chosen by those professionals who are brave, adventurous by nature and confident in their own strength.

Everything here is full of uncertainty.

It is possible to appear in a very pitfall environment, such as the caveman mine in the underground world.

There was once a level 30 professional who was teleported to the caveman mine.

It was dark inside, and the professional dug for 30 days before completing the main task and successfully teleporting back.

After the professional came back, he hated earthworms from then on.

Kill one when you see one, and people gave him the nickname of earthworm killer.

Of course, there are also lucky people who accidentally discovered hidden tasks while doing tasks and successfully changed their jobs to hidden professions.

The unknown is the most attractive part of the mission copy for professionals.

Lin Yuan has an adventurous spirit in his bones and likes to challenge the unknown.

After choosing, Lin Yuan walked into the portal and entered the abyss.

【You have arrived at the Beast Forest.】

After the teleportation was over, Lin Yuan appeared in a dense jungle.

Opening the task panel, Lin Yuan saw his main task.

【[Find the hunting camp]

According to the location shown on the map, the destination is 2 kilometers away from Lin Yuan.

So Lin Yuan summoned the Spear of the Earth and flew towards the destination.

Along the way, Lin Yuan saw many beasts in the jungle.

When these beasts saw Lin Yuan in the air, they could only stare at him helplessly and roar helplessly on the ground.

When approaching the camp, Lin Yuan suddenly heard a gunshot.


A bullet hit Lin Yuan, causing a huge amount of damage.


This bullet not only has extremely high damage, but also has a knockback effect, directly knocking Lin Yuan down from his flying state.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan was not far from the ground at this time, otherwise he would have fallen badly.

""Who is it?"

Lin Yuan stood up, with a look of alertness.

When he first entered the abyss, Lin Yuan had already released an energy shield.

It was able to block the first skill that the enemy shot at him.

But his energy shield did not react to the opponent's shot.

What does this mean? It means that the opponent's shot was a normal attack!

A normal attack caused 9 million damage to himself.

If he used a skill, wouldn't he be turned into ash?

The man who fired the shot just now found that he didn't kill Lin Yuan in one shot, and couldn't help but exclaimed,"Huh?"

"He was able to take my bullet without dying. Could he be the legendary demon kid?"

Lin Yuan was stunned when he saw the person coming.

Because the person who came over was not a human, but a dwarf.

The dwarf was about 1.3 meters tall, and his explosive muscles contained enough power to destroy the world.

When the dwarf approached, Lin Yuan felt that he couldn't breathe smoothly.

【Ace Hunter Gwari】(Legend) lv???





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