Li Yong, who was running towards the BOSS, saw that the one being summoned was an elite demon guard, and his face suddenly changed. He immediately stopped and shouted forward:

""Run, stay away from the BOSS."

Li Yong was shouting to his assassin teammate.

The assassin had sneaked to the BOSS, less than five meters away.

The moment the demon guard was summoned, it launched a demon charge towards Zhang Fan, who had the highest hatred value against the BOSS.


Zhang Fan's talent has a built-in damage reduction.

The demon charge only caused 2800 damage, but Zhang Fan was stunned.

The demon guard raised the axe in his hand and prepared to release the whirlwind.

"With a"swish", the demon guard swung the weapon in his hand and attacked the target within a 5-meter range.



The first damage came from Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan's equipment was not bad, and Wang Xue gave him a shield and treatment in time.

His health was always safe.

The second damage came from Li Yong's assassin teammate.

Although he heard Li Yong's call, he was one step slower than the demon guard.

Before he could act, he was killed by a whirlwind slash from the demon guard.

"Damn it!"

Li Yong's face was not so good.

Before they could grab the BOSS, the assassin with the highest attack in the team was killed instantly.

Li Yong's heart sank. He was in an awkward situation.

If he went forward, he could not get around the elite demon guard.

If he turned around and left,

Li Yong looked at Lin Yuan.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was looking at them with interest.

Although he did not speak,

Li Yong could still feel that it was a silent mockery.


How dare you come to grab the BOSS.

Li Yong's head instantly heated up, and his eyes were red.

"Ignore the demon guard and kill the boss directly."

Li Yong's plan seemed to be to kill the boss.

Because at this time, Zhang Fan and the others were all attracted by the demon guard.

There was really no one around the boss.


Li Yong and the others quickly ran towards the boss.

With a charge,

Li Yong approached the boss and tried to grab the aggro.

But his damage was seriously insufficient and he couldn't grab the aggro at all.

The shield warrior's anger value increases very slowly if he doesn't get hit, so Li Yong caused very little damage.

Fortunately, there were two hunters in the team.

The two hunters kept shooting from a distance.

After a while, the boss's health had dropped to 5%.

"Just a little harder, and the BOSS will be dead soon."

Li Yong didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and a look of joy appeared on his face, asking his teammates to increase their output.

But the next second, the smile on Li Yong's face froze.

Because the demon guard actually gave up attacking Zhang Fan, and turned around to launch a demon charge at a hunter in the team,

-The hunter with 4500 points was the one who caused the most damage to the BOSS just now.

The more joyful the fight was just now, the more uncomfortable it is now.

After the hunter was knocked unconscious, the demon guard raised the sharp axe in his hand high again.


Seeing this scene,

Li Yong roared and tried to stop it, but the next second, the demon guard's whirlwind slash fell.




Two hunters and a priest were all killed instantly by the demon guards.

Li Yong turned to look at Zhang Fan and the others, and found that they were standing still. He immediately understood that they did this on purpose.

They deliberately gave him hope, and then extinguished it themselves.

How cruel!

Li Yong was filled with resentment.

"Just wait for me!"

Before Li Yong could finish his words, the demon guard had already come to him and attacked him twice, and Li Yong fell to the ground.

"You idiot, you still want to steal my BOSS."

Zhang Fan saw Li Yong's team was wiped out.

""Pooh" sounded, and said disdainfully:

"I have been prepared for this move of yours. Do you really think that Peaceful Abyss can do nothing to you?"

Although I can't do it myself, I can kill someone with someone else's knife.

The Elite Demon Guard is a tool in Zhang Fan's hands. He deliberately ignored the BOSS, making Li Yong's team think that there is an opportunity.

Using the hatred mechanism, the Demon Guard successfully wiped out Li Yong's team.

The two teams outside the field saw this scene, and their hearts were pounding.

Fortunately, they resisted and didn't do it. If they had done it, the end would probably not be much better.

Although being killed here will not really kill you.

But the pain of death still needs to be experienced once.

And after death, it is impossible to enter the abyss again within 12 hours.

Unless there is really no other way, no professional wants to be killed.

After no one made trouble,

Zhang Fan and his men killed the BOSS in less than 30 seconds.

Five minutes later, the Elite Demon Guard also fell to the ground.

【Kill the demon warlock Ratas, experience points increased by 30,000]

After killing the BOSS, Zhang Fan walked over to touch the corpse.

【[Blade of Pain] (Gold) lv25

Attributes: Attack Power +900, Strength +35, Agility +35,

Pain Strike: When attacking, there is a chance to cause another attack damage to the target

【[Wild Boar Defense Hammer] (Gold) lv25

Attributes: Attack +500, Parry +5, Dodge +5, Strength +20, Stamina +50

Thick Armor: Armor increased by 10%

The boss dropped two weapons, one is the assassin's top-grade one-handed sword, and the other is the defensive one-handed hammer that Li Yong has always dreamed of.

If Li Yong saw this, he would probably be furious.

When Zhang Fan picked up the two pieces of equipment, Wang Ping and the others were also very envious.

But they knew that these two pieces of equipment did not belong to them, so they could only look at them with envy.

"Alas, there is something there too."

Lin Yuan could see clearly from the side that the demon guard also had some light coming out of his body and something exploded.

Zhang Fan walked over and picked up a fist-sized stone.

【Demon Essence] (Gold)

Function: Can be used to cast spells and upgrade specific equipment.

When Lin Yuan saw this Demon Essence, his eyes moved.

This thing seemed to be what Aluneth needed.

Lin Yuan took the Demon Essence in his hand and took out Aluneth.

In an instant, the Demon Essence disappeared without a trace.

The progress bar behind Aluneth showed a slight increase, less than 0.01.

""Shit, the gold-level demon essence has only increased so much."

Lin Yuan felt that he had a long way to go to restore Aluneth's former glory.

As if sensing Lin Yuan's shock,

Aluneth slightly glowed and told Lin Yuan that it didn't have to be gold-level demon essence, silver and bronze would also be fine.

It just required a larger amount.

When Lin Yuan heard this, it seemed that he had to find more demon monsters to kill in the future.

Otherwise, Aluneth might not be able to be fed.

Zhang Fan saw that Lin Yuan was holding an ancient broken staff in his hand and asked curiously

"Ah Yuan, your previous weapons were good, why are you holding such a broken staff?"

Alunes, who was held in Lin Yuan's hand, was immediately unhappy when he heard Zhang Fan call him a broken staff. The broken staff flickered, as if telling Zhang Fan that I am not a broken staff, I am Alunes, the soul of the element.

"Hey, why is your staff glowing? That's interesting."

Zhang Fan was amazed when he saw the staff glowing in Lin Yuan's hand.

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