While Lin Yuan was waiting, he suddenly found a spell in the corner that he had never learned.

【Earth Spikes】(C-level) lv1

Casting time: instantaneous

Cost: 150 mana

Description: Summons an earth spike, causing 300 points of earth damage.

He didn't have any earth spells, so after seeing the skill introduction,

Lin Yuan reached out and picked it up.

Jiang Long saw this action, and thought to himself, yes, Lin Yuan is a peasant, and he doesn't have the financial resources to buy an S-level skill. It seems that he wants to buy a C-level skill.

The series of actions just now were just for show, haha, ridiculous vanity.

It must be said that

Jiang Long's brain circuit is really unique.

In such a short time, he has imagined so many scenes.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. Here are all the S-level skill books in the store. Please have a look."What the clerk took out was not a real skill book, but a few skill descriptions.

This was just to be on the safe side.

If the real skill book was taken out, it would be directly learned by those who couldn't afford it.

���The family would cry to death.

Therefore, the transaction of skill books is usually a one-handed payment and one-handed delivery.

This way, it is not easy to cause disputes.

Holding the list in hand,

Lin Yuan picked and chose, and finally selected two skill books.

【[Cold Storm] (S-level) lv1

Casting time: Instantaneous

Cost: 18000 mana

Description: Summons a cold storm, causing 10 points of frost damage to enemies within a 50-meter range, and reducing the movement speed of targets within the range by 20%

【Mirror Image (S-level) lv1

Casting time: Instantaneous

Cost: 5000 mana

Description: Summon a mirror image next to you, cast spells and attack your enemies. Lasts for 10 seconds. (Mirror image can only use 1 skill)

After the skill of Arctic Storm is maxed out, it can be merged with Arctic Shock.

In this way, you can have another SS-level skill.

The mirror image skill is also very good.

If used well, it may have a miraculous effect.

"I want Arctic Storm and Mirror Image."

When the clerk heard that Lin Yuan had chosen two skills, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Please wait a moment."

While the clerk was taking the skill book,

Jiang Long showed an expression of disbelief on his face.

What's going on!

Shouldn't the plot be that Lin Yuan sighed and said that there was no skill book he wanted after reading it.

Why did he really choose two skills?

Did Lin Yuan really want to buy S-level skills?

Jiang Long was holding two A-level skill books in his hand at this moment.

The profession of Flame Walker requires high-burst skills.

So Jiang Long picked a book of Pyroblast and Magma Eruption.

The reason why he didn't leave after picking the skill books was that he wanted to see Lin Yuan's joke, but it seemed that he couldn't see this joke.

Because the clerk had already handed the skill book to Lin Yuan, the two S-level skill books cost a total of 20,000 gold coins and 2 reputation points.

"And this one."

After buying two S-level skill books,

Lin Yuan remembered that he had forgotten to mention a C-level skill book.

The clerk saw the C-level skill book in Lin Yuan's hand, and quickly took out the skill book and put it in Lin Yuan's hand, smiling.

"This C-level skill book is for you. Welcome to visit us next time."

You have 2 reputation points at such a young age. You will definitely not be mediocre in the future.

Use the C-level skill book to exchange for Lin Yuan's favor.

This is a sure win business. Sure enough, Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows and smiled after hearing the clerk's words. Money is not important. I am not short of money. The service attitude is really good. There is room for development. With three skill books in hand, Lin Yuan swaggered away. When passing by Jiang Long, Lin Yuan didn't even look at him. It was ridiculous that a frog in the well thought he had seen the whole world. Jiang Long walked up to the clerk in disbelief,

"Did he really buy an S-level skill book?"

The clerk nodded.

"Not bad."

This made Jiang Long feel very uncomfortable, and he suddenly felt that the two A-level skill books in his hands were no longer useful.

"Check out." Jiang Long pointed to the two skill books in his hand and asked the clerk to take the goods.

When the clerk was taking the goods, he suddenly remembered that Jiang Long seemed to have talked to Lin Yuan just now. Could it be that they knew each other?

Thinking of this, the clerk asked:"Do you know that person just now?"

Jiang Long was absent-minded at this time and replied directly:"No."

The clerk said"Oh","Sincere discount 2000 gold coins."

When Jiang Long took out the money to pay, he heard the clerk muttering to himself:

"What a pity. If you knew me, I could give you a 20% discount."

Jiang Long:...

Damn, it's so uncomfortable!

Lin Yuan and his companions returned to Tianfeng City again and found that there were obviously more professionals in the city.

This was somewhat due to Lin Yuan.

Because Chen Yuan's bounty in the Mage Association had just fermented.

Many professionals were looking for the figures of the Scourge Cultists everywhere.

For a time, everyone in the Scourge Cult was in danger. They were afraid of being caught by the wolves and tigers of professionals and exchanged for points. The group of Scourge Cultists that Lin Yuan found in the 1st transfer mission were taken away by the law enforcement team as soon as they were teleported out.

After that, the law enforcement team followed the clues and destroyed 3 Scourge Cult dens.

One of the apostle-level Scourge Cult leaders was killed.

Many professionals knew that Scourge Cultists appeared in Neon Country, and they teleported to Neon Country in groups to catch people.

Neon Country was so scared that it almost went into a state of preparation for war.

In the end, Chen Yuan took action and kicked and scolded those lawless professionals back to Zhongzhou.

"Ah Yuan, let's go back and familiarize ourselves with the skills first, see you tomorrow."

Everyone had just changed jobs today and bought a lot of skills.

It took time to adapt, and Lin Yuan also planned to go back and upgrade the skills he had just bought.

After the few people separated,

Lin Yuan returned to the rental house.

Just as Lin Yuan returned to the rental house, a man in a black robe disappeared into a nearby alley.

"Mayor, the people of the Natural Disaster Cult have set their sights on Lin Yuan, we need to prepare in advance."

In the Tianfeng City Hall, Secretary Sun was reporting to Zong Bai,

"There are currently 13 Scourge Cultists in Tianfeng City, and the strongest one is a level 48 Magic Pattern Envoy.

According to my guess, the reason they didn't take action is that they are waiting for a big shot from the Scourge Cult. Do we need to transfer Lin Yuan away?"

After listening to Secretary Sun's report,

Zong Bai fell into deep thought.

"According to our previous arrangement, the people of the Natural Disaster Sect are not a concern at all. If the other party is an apostle, I can deal with it, but I am afraid that the other party is the leader of the branch or the deputy leader, who are all strong men above the third level, and it will be difficult for me to deal with them."

Secretary Sun nodded and made a suggestion.

"How about we report this matter to Vice President Chen?"

"Given Vice President Chen's personality, the fact that he was able to come in person last time was enough to confirm his importance to Lin Yuan. It would be better to report this matter to Vice President Chen and hear how he would arrange it."

Zong Bo thought it made sense, so he took out the communicator and called Chen Yuang.

After reporting to Chen Yuang,

Chen Yuang replied that he knew.

The order given was to keep the troops in place.

If a person at the level of a branch leader or deputy leader appeared,

Chen Yuang would naturally arrange for someone to deal with it.

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