After saying goodbye to Bobo,

Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan came to the second floor.

This floor is where skill books are sold.

Skill books are divided into multiple areas according to different professions.

Lin Yuan first walked around with Zhang Fan and others, trying to find out if there are any general skills that suit them, but after a round, they didn't find any suitable ones.

Zhang Fan and his friends did buy a few good skill books.

Finally, when Lin Yuan and his friends came to the magician skill area, they unexpectedly met an acquaintance.

"Zong Junru, you are here too?"

The one who spoke was Jiang Long.

Jiang Long's current level was 21, and it seemed that he had passed the 1st transformation trial.

Jiang Long didn't even look at Lin Yuan, and walked towards Zong Junru.

"Are you here to buy skill books too?"

"Have you completed your job transfer task? If not, hurry up and don’t fall too far behind me."

Jiang Long deliberately showed the job transfer symbol on his chest and said:

"Not only did I complete the first job, I also successfully obtained the hidden profession of Flame Walker."

Jiang Long's tone was full of pride, like a proud peacock, trying to attract the attention of the opposite sex by spreading its tail.

But no one appreciated his coquettish appearance.

Seeing that Zong Junru was still expressionless after saying so much, Jiang Long was a little unhappy.

"Xiaoru, can't you see how good I am?

I am no better than Lin Yuan who can only hide behind a woman.

He, Lin Yuan, just has a good-looking face, what other abilities does he have!"

Jiang Long's tone was very excited, he felt sorry for Zong Junru.

Lin Yuan's rubbish talent was known to the whole school, and he was doomed to have no future development.

Why did he still bring Lin Yuan with him?

Jiang Long always believed that Lin Yuan was able to stay in their team because of Zong Junru.

After Jiang Long finished speaking,

Lin Yuan was unhappy.

"You are mentally ill, where does your sense of superiority come from, idiot."

How come you are still mentally ill after becoming a hidden profession?

"Get out of here now, don't get in my way."

Zong Junru and Zhang Fan looked at Jiang Long as if he were a fool when they heard what he said.

Damn, idiot!

Who gave you the courage to talk nonsense here? Does the great master Lin Yuan still need us to lead him?

The four of us are just pendants on the great master's legs.

According to what you said, we are not even worthy of being a burden!

Zong Junru was worried that Lin Yuan would be unhappy, so she said to Jiang Long:

"I don't know you well, you can't call me Xiaoru."

His words were full of rejection.

"You can't judge the strength of Master Lin Yuan. Your vision is too narrow. You should read more about the professional forums."

After Zong Junru finished speaking, Zhang Fan sneered.

"One sand dollar."

After cursing, Zhang Fan dragged Lin Yuan away.

"Ignore this idiot."

Lin Yuan nodded.

Jiang Long was really an idiot.

He didn't know where his inexplicable sense of superiority came from.

When he came to the mage skill area, Lin Yuan found that there were very few skills here, and none suitable for him. The ones displayed here were all popular, such as

Fireball, Exploding Fireball, Pyroblast,

Ice Cone, Ice Lance, Ice Roar, Wind

Blade, Gale

, etc.

These spells were not what Lin Yuan needed.

To be precise, Lin Yuan mastered the top-end version of these spells.

"Don't you have any skills above S-level?"

Lin Yuan asked the clerk here.

Hearing this question, the clerk was stunned, looked up and down, and replied:"Yes, there is. Can I ask, how much mana do you have now?"

Seeing the immature faces of Lin Yuan and the others, the clerk guessed that they should be professionals who have just awakened this year, and have just passed level 20 and completed the first transformation.

Conservatively estimated, the mana value is less than 10,000.

Even if you learn S skills, what can you do?

If you can't release them, they are just decorations.

It is better to buy A-level skills.

The clerk asked Lin Yuan this question out of kindness. He wanted to use the matter of mana to tactfully tell Lin Yuan not to be too ambitious.

Jiang Long at the door heard it and suddenly became excited.

Just now, I kindly reminded Zong Junru, but she not only didn't appreciate it, but also scolded me.

What a waste of my hard work.

Women who fall in love are so sad.

Jiang Long heard Lin Yuan asking about S-level skills and guessed that Lin Yuan was sensational.

As a mage,

Jiang Long naturally knew that releasing an S-level skill required at least tens of thousands of mana points.

After changing his job to a Flame Walker and wearing a full set of silver equipment, his mana points were only 12,000 points.

Could Lin Yuan's mana points be higher than mine?

I don't believe it.

I guess asking the clerk if there are S-level skills is just a pretense.

Wait until the clerk takes out the S-level skill book.

Then he will say that he doesn't have enough mana points and won't buy it.


Vain clown.

Jiang Long was very disdainful in his heart, but he didn't expose it, because Jiang Long suddenly realized a truth, how could the dragons in the rivers have the same knowledge as the grass carp in the pond.

Isn't that a loss of face. Although

Jiang Long thought so in his heart, his footsteps still unconsciously moved towards Lin Yuan.

He wanted to hear how Lin Yuan answered the clerk's question.

"My mana is about one million."

Lin Yuan glanced at his attribute column and said truthfully.

As soon as he said this, the clerk opened his mouth wide enough to swallow a goose egg.


More than one million mana points are really too exaggerated.

But Zhang Fan, Zong Junru and others think it is natural.

When they were playing the abyss with Lin Yuan, they saw how Lin Yuan released his skills.

To describe it in one word, it is a spell machine gun.

Using skills is the same as not having mana.

So, when they heard Lin Yuan say that his mana value reached one million, these people were not surprised at all.

But suddenly there was a"puff" of laughter from the side,

"Hahahaha, one million mana, you are so brave to say that!"

Jiang Long didn't want to say anything, but he heard something.

Lin Yuan said that his mana value is one million!


It's ridiculous!

"Even a level 60 third-turn mage may not have one million mana points. You are so bold to say that."

Jiang Long was sarcastically on the side, obviously not believing what Lin Yuan said.

Lin Yuan didn't want to argue with a moron, so he didn't even look at Jiang Long.

In fact, the clerk didn't quite believe that Lin Yuan had one million mana points, but his good professionalism made him still smile.

"Every S-level skill book is a very precious resource, and you need to spend extra reputation points to buy it."

The clerk thought Lin Yuan was talking nonsense, so he told him the conditions for buying an S-level skill book.

After listening to him, Lin Yuan thought it should be so. How could an S-level skill book be purchased by just anyone?

Showing his reputation points, Lin Yuan said:

"Reputation, right? I have it."

The clerk thought Lin Yuan would give up, but Lin Yuan said he had reputation.

He walked closer and saw that Lin Yuan had 3 points.

This shocked the clerk.

You know, ordinary people would show off to others if they had 1 point of reputation, but Lin Yuan was so low-key with 3 points.

The clerk thought Lin Yuan must be the kind of person who pretends to be a pig but eats the tiger.

His tone unconsciously became much more respectful.

"Please wait a moment, I will bring you the S-level skill book."

When the clerk left,

Jiang Long had a jealous look on his face, which meant that Lin Yuan must have reputation points.

He couldn't figure out one thing, he had never obtained reputation points, why did a waste like Lin Yuan have it.

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