As the meteor shower fell, the soldiers on the entire city wall cheered loudly.

"so amazing"

"Did the magicians take action?"

The soldiers looked around, but they didn't see any magicians coming to support them.

When the soldiers were confused, the commander in charge frowned and shouted:

"Go back to your positions! The demons will attack again soon."

When the soldiers heard the commander's voice, they immediately restrained their expressions and returned to combat mode.

""Sir, my name is Dorn, and I am the commander here. What are you doing here?" Dorn's tone was as respectful as it could be after seeing Lin Yuan release the earth-shattering spell. In response, Lin Yuan raised his head slightly, looked at the demons like a tide under the city, and said lightly:

"I am here to help you resist the demons' attacks."

The reason why I said this is because Lin Yuan received a task prompt.

【Hold on to the demon's attack for 30 minutes and defeat the demon's vanguard commander. 】

Lin Yuan is now in an unknown plane, facing the invasion of demons.

After Lin Yuan answered Dorn's question,

Dorn was overjoyed.

"Thank you for your help from afar. On behalf of all the staff of the Red Fortress, I salute you."

"The demons' attack is very fierce. Please forgive me for not being able to entertain you."

Dorn looked embarrassed.

According to his previous understanding of mages, these people are used to a life of luxury.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation all need to be taken care of by someone.

They must be served comfortably before these mages are willing to help.

Moreover, they are not doing it for free. They must be paid enough.

When he thought of the reward

, Dorne showed a difficult expression on his face.

"Sir, we are at war now, and the Red Fortress has no extra money."

At this point, Dorn looked at Lin Yuan's expression, and after finding that Lin Yuan did not look unhappy, he said:

"Can you please make the first move, and we will pay you after the war is over?"

After saying this,

Dorn was worried.

He was worried that Lin Yuan would walk away in anger.

In fact, Lin Yuan was full of questions. What's going on

? Are the mages in this plane so arrogant? Take the money first and do the work later. However, Lin Yuan came here to complete the mission and didn't care about these little things. So he refused directly.

"No, I came here mainly to kill the demon's vanguard officer. Helping you is just a side job, so there is no need for compensation." Dorn couldn't believe

Lin Yuan's answer. When did the mage who plucked feathers from a passing goose not want money? Is he still a mage? Then, Dorne suddenly realized. Oh! It turned out that he came here to gain military merit. Dorne thought of Lin Yuan as a super second generation who didn't care about money, but only about merit. This was naturally a good thing. So Dorne took the initiative to introduce the situation of the fortress to Lin Yuan.

"Sir, the fortress currently has 1,200 warriors, all of whom are professionals at around level 20.

Most of them are warriors and archers, and there are 30 priests.

As for mages, there were none before you came."

Hearing Dorn's introduction,

Lin Yuan was somewhat silent.

Do you want to resist the attack of the demons with these 1,200 soldiers?

There are at least 10,000 or 20,000 endless demons outside the city.

Although they are all level 5 or 6 soldiers, they are outnumbered.

Even if they are enemies, Lin Yuan has to sigh that the demon race is really blessed by nature.

Not to mention the high-end combat power, there are seven demons representing the seven deadly sins of Purgatory.

There are also some ancient beings that have survived for countless years.

The combat power is at the ceiling level.

One person can even destroy a plane.

There are even more low-end combat power.

There are countless races such as inferior demons, little demons, and satyrs.

And demons are all warlike.

Rumor has it that the territory of the Purgatory plane is expanding all the time.

Now, the piece of land where Lin Yuan is located has been targeted by the demons.

Fortunately, the Red Fortress welcomed Lin Yuan.

The fortress next door is not so lucky.

Yan Rui is confident He entered the trial with full confidence.

He thought he would kill everyone and become the savior.

But reality gave him a loud slap in the face.

The place where Yan Rui came to was also a fortress.

It can't even be called a fortress.

It is more appropriate to describe it as a sentry post.

This sentry post has only 30 guards.

It needs to resist the attack of hundreds of demons.

During the first two waves,

Yan Rui still felt very relaxed.

Because his skills are enough to kill low-level demon monsters in seconds.

By the third wave, the attacking demon monsters were all level 10 and above.

Yan Rui's group attack skills could not kill them instantly.

The speed of clearing monsters with single skills is very slow.

It was very difficult to get through 3 waves.

By the sixth wave, all the soldiers at the sentry post had died.

No one could attract monsters for Yan Rui.

He tried his best, but only cleared the sixth wave.

Before Yan Rui could take a breath and rest.

The seventh wave of attack came again.

In desperation,

Yan Rui could only give up this trial.

【Challenge failed! 】

Looking at the word"failed", Yan Rui was a little lost.

When he walked out of the portal, he happened to see his lackey waking up.

The fat man came to Yan Rui with a flattering face,

""Master, you're out. How's it going? Did you pass?"

Yan Rui was already very upset about failing the trial, and the fat man's words were like a bowl of oil, pouring on the fire.

Yan Rui's anger suddenly burst out.

It was all because of that kid.

If he hadn't affected me,

I would have performed better.

Yes, it was all his fault!

Yan Rui attributed his failure to the trial to Lin Yuan.


After releasing a gust of war wind and clearing the fifth wave of monsters, Lin Yuan sneezed.

""Who is talking bad about me behind my back?" Lin Yuan muttered and looked outside the fortress.

At this moment, the war gale that Lin Yuan threw out was spreading in all directions.


Huge damage continued to float.

The demons were still 200 meters away from the city wall when they were killed instantly by the spreading strong wind.

This scene shocked the soldiers on the city wall.

"Oh my god, who is this great wizard? He is so powerful!"

"���The range of this skill is too large. If this skill hits our fortress, there will be no one alive in the fortress in an instant."

"It's been a long time since I felt so relaxed."

The veterans were talking to each other.

The focus of their discussion was Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan, who was being watched by everyone, frowned.

"The attack is a bit slow."

After the previous waves of monsters were killed instantly, the demons were seamless.

Why is the demon's attack so slow this time?

It's been 3 minutes.

The attacking demons haven't appeared yet?

Lin Yuan was getting a little impatient, and wings grew from his back, flying into the air.

He flew towards the demon's base camp.

""My lord, where are you going!" Dorn shouted anxiously from behind.

The demon's base camp has many fel cannons.

The power of that thing is almost the same as that of the magic crystal cannon.

One shell is comparable to a full-level A-level skill.

If you go there rashly, you will suffer.

Unfortunately, Lin Yuan was too fast and didn't hear Dorn's reminder.

Lin Yuan spread his demon wings and flew to the front of the demon vanguard camp in less than 5 minutes.

Coincidentally, as soon as he arrived at the gate of the camp, he encountered the demon army preparing to attack.

So Lin Yuan was not polite.

He threw out a meteor shower with his left hand and a war gale with his right hand.

In an instant, the sky was dark.

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