The fat man was somewhat thankful that Yan Liang slapped him twice.

Otherwise, he would have lost his mind and scolded Chen Yuan, and he would have become a scum now.

Thinking of this, the fat man's eyes widened.

He was scared to death.

Seeing the fat man fainted.

Lin Yuan felt a few black lines flash across his head.

What a sad clown.

If he were to be on the same level as such a fool, wouldn't it lower his own level.

However, the middle-aged man in front of him still needs to be beaten.

If Chen Yuan hadn't arrived in time, this old guy would definitely take advantage of his seniority and make things difficult for himself.

""President Chen, congratulations on your new disciple."

Lin Yuan deliberately said this to Chen Yuan in front of Yan Liang.

Chen Yuan immediately became anxious when he heard Lin Yuan say this.

"Don't listen to their nonsense."

Hearing Lin Yuan's tone,

Chen Yuan knew that Lin Yuan was dissatisfied.

Although he didn't know the cause and effect, Chen Yuan was a very smart man.

From the fat man's short two sentences just now, he could guess roughly.

This person must have had something to do with Lin Yuan.���He acted arrogant and got kicked out. Then he asked Yan Liang to back him up.

As a result, he happened to run into him.

Chen Yuang's thoughts turned and his eyes turned to Yan Liang.

He had some impressions of this Yan Liang, but they were not good.

Half a year ago in the plane battlefield, because this guy was afraid of death, he destroyed a pioneer team.

If someone hadn't pleaded for him at that time, Chen Yuang would have slapped him to death.

Although he is also a third-turn magician.

But Chen Yuang's combat power is enough to compete with the devil.

To put it bluntly, once Chen Yuang's elemental force field is turned on,

Yan Liang will be killed instantly.

""Hasn't what happened half a year ago taught you a lesson?"

Chen Yuang's voice was a little cold, which gave Yan Liang a bad feeling.

Sure enough,

Chen Yuang's next words made Yan Liang tremble.

"You have one day to serve in the Ashes Corps.

If you exceed the stipulated time, you will be considered a deserter and will be killed on the spot.

" Yan Liang almost fainted after hearing Chen Yuan's order.

The Ashes Corps is located in the plane battlefield.

It is the forefront of human beings in the plane battlefield to resist the invasion of other planes.

Every day, they have to resist the attacks of demons and other evil beings.

Fresh blood joins the Ashes Corps every day.

Similarly, people sacrifice every day.

Yan Liang is such a cowardly character.

Letting him join the Ashes Corps would be like asking for his life.

But if he doesn't go, Chen Yuan can kill him now.

After weighing the pros and cons, Yan Liang said,"I obey the order!

" His voice was a little hoarse.

After getting the response, Chen Yuan waved his hand and sent Yan Liang away.

Then he took Lin Yuan to the abyss portal.

Seeing Yan Liang's expression as if his parents had died, Lin Yuan snorted in his heart, letting you pretend with me.

Lin Yuan was happy.

But he didn't know that when Yan Liang turned around and left, his eyes were full of resentment.

When he came to the abyss gate, Chen Yuan said:

"I once challenged it when I was young. How should I put it? The boss of the third level was really disappointing. Even if I prepared thoroughly, I might not succeed."

Speaking of this, Chen Yuang told Lin Yuan about the situation he had encountered before.

The purpose was to let Lin Yuan avoid some traps.

After that, Chen Yuang gave Lin Yuan a skill book.

【Skill: Gravity Pull (B) lv1

Casting time: Instant

Mana consumption: 600 mana

Description: Release a shock wave, causing 2000 damage and causing the target to fall into a suspended state for 3 seconds


This skill is similar to my Arcane Storm.

I wonder if they can be integrated after upgrading to S-level skills. After putting away the skill book, Lin Yuan nodded at Chen Yuang,"Thank you, President Chen."

Then he walked into the portal.

【You have entered the star realm.

After entering the abyss, Lin Yuan came to a starry sky.

To be more precise, he came to a wizard tower.

This wizard tower stands among the stars.

There are four portals in the hall of the wizard tower, marked with different numbers.

They are 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Seeing the numbers on the portals.

Lin Yuan was stunned.

What is this?

Nesting dolls.

I go into the abyss to brush the abyss?

Then why not just mark it outside? Why do I have to come in and choose.

The wizard tower seemed to know what Lin Yuan was thinking.

Words appeared in the void and gave an explanation.

"Oh, I understand."

To fully obtain the inheritance of the Star Realm Mage, one must go through four tests.

But 99% of people stop at the first test.

Only a very few monsters can get through the second.

Chen Yuan stopped at the third.

As for the fourth test, no one has seen it so far.

Before entering the test, Lin Yuan prepared to upgrade the gravity traction to S level.

After a meal,

【[Skill] Particle Beam (S) lvmax

Casting time: Instantaneous

Mana consumption: 80,000 mana

Description: Release a particle beam 500 meters ahead, instantly pulling together targets within the range, causing 100*Intelligence points of magic damage.

After the particle beam was fully upgraded, Lin Yuan received another reminder,

【Detected that Particle Beam and Arcane Storm have reached the maximum level, do you want to merge? 】

Merge. Why not merge?

The purpose of reaching the maximum level is to merge.

After pressing OK, Lin Yuan's skill bar has another SS-level skill.

Lin Yuan directly filled it up,

【[Skill] Annihilation Black Hole (SS) lvmax casting time: instantaneous

Mana consumption: 200,000 mana

Description: Release an annihilation black hole forward, continuously absorbing surrounding targets. The black hole causes 100*Intelligence points of magic damage per second, which lasts for 3 seconds. Targets sucked into the black hole have a chance of falling into an instant death effect.

Although the damage is not directly increased, there is an additional special effect that is almost a magical skill.

That is the instant death effect.

If you meet an immortal guy, throw an annihilation black hole at him. If you are lucky, an instant death will appear, which means you will be killed instantly.

If you are unlucky, just give it a few more shots.

Anyway, I have too much blue to use up.

After upgrading the skill.

Lin Yuan walked towards the portal numbered 1.

After entering.

The scene in front of Lin Yuan changed drastically, and he came to a fortress.

When he was stunned, a roar came from his ears,

"Rookie, the demons are coming, why are you still standing there, are you scared to death?"

Lin Yuan looked down and found that his outfit was a little different from others.

He stood there at a loss. He looked like a rookie.

Lin Yuan quickly opened his attribute column and found that his attributes and skills were all there.

This made Lin Yuan feel relieved.

"Fortunately, it's not role-playing."

But this attitude angered the officer supervising the battle.

Seeing that the officer was about to whip Lin Yuan,

Lin Yuan suddenly snapped his fingers, and hundreds of flaming meteorites appeared in the air, smashing towards the demons outside the fortress.


-6200000 damage seriously overflowed.

In a short time, thousands of demons died tragically under the meteor shower.

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