The mayor of Tianshui City is called Wang Yunfang.

When he received the call from Chen Yuang, his face changed drastically. He immediately put down everything in his hands and came to Chen Yuang.

Looking at Sun Xian who was like a dead dog, he remembered what Chen Yuang said on the phone just now and hurriedly explained:

"Chairman Chen, I am wronged. This is really none of my business."

The first thing he did when he came here was to distance himself from Sun Xian.

This attitude made Lin Yuan curl his lips.

Chen Yuang was even more so.

He snorted coldly.

"You are the mayor of Tianshui City, but you don't even know that your confidant is a spy of the devil. You are just a figurehead."

Chen Yuang's words were like a thunderbolt.

They exploded in Wang Yunfang's mind.


Sun Xian is a spy of the devil!

Is it true?

Now, Wang Yunfang just reacted.

He came in a hurry and didn't look carefully.

Now he saw that Sun Xian's arm had turned into a devil's claw.

Such a prominent feature.

He is undoubtedly a spy of the devil.

Seeing this,

Wang Yunfang's heart sank.

He thought to himself that it was over.

Sure enough, Chen Yuang didn't even explain, and waved his hand to ban him directly.

Then Chen Yuang took out a communicator and said something to the other side.

In less than two minutes, a well-equipped team appeared.

"I'll leave them to you. Check if there are any other fish that have slipped through the net."

Chen Yuang pointed at the two people lying on the ground and instructed the leader.

The man nodded in response after receiving the order, and then took the two away.

"They are the law enforcement team of the alliance. Everyone has special talents and skills, and they are extremely powerful. They are responsible for cleaning up internal traitors."

Seeing that Lin Yuan was thinking about something, Chen Yuan explained.

Only then did Lin Yuan understand.

It turned out to be a traitor of mankind!

I thought it was Sun Xian who was narrow-minded and didn't like the people of Tianfeng City.

What a small pattern!

I didn't expect that my reputation had spread to the demons.

Let a professional of more than 40 levels be willing to self-destruct to kill me.

Fortunately, I upgraded the supreme energy and energy shield in the abyss.

Otherwise, I might not be able to take Sun Xian's two attacks.

Of course, Lin Yuan still has to thank Chen Yuan.

If Chen Yuan hadn't rushed over to control Sun Xian in the first time,

Sun Xian might have continued to attack.

Although he couldn't do anything about himself, the other people in the team might not be able to withstand Sun Xian's offensive.

It's reasonable.

Lin Yuan should thank Chen Yuan

"Thank you, President Chen, for your help. If it weren't for you, our team would not have survived today. If there is anything you can do, just let me know."

Lin Yuan said this sincerely.

Chen Yuan also felt it, and at the same time understood what Lin Yuan wanted to express.

This kid values feelings, not an ungrateful person.

Chen Yuan had a very good first impression of Lin Yuan.

He is a person worth cultivating.

Chen Yuan was actually very worried that Lin Yuan was an arrogant and conceited person.

Such people can easily get lost in the power in front of them and cannot see the future.

Now it seems that

Lin Yuan is not such a person.

He has power far beyond his peers.

Not only is he not proud and complacent, but he is modest and respectful to others.

This quality is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

When they first met, Chen Yuan was very satisfied with this future apprentice.

Lin Yuan suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the reward promised by the mayor of Tianshui City had not been given yet.

So, Lin Yuan looked at Chen Yuan,

"Well, we cleared the Hell Abyss before, and the mayor of Tianshui City said there would be a reward. Now that he's in, does our reward still count?"As soon as these words came out, the others looked at Lin Yuan with admiration.

You're really awesome.

You even cheated Chen Yuan.

Ignoring everyone's gaze, Lin Yuan said with a matter-of-fact expression,

"The mayor has been arrested, but the city's treasure house is still there."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Chen Yuan smiled, and he really was a person who would not suffer any loss.

Not bad

"The treasure house in the city has probably been sealed, so forget it."

Seeing that Lin Yuan was a little disappointed, Chen Yuang changed his tone.

"But I have a few nice gadgets here, I'll give them to you as rewards."

After saying that, Chen Yuan threw out 5 pieces of equipment and distributed them to everyone.

After the other people in the team got the equipment, they shouted loudly. They were shocked by Chen Yuan's generosity.

Lin Yuan was also surprised when he saw the ring in his hand that exuded the aura of elements.

【Ring] Elemental Enemy (Dark Gold)

Wearing requirements: Intelligence 1500

Attributes: Intelligence +300, Physical Strength +300, Elemental Resistance +3

Features: Every 30 seconds, it can offset a single elemental spell.

Chen Yuan seemed to know what Lin Yuan lacked, and gave him a life-saving equipment.

""How is it, are you satisfied?" Chen Yuan asked with a smile.

Lin Yuan nodded,"Very satisfied."

Then, seeing that Chen Yuan had no intention of leaving, Lin Yuan suddenly thought of a question.

It was about job transfer.

"President Chen, I have reached level 20. Is it better for me to change my job now or to change to a hidden job?

This question was asked to the right person.

Chen Yuang's job is an elemental mage.

This job is also very powerful among hidden jobs.

After hearing Lin Yuan's question, Chen Yuang thought about it and said:

"Except for extremely special hidden professions, the general hidden professions are not much different from ordinary professions, and some are even worse than ordinary professions."

Speaking of this, Chen Yuang gave an example.

"Take Tu Gang, whom you have seen before, for example. He is not a hidden profession. His profession is just an ordinary shield warrior, but he is now known as the strongest shield warrior of the human race. When a person has a high degree of compatibility with his profession, everything is possible."

"Professional strength���It is not constant, but depends on the professional himself."

Chen Yuang stretched out his hand, pointed at himself and said:

"For example, my current profession is an elemental mage. This profession is very powerful, but this power is based on me. Even if I don't have a hidden profession and am an ordinary mage, I can still become the vice president of the Mage Association. Do you understand what I am saying?"

After hearing Chen Yuan's explanation, Lin Yuan didn't quite understand.

But he still understood one thing.

Chen Yuan likes to show off.

He said that as long as you are strong enough, whether you have a hidden profession or not will not affect you too much.

Look at how pretentious this is.

"So, I can start the job change challenge right away?" Lin Yuan asked again.

Chen Yuan was surprised to hear this,"You are already level 20?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

"I just reached level 20 after I finished the Abyss just now."

Chen Yuan was surprised at Lin Yuan's leveling speed.

The fastest person in the alliance to reach level 20 took three days.

But that person only slept two hours a day.

He relied on continuous grinding in the Abyss.

That's how he was able to reach level 20 in three days.

But looking at Lin Yuan's energetic appearance, he didn't look like he stayed up late to grind in the Abyss.

How come his leveling speed was like riding a rocket.

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