No matter what, Sun Xian was a level 47 second-level assassin. He had a high status in Tianshui City.

He was scolded by a junior mage who had not even reached the first level.

The expression on Sun Xian's face was not good.

Fortunately, Sun Xian immediately hid this expression.

He comforted himself:

It doesn't matter, he will be a dead man soon.

Why bother with a dead man?

Needless to say, after comforting himself,

Sun Xian felt much better.

He put a smile on his face again.

"You have conquered the abyss of hellish difficulty, and have made a huge contribution to the safety of Tianshui City. The mayor told me that he must invite you over and give you the reward you deserve."

Sun Xian's voice was very low, and only Lin Yuan could hear it.

But what Sun Xian said was indeed the truth.

Why did Lin Yuan's conquest of the hell-difficulty abyss cause such a sensation?

This is because the hell-difficulty abyss is unique.

The emergence of hell-difficulty means that there must be creatures from other planes in it.

If the hell-difficulty abyss cannot be conquered within a period of time, then the monsters in it may descend on Blue Star.

At that time, the entire Tianshui City will be affected.

So it is a fact that Lin Yuan has contributed to the safety of Tianshui City. It is also a fact that the mayor asked Lin Yuan to go over.

It's just that Sun Xian said this to make Lin Yuan dispel his vigilance.

So that it would be convenient for him to do it himself.

Sure enough.

Hearing that there are rewards.

Lin Yuan showed a thoughtful expression.

Maybe he doesn't need these rewards, but other people in the team do.

Based on the principle of not taking advantage of others.

Lin Yuan nodded in agreement.

Then, in order to show respect, Sun Xian let Lin Yuan go first.

Lin Yuan walked in the front, and Sun Xian was half a body length away from Lin Yuan.

After several people left the range of the holy tower, Sun Xian took the initiative to speak,

"When you pass the level, the mayor has already selected the right equipment and skills for you. I believe you will not be disappointed."

Sure enough, hearing about the equipment and skills, the attention of the other people in the team was attracted.

Even Lin Yuan showed a curious look.

He wanted to know what reward the mayor of Tianshui City would give out.

But the next moment, everyone showed a horrified expression.

Because a black shadow appeared from behind Lin Yuan.

The black shadow was Sun Xian's dark clone.

After using this skill, Sun Xian can switch between the clone and the original body.

At this moment, Sun Xian held a weapon with a purple glow in his hand.

It means that this weapon is tempered with a strong poison.

Sun Xian's attack speed is very fast.

Instantly caused huge damage to Lin Yuan


, a despairing number appeared above Lin Yuan's head.

The other people in the team almost fainted after seeing the damage.

Because this damage is too high.

Ask the professionals below level 20, who has a health value of more than 400,000.

Even Chen Yuan, who was hiding in the void, was anxious.

He shouted,"Thief, how dare you!"

Everyone in the field reacted in an instant.

The moment Lin Yuan was hurt, he knew that someone was attacking him. He decisively put on an energy shield for himself.

He didn't put it on before because Lin Yuan felt that it was unnecessary in the city.

After reacting, Lin Yuan immediately put on a shield for himself.

It must be said that Lin Yuan's move was wise.

After Sun Xian's attack just now, I thought Lin Yuan would be killed instantly.

But Lin Yuan stood there.

He also put on a layer of shield for himself.

Sun Xian was not stunned, because he just heard a roar full of anger.

There is a strong man!

Between life and death, Sun Xian broke out his trump card.

He directly burst out with the strongest attack.

He wanted to kill with one blow.

In this attack, Sun Xian used Demonization.

The arm that stabbed Lin Yuan turned into a ferocious claw.

The attack power was increased by 800%.

Sun Xian didn't believe that Lin Yuan could block this attack.

-0 immune!

Sun Xian, who was full of confidence, felt his heart sink when he saw the word immune.

Then a crazy look appeared in his eyes.

He wanted to self-destruct.

Because he knew he would never get away.

So Sun Xian would rather die with Lin Yuan.

He couldn't let the human race have another peerless monster.

But his plan was doomed to fail.

Chen Yuang and Lin Yuan both responded.

In an instant, Lin Yuan had used three teleportations and ran a thousand meters away.

Chen Yuang came to Sun Xian's side.

Chen Yuang didn't make any moves, just stood there, and Sun Xian couldn't move at all.

"Force field suppression!"

Sun Xian smiled bitterly in his heart, how could he provoke a third-level strongman.

Although Chen Yuang did not take action, his elemental force field had already firmly suppressed Sun Xian.

As a third-level elemental mage, Chen Yuang only needed a glance to control Sun Xian to death.

In an instant, control effects such as flame entanglement, frost chains, and binding appeared on Sun Xian.

Sun Xian could not move.

He couldn't even self-destruct.

Chen Yuang's attack speed was extremely fast.

Before the other people in the team could react, the battle was over.

Sun Xian curled up on the ground like a dead dog.

Zhang Fan looked at Chen Yuang and felt that he was familiar, but he didn't remember it for a while, so he asked in a respectful tone:

"Who are you?"

Chen Yuang did not answer Zhang Fan's words, but turned to look at Lin Yuan who was a thousand meters away.

He meant to ask Lin Yuan to come back.

Lin Yuan understood Chen Yuang's eyes.

His figure flashed and returned to his original position.

He took the initiative to say thank you:"Thank you,……"

"Chen Yuang"

"Thank you, Senior Chen, for your help."Lin Yuan thanked him sincerely.

"Chen Yuang! You are the vice president of the Mage Association!"

Zhang Fan heard Chen Yuang introduce himself and remembered Chen Yuang's identity.

Oh my god.

This is a big shot.

But why did this big shot come to Tianshui City?

Is he here for Lin Yuan?

Zhang Fan reacted very quickly.

He thought about what happened recently and guessed

Chen Yuang's purpose.

Knowing that Chen Yuang came for Lin Yuan,

Zhang Fan was not jealous.

Instead, he was really happy for his best friend.

After Lin Yuan heard Zhang Fan reveal Chen Yuang's identity, he also had some guesses in his heart.

The other party should have come this time because he broke Tuyang's record.

��Of course, although Chen Yuang was usually a bit of a show-off, he was actually very thoughtful.

Seeing Lin Yuan's thoughtful expression, he knew that he had probably guessed why he was looking for him.

So he got straight to the point:

"I am here partly to represent the alliance and partly to represent myself."

As he spoke, Chen Yuan took out a badge from his pocket and handed it to Lin Yuan.

"This is your reward for breaking Tuyang's record."

After taking the badge and seeing the attributes, Lin Yuan was secretly shocked.


This badge looks insignificant, but the attributes are really amazing!

【[Resurrection Emblem] (Special)

Function: Set a resurrection point, where you can be reborn after death (limited to once a month)

The alliance gave me such a great gift when I first met them.

Lin Yuan's favorability towards the alliance increased a lot

"The rewards from the alliance have been given out, let's talk about something else now."

Chen Yuang pointed at Sun Xian, who looked like a dead dog.

The officials of Tianshui City actually dared to assassinate their future apprentice in the street.

It was simply unforgivable.

As the vice president of the Mage Association, the president basically does not appear in the human world.

So Chen Yuang can be regarded as the person in charge of the Mage Association.

After a phone call, the mayor of Tianshui City rushed over.

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