【The Fairy Queen has applied the Fairy Blessing, your movement speed in the forest increases by 30%, and the Forest Race Favorability +10】

【You have gained the passive skill - Moving Casting】

【[Skill] Moving Casting (Passive)

Description: You can cast spells while moving.

The two states given by the Fairy Queen are very good. The former increases the movement speed in the forest by 30%, which is a magical skill for chasing and escaping, and also increases the favorability of the forest race. The latter is a must-have skill for mages at home and traveling.

In Lin Yuan's impression, the elves should belong to the forest race. I wonder if there is a chance to meet the girls of the elf tribe.

Don't get me wrong, Lin Yuan just wants to see the skills of the elves in making equipment.

Lin Yuan was very happy to get two passive gains, and took out the equipment dropped by the witch to check it out.

【Witch Hood] (Gold)

Wearing requirements: lv10

Attributes: Intelligence +80, Stamina +50

Witch's Desire: Mana +1500

"Sure enough, the queen dropped magic equipment."

If the queen dropped warrior equipment again, Lin Yuan's mentality would explode.

Wearing the witch hood, Lin Yuan asked Annie while eating kidneys:"Are you the only ones left in your fairy clan?"

"There are many types of fairies. We are just garden fairies. Our tribe used to have more than 500 people, but after fighting the evil witch, there are less than 200 people left now."Annie replied with a confused look in her eyes.

Lin Yuan saw that the garden was full of alchemical residues, and asked again:"The fairy garden has been polluted by the witch, can you still stay here?"

""Where else can we go if we don't stay here?" Annie asked.

The environment in the Fairy Garden is very bad now. It will take 20 years for the fairies to completely purify it by themselves. But by then, the number of fairies will probably be less than half.

Lin Yuan looked at the fairies and suddenly had a bold idea in his mind,"Are you willing to go to the human world with us?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Fairy Queen Annie bit her lip and finally agreed,"I agree."

Then, a prompt sound rang in the ears of the professionals in Tianfeng City.

【Professionals Lin Yuan, Zhang Fan, Zong Junru, and Wang Xue successfully cleared the Fairy Garden (Hell Level) and saved the Fairy Clan in the Garden. The Fairy Queen decided to join the human camp and was awarded a reputation value of +1.】

【Professionals Lin Yuan, Zhang Fan, Zong Junru, and Wang Xue successfully cleared the Fairy Garden (Hell Level) and saved the Fairy Clan in the Garden. The Fairy Queen decided to join the human camp and was awarded a reputation value of +1.】

【Professionals Lin Yuan, Zhang Fan, Zong Junru, and Wang Xue successfully cleared the Fairy Garden (Hell Level) and saved the fairy tribe in the garden. The Fairy Queen decided to join the human camp and rewarded a reputation value of +1. 】

Three consecutive prompt sounds made the professional forum in Tianfeng City boil.

"It was these people again. They cleared the hell-level Goblin Forest in the morning, and the hell-level Fairy Garden in the afternoon!"

"The person above, did I hear correctly, there are only three difficulty levels in Fairy Garden? How can I choose the Hell difficulty?"

"Same question. I spent 96 hours in the Fairy Garden on the difficult level. I want to know what the difference is between me and them?"

"The above guy is awesome. I couldn't stand their exploitation after 3 hours, but you lasted 96 hours. I would like to call you the strongest working emperor."

The topic went off track during the discussion in the forum. Fortunately, the previous brother Dong posted a post to explain it.

"Theoretically, every abyss has hell difficulty, but some people do not have the conditions to trigger the hell difficulty. The Fairy Garden abyss has been around for 3 years. The highest known record is held by a tough guy who has maintained a difficult difficulty for 96 hours, but even this tough guy has not found a way to pass the level. This shows how difficult this abyss is.

I believe everyone knows that the most disgusting thing about the Fairy Garden is the negative state that reduces damage by 99%. With this negative state, a fully armed team cannot even defeat ordinary monsters. But even in this case, these four people still conquered the hell difficulty of the Fairy Garden. I still maintain the inference that Lin Yuan and Zhang Fan are suspected of having SS-level talents."

Not long after this post appeared, the click rate exceeded 10,000, and many people agreed with his point of view.

Secretary Sun had already learned about various news on the forum. He was standing behind a man at this moment, whispering something,

"Mayor Zong, do you think it is possible that Lin Yuan is a Chosen Professional?"

The man looked serious and intimidating, just like Zong Bai himself.

Hearing what Secretary Sun said, Zong Bai nodded slightly,"According to the information registered by the professionals, Lin Yuan's talent is actually G-level, which has never appeared before, and his talent has evolved to F-level after he came out of the Goblin Forest. From this point of view, Lin Yuan basically meets the characteristics of a Chosen Professional."

At this point, Zong Bai seemed to think of someone,"Every Chosen Professional has incredible power, which cannot be measured by common sense. The adult who is in the same period as me has already broken through level 80 and is moving towards demigod, while I am only a level 53 Swift Ranger."

Secretary Sun obviously knew who the adult Zong Bai was talking about. When mentioning that adult, Secretary Sun showed an expression of admiration,

"Mayor Zong, you have worked very hard. People of your age are still hovering around level 40, and few have made it to the second level. Not only have you completed the second level, you have also taken on the hidden profession of Swift Ranger. What else is there to be dissatisfied about?"

"There is no need to compare with that adult. There has only been one such person in the past hundred years. He is now the pillar of Zhongzhou. Now there is such a person who is suspected to be the chosen one. We can't let him die young."

At the end, Secretary Sun showed a solemn expression,"According to the clues investigated by the law enforcement team, there have been traces of the activities of the Calamity Cult in Tianfeng City recently. These people are hiding in the dark, and I don't know what ulterior motives they are plotting."

Speaking of the Calamity Cult, Zong Bai's face was full of murderous intent,"This bunch of bastards are really lingering. If they dare to come to my territory to make trouble, I will definitely make sure they never come back." While the two were chatting, the portal of the Fairy Garden lit up, and Lin Yuan and his four companions walked out of the door.

"Welcome to the heroes of Tianfeng City."

Secretary Sun saw them and immediately smiled and went to greet them.

"Congratulations to the four of you for being selected as S-level seed players."

They cleared the Fairy Garden with Hell difficulty, and the top four on the list were all of them. Who else would the quota be given to if not them?

It just so happened that Zong Bai had been planning to use the back door to get a quota for his daughter, but now he didn't need it, and he could save a favor.

Zong Bai saw Lin Yuan with a calm face, and then looked at his daughter who was very docile, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Zong Bai knew his daughter's personality. She had been very arrogant since she was a child. Of course, her various achievements did not disappoint him.

How could his daughter, who had always been arrogant, transform into a little girl after a trip to the Fairy Garden and become very docile?

"It seems that she has suffered a lot of setbacks."Zong Bo smiled secretly in his heart.

It is good to suffer a little setback, so that he doesn't have to teach her the truth that there are always people better than you.

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