After the BOSS was frozen, it was Lin Yuan's turn to show off his skills.

The extreme cold shock continued to hit the BOSS, causing the BOSS's health to drop rapidly.

This was thanks to Lin Yuan's passive skill, the Heart of Magic Energy, otherwise Lin Yuan's casting frequency would have run out of mana long ago.

After the BOSS's health dropped to 10,000 points, it suddenly exited its crazy state and entered a kind of subspace.

Lin Yuan fired an extreme cold shock, which went straight through the BOSS's body and hit the empty space.

"What's going on?"Lin Yuan was somewhat puzzled by the current state of the BOSS.

Could it be that the BOSS had some hidden skills?

Lin Yuan didn't have to wait too long. The BOSS was calling out something with a pious look on his face.

"Great source of madness, grant your most loyal believer power to destroy this human who dares to blaspheme the realm of madness."

After the boss finished speaking, a mysterious force invaded here,"Hehe, I found something fun, Lemmy, you go play with him."

Lin Yuan felt a powerful gaze sweeping over him. This feeling was only for a moment, but it still made Lin Yuan's hair stand on end.

After the mysterious force disappeared, a huge pendulum appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

【Punctual Lemmy] (Crazy Creation) lv60 (summon: 10 minutes)

HP: 7000000

Attack: 80000

Punctual: Lemmy hates being late and is immune to all skills that require casting.

Completely Crazy: Lemmy turns into a crazy destroyer, with HP increased by 500%, attack power increased by 500%, and defense power reduced to zero.

Time Management: Lemmy throws out hands to cause different effects. Second hand, causes 50,000 damage per second for 60 seconds, minute hand, causes 200,000 damage, and puts the target into a state of unconsciousness, hour hand, causes 500,000 explosion damage within a range of 100+100

""What the hell, what kind of monster is this?"

Lin Yuan's eyes almost popped out when he saw the attributes of the pendulum monster.

With an attack power of 80,000, he only needed to touch him lightly, and he would be dead. He didn't even need to launch a completely crazy attack.

"You monster are bullying me. This is a level 10 abyss. Why are you, a level 60 monster, joining in the fun?"

Lin Yuan said loudly.

After saying this, Lin Yuan looked around, trying to find a place to hide. But when Lin Yuan saw the suffix of summoning on the BOSS, his heart moved.

"I wonder if my field of silence can dispel him."

The pendulum monster seemed to be slow to react, or it didn't understand why it came here, and it just stood there motionless.

But the boss's expression was very excited, and she shouted loudly near the pendulum:"Great source of madness, thank you for your gift"

"Quickly kill this human who is blaspheming the madness realm. I will dedicate his head to the great source of madness." The boss gave orders to Lemmy.

But what made the boss angry was that Lemmy just glanced at the boss casually, which made the boss feel like falling into an ice cellar."Lemi only obeys Andy's orders."

Lemmy said this and suddenly looked at Lin Yuan,"Interesting human."

Before Lemmy could continue speaking, Lin Yuan suddenly activated the silent field.

"Get back to where you are!"

Lin Yuan was lucky and triggered the expulsion effect.

A space rift containing the power of law appeared behind Lemi.

If Lemi used it completely crazy, he would have a chance to kill Lin Yuan before entering the rift, but a voice stopped him from doing so.

When Lemi was about to be sucked into the rift, a childlike voice appeared in Lin Yuan's ears,"You are a fun toy."

After Lemi completely disappeared, Lin Yuan received a prompt,

【Your behavior has aroused the interest of the Mad Box, Mad Box Favorability +20]

Lin Yuan found himself being watched by an unknown existence again, and complained,"Why are you big shots paying attention to a small mage like me? What are you doing with your free time?"

In any case, this existence did not have any ill will towards him, so he could accept it.

Lemmy was dispelled by Lin Yuan, and the BOSS was shocked.

"No, this is impossible!"

The BOSS fell into deep self-doubt.

Where did such a big crazy creature go? How could it disappear?

That was a level 60 crazy creature, the highest level crazy creature the BOSS had ever seen.

It appeared for less than 10 seconds, and it was gone. This was unacceptable to the BOSS.

So the BOSS directly activated the last skill, releasing a large amount of poison gas,"Go to hell, damn human."

The poison gas has a sleeping effect. As long as Lin Yuan is touched by a little bit, he will become a lamb to be slaughtered.

The BOSS's poison gas attacks the entire map. The ground in the whole house is filled with green poisonous gas, but to the surprise of the BOSS, he searched the entire underground but could not find Lin Yuan."Damn, where did he go!"

"Hi, I'm here."

Lin Yuan in the air responded and used a meteorite spell to respond to the BOSS.


After a meteorite fell, the BOSS fell into dizziness, and the poison gas slowly began to fade until it disappeared.

During this time, Lin Yuan's spell storm kept throwing at the monster.

A meteorite spell, and then a few extreme cold shocks. In short, the BOSS never came out of control, either dizzy or frozen.

After 2 minutes, the BOSS fell to the ground with its health bar emptied.

【You killed the crazy witch Nisa, experience +20000】

【You saved the Fairy Queen Annie, and the Fairy tribe's favorability increased by 30, and the current favorability is respected. 】

The BOSS was killed, and the Fairy Queen stood up tremblingly, with a look of surviving a disaster on her face.

After seeing this, Lin Yuan opened the cage and released Annie,"I have defeated the witch, and you are saved." The

Fairy Queen Annie had an excited look on her face, and her little hands gestured to express gratitude.

The BOSS was killed, and Lin Yuan picked up the dropped equipment and walked out with the Fairy Queen.

As soon as he walked out, Lin Yuan couldn't wait to come to Zhang Fan,"Are the kidneys roasted?"

Zhang Fan handed Lin Yuan two skewers of kidneys with blood on them, and asked:"The BOSS has been defeated, where is the Fairy Queen?"

"Look, here it is." Lin Yuan pointed at Annie on his shoulder and shouted to Bobo,"Your queen is injured, you should find a way to heal her."

Bobo and the other fairies came closer and looked angry,"My Queen, how are you!"

The silk thread on Annie's mouth had just been removed by Lin Yuan, and she was able to speak at this moment,"I'm fine, the broken wings will grow back after a while." Then Annie took the fairy scepter handed over by Bobo and applied two buff effects to Lin Yuan.

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