Lin Yuan waited until all four summoned creatures were within the 25-meter range, then he stepped lightly and released the Silent Domain.

An invisible wave emanated from Lin Yuan's side, instantly covering the space within the 25-meter range.

Three of the four summoned creatures were shattered and forcibly dispersed.

"This skill is really good!"

Lin Yuan saw that there was only one monster left, so he raised his hand and fired an ice ray to slow it down.

After that, Lin Yuan did not choose to use the meteorite technique, but continued to use ice rays to freeze the monster in place.

After more than 70 skills, the gardener fell to the ground.

【You have killed the Crazy Gardener, and your experience points increased by 800. You have leveled up.

After killing the Gardener, Lin Yuan reached level 9 and gained 1,000 skill points.

After some consideration, he upgraded the Ice Ray to an S-level skill. This way, all the skills Lin Yuan mastered would be S-level.

【[Cold Shock] (S-level) lvmax consumption: 7000 mana

Release time: instant

Description: Release frost energy to freeze the target, causing 50000 + intelligence * 10 points of frost damage. In the frozen state, the target will receive an additional 50% damage, and the freezing time is 1.5 seconds.

The damage of the cold shock is not very high, but it is an instant skill and has no cooldown time.

Lin Yuan has another disgusting skill that can be controlled infinitely.

The death of the gardener finally attracted the attention of the goblins. These goblins stopped what they were doing and looked at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan also shouted to them:"I am the warrior invited by Bobo to save the Fairy Queen. I will kill the evil tree demon now. You should leave here quickly."

When the fairies heard that Lin Yuan was invited by Bobo, they immediately flew around in joy."The brave man has come to save the fairies. The fairies will be free soon."

This commotion triggered a riot among the tree demons."You bunch of playful fairies, hurry up and work, or my branches will hit you hard."

The tree demons were greeted by a huge meteorite.


The tree demon was huge and a wood monster. The meteor spell caused a huge amount of damage to it, but because of its monster characteristics, the tree demon was not stunned.

When the damage came out, Lin Yuan was shocked,"Why is the damage so high!"

Due to time constraints, Lin Yuan did not have time to think about it. Anyway, high damage is a good thing. 5 meteor spells can kill this tree demon.

Lin Yuan was still too optimistic. After the tree demon was hit by the skill, it immediately activated the skill Rooting


+800 restores 10% of its health per second. Before Lin Yuan cast his second spell, Meteor, the monster's health had already been restored to full.

Another Meteor was cast, and in less than two seconds, the tree monster's health was restored to full.

"You are being a bit of a jerk, aren't you?" Lin Yuan said dissatisfiedly.

I dealt 1500 damage in 3 seconds of casting, but you healed it in less than 2 seconds. Isn't this bullying?

After thinking about it, Lin Yuan released an extreme cold shock to the tree demon.


A three-digit damage appears on the tree demon's head, but then a +800 health recovery effect appears on the tree demon's head.

""Hiss, what should I do?"

Lin Yuan found that he was at a loss.

While pacing back and forth, Lin Yuan looked up at the tree demon and found that the tree demon seemed to have no intention of attacking at all. It just kept using the rooting skill, which clearly relied on time.

Once the witch's support came, Lin Yuan would be attacked from both sides.

"Got it!"Lin Yuan saw the Silent Field in the skill column and thought of a good idea.

Approaching the tree demon by 20 meters, Lin Yuan began to release the Blazing Flame Barrier. As the skill was released, damage began to appear on the tree demon.



Then Lin Yuan continued to throw extreme cold shocks at the monster,




Seizing the opportunity, Lin Yuan activated the Silent Field, interrupting the tree demon's blood recovery skill.

Taking advantage of the tree demon's silence, Lin Yuan began to release the Meteor Spell, two consecutive Meteor Spells, one of which was a critical hit.


-2800 (Critical Hit)

When the silence time was up, the tree demon was in a panic and wanted to re-activate the skill to take root. At this time, Lin Yuan hit him with an extreme cold shock, killing the tree demon.

【You have killed the Crazy Tree Demon (Elite), and you have gained 3000 experience points.

As soon as the tree demon died, Bobo from outside the garden immediately flew in,"The evil tree demon has been killed, you saved our sisters, thank you."

Lin Yuan smiled and responded, and began to pick up the equipment dropped by the tree demon.

【Heart of the Dryad] (Gold)

Wearing requirements: Level 8, HP 1500+

Attributes: HP +800, Constitution +30, Strength +30

Effect: Your health recovery speed increases by 100%

【[Forest Pants] (Silver)

Wearing requirements: Archer profession, level 5

Attributes: HP +200, Agility +20, Strength +20

Effect: In forest areas, movement speed +20%.

Well, I have to work for others again, Lin Yuan was very angry.

Throwing the necklace to Zhang Fan, Lin Yuan gave the pants to Zong Junru.

After the latter took the equipment, her face was a little complicated. She thanked him and equipped the forest pants.

Originally, Lin Yuan was a little looking forward to it, but after Zong Junru put it on, her face fell slightly, and she thought to herself: Why is it wrapped so tightly?

Lin Yuan's eyes moved back and forth between Wang Xue and Zong Junru's legs.

The former wore a fairy skirt, revealing her white and beautiful long legs, while the latter wore forest pants, not even revealing her ankles.

Zong Junru's senses were very sharp. She noticed Lin Yuan's constantly moving gaze and was a little embarrassed."What are you looking at!"

Lin Yuan laughed,"It's okay, I'll take a look at the craftsmanship of the fairy clan."

Zhang Fan heard Lin Yuan's words and secretly gave him a thumbs up.

After killing the tree demon, the team of goblins grew stronger. Bobo came to Lin Yuan and said,"Warrior, the witch's laboratory is in front of us. There are the witch's most loyal servants and the most powerful monsters."

After Bobo finished speaking, he took out a skill book from somewhere and handed it to Lin Yuan,"Warrior, your strength is very strong, but it seems that your attack methods are insufficient. I hope this skill book can help you."

After taking the skill book, Lin Yuan smiled after seeing the skill description,"Thank you, this skill book is very useful to me." After that, he learned the skill book.

【Skills: Wind Spell (B-level) lv1

Skill cost: 800 mana

Casting time: Instant

Effect: Release a strong wind to repel the enemy, causing 2500 + intelligence * 1 point of magic damage, cooling time 5 seconds

""Not bad, one more control skill."

Lin Yuan nodded with satisfaction when he saw the new skill in the skill bar.

He didn't have enough skill points to upgrade, so he could only max out the skill points first.

"Low-level skills are too uneconomical. It takes too many skill points to upgrade to S-level. Unless it is necessary, it is better to directly learn S-level skills in the future."

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