After the monster finished speaking, its body quickly expanded and turned into an ugly monster full of muscles.

【Crazy Andy] (Elite)

HP: 5000

Attack: 1000

Primary Madness: Lose some sanity after activating the skill, and increase attack power by 50%

"What, the attack power is 1000!"

Wang Xue, who was at the back, shouted.

Zong Junru, who was standing beside him, also looked solemn. She raised her hand and drew her bow, launching a charged arrow and shooting it at the elite monster.

-15 (Critical Hit)

A pitiful double-digit damage appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing her own damage, Zong Junru pursed her lips and said,"The damage has been reduced too much. I can't hit it at all." The negative state of 99% damage reduction made it impossible for them to effectively cause damage to the monster. The damage they dealt was not even as much as the goblin.

Seeing the monster walking towards Lin Yuan step by step, Wang Xue even closed her eyes in despair. There was only one thought in her mind: Are we really going to die!

Just a few seconds after Wang Xue closed her eyes, there was a shocking sound.


There was a loud noise, accompanied by the monster's screams.


A huge meteorite hits the monster, causing three-digit damage.

Since the monster is in the center, it also has a dizzy effect.

【[Skill]: Meteor (S-level) lvmax consumption: 15,000 mana

Casting time: 3.5 seconds

Description: Summons a flaming meteorite with a diameter of 15 meters, causing 200,000 + intelligence * 50 fire damage. The target at the center of the meteorite will be stunned, and the edge targets will be knocked away.

The full-level Meteor can cause 200,000 damage. First, the talent reduced it by 80%, and then it was reduced by 99% by the Fairy Garden.

Even so, it still caused 480 damage. If it hadn't been reduced, a meteorite would have beaten the elite monster in front of it to pieces.

Hearing the rumble, Wang Xue opened her eyes and saw Zong Junru open her mouth in shock.

"What's going on?"Wang Xue asked in confusion.

Zong Junru pointed in the direction of the elite monster and said,"Take a look."

Wang Xue turned her head and saw Lin Yuan constantly casting spells, summoning one flaming meteorite after another.

After the 11th flaming meteorite hit the elite monster, the monster fell silent, and everyone heard a prompt sound.

【Your team kills Crazy Andy (Elite), gain 2000 experience points】

【Please note that your team's behavior has attracted the attention of the witch, and the witch will send her men to hunt you down.

After the monster was killed, Zhang Fan skillfully stepped forward to touch the corpse.

The monster dropped two pieces of equipment, one silver and one bronze.

【[Overseer Belt] (Silver)

Wearing requirement: Level 8

Attributes: HP +300, Strength +20, Constitution +25

Effect: Increases damage to slave creatures by 30%

【Fairy Skirt] (Bronze)

Wearing requirements: Priest, Level 5

Attributes: HP +100, Constitution +10, Intelligence +10

As soon as the equipment attributes were posted, Zong Junru and Wang Xue came out of their state of shock.

"Died already?" Wang Xue asked uncertainly.

"I have received the prompt, so it can't be false. Haven't you two reached level 5?"

Zhang Fan glanced at Lin Yuan, who nodded. Then Zhang Fan put the belt on himself.

Holding the fairy skirt in his hand, he handed it to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan had nothing to say, and motioned Zhang Fan to give the equipment to Wang Xue.

After that, Zhang Fan walked to Wang Xue,"Here, this equipment is for you."

Seeing the equipment in front of her, Wang Xue was a little confused,"For me?"

"This equipment can only be worn by priests. You are the only priest in our team. If I don’t give it to you, who else can I give it to?"Zhang Fan said as a matter of course.

"I didn't do anything. The killing of the elite monster was all Lin Yuan's work. Oh no, Zong Junru also contributed a little damage. I didn't do anything."Wang Xue said bluntly.

As soon as she said this, Zong Junru blushed and gently pinched the soft flesh on Wang Xue's waist. The latter cried out.

At this time, Lin Yuan said,"Take it. If you hadn't treated the little goblin, we wouldn't have been able to complete our first mission. This is what you deserve."

Lin Yuan said so, Wang Xue no longer refused, and after taking the equipment, she put it on happily.

Not to mention, after wearing this fairy skirt on Wang Xue, Wang Xue's figure is set off even taller, and the pair of long legs makes Zhang Fan drool, and even Zong Junru's face shows envy.

It's not that she covets the attributes of the equipment, but simply looks beautiful.

If an ugly gold equipment and a beautiful silver equipment are put together, 99% of girls will choose the silver equipment. After all, the attributes are only temporary, but the beauty is lifelong. After killing the elite monster, Lin Yuan said to the goblins again:"How about it, do you believe what I say this time?"

When the goblin Bobo heard what Lin Yuan said, he called the goblins together and chattered about something.

After a while, the goblin Bobo flew to Lin Yuan's shoulder and said:"We have many companions who are enslaved by witches like us. You have to rescue them first."

Hearing Bobo's words, Lin Yuan's eyes lit up,"Where are they, take me there quickly."

Under the guidance of the goblins, several people came to a garden.

When they arrived at the garden, the goblins stopped, and Bobo flew over and said,"There are evil monsters summoned by the witch inside. We can't go in. We can only rely on you."

Lin Yuan nodded,"Leave it to me." Then Lin Yuan opened the door and walked into the garden.

When he arrived at the garden, Lin Yuan found that in the corner of the garden, a group of goblins were weakly infusing energy into a tree demon.

There are two kinds of monsters in the garden.

【Crazy Mikan] (Elite)

HP: 10000

Attack: 8000

Skill 1: Primary Madness

Effect: Lose a small amount of sanity after activating the skill, increase attack by 50%.

Skill 2: Rooting

Effect: Roots go deep into the ground, absorb energy to recover health, recover 10% of health per second, lasts for 10 seconds, no cooldown

【Crazy Gardener】(summoned creature)

HP: 5000

Attack: 500

Skill: Primary Madness

Effect: Lose a small amount of sanity after activating the skill, increase attack by 50%.

An elite tree demon, four summoned creatures. After Lin Yuan entered the garden, the tree demon did not move, but the four gardeners roared when they saw Lin Yuan.

"Outsiders are not allowed to enter the garden!"

The name instantly changed from neutral yellow to attackable red.

This made Lin Yuan feel like he was facing a great enemy.

While he was thinking about what to do, Lin Yuan suddenly saw a skill in the skill bar and smiled.

【[Silent Field] (S-level) lvmax cost: 5000 mana

Casting time: instant

Description: Silences all enemy units within a 25-meter range, making them unable to cast any spells within 8 seconds, and has a high probability of dispelling enemy summoned creatures. The cooldown time is 20 seconds.

After the Silent Field is fully upgraded, it comes with an effect of dispelling summoned creatures.

The Crazy Gardener is noted behind the summoned creatures. I don't know if this skill will work on them. If it doesn't work, I can only think of other tactics.

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