"This is my most valuable thing." The orc boy took out two large pieces of barbecue from the package and said shyly.

Seeing the two pieces of barbecue, Lilia and Lin Yuan were silent.

What's wrong with this orc? This is the Killing Abyss. What's the reason for your embarrassed expression?

"Don't you know this is the Killing Abyss?" Lin Yuan asked

"I know, I came here to complete the task given to me by my master. My master said that as long as I come out of the Slaughter Abyss alive, I can become his disciple."The orc boy smiled and replied


Lin Yuan was stunned and observed the orc boy carefully.

The orc boy in front of him was wearing a coarse cloth gown, without any equipment on his body. He only had a sword on his body, which was carried on his back.

Lin Yuan seemed to have seen this dress before.

Oh, Muro!

The dress of this orc boy was somewhat similar to that of the sword saint Muro.

Lin Yuan asked uncertainly:"Is your master called Muro?"

"You know my master!" The orc boy's tone was full of joy.

Lin Yuan nodded and said to Lilia beside him:"Big sister, this person is one of us."

Then, Lin Yuan called the orc boy over,"What's your name?"

"My name is Michelle"

"Your teacher didn't give you any equipment. I have some here. You can pick one and wear it."

The Sword Master gave me the Fire Blade Amulet before, so I have to show my appreciation to his apprentice.

It happened that Lin Yuan had killed many professionals before, so he picked and chose from the packages and put together a set of pretty good equipment to give to Michelle.

"Your master and I are both members of the Mithril Brotherhood. I heard some time ago that he was going back to his hometown to find a successor, but I didn't expect that he would find one so soon."

Seeing the equipment in front of him, Michelle smiled bitterly and refused,"In fact, the teacher has not yet planned to accept me as a disciple. The first test he gave me was to survive in the Killing Abyss. Only if I survive can I become the teacher's disciple."

When Lin Yuan heard this, he deliberately frowned and said,"Then you must accept these equipment. Wearing them can enhance your strength. Don't you want to follow Muro to learn the way of the sword master?"

"Sword Master!" Lilia said in surprise

"Wasn’t the Sword Master’s legacy wiped out by the demons?"

"They were not exterminated, and there was still one survivor. Lin Yuan briefly explained Muro's situation.

"There are actually living sword masters, this is great news."Lilia's eyes flashed with excitement.

Lilia learned from an ancient book before that sword masters were not very strong before becoming demigods, but once sword masters were promoted to demigods, they would have the power to destroy the world.

This is a very rare profession that can master the secret of slashing.

If a sword master comprehends the secret of slashing, any shield barrier will be a joke in his eyes.

Why is Lilia so excited? Because there is a divine seal under the royal court of the high elves, which seals a demigod ancestor of the high elves. This ancestor's power is infinite. Close to the true God.

The high elves have always wanted to break this seal, but unfortunately the seal is too strong. Only three demigods who possess the truth of annihilation, the secret of beheading, and the truth of weakening can have a chance.

There is no need to look for the truth of weakening, because my mother Ariesandre is it. Another demigod of the high elves is studying the truth of annihilation and should be able to comprehend it within ten years.

Now all I need is a demigod with the secret of beheading.

I have to make this kid my subordinate, so that I can have a relationship with his master.

Seeing that Michel was still struggling, Lilia pretended to be angry and said:

"Boy, I'm officially informing you now that you have become my No. 2 confidant. Hurry up and accept these equipment, or I'll beat you up."

Hearing this, Michel was startled, and quickly put on his equipment and stood behind Lilia.

Seeing Lin Yuan and Michel standing behind her, Lilia felt heroic, and patted her chest and said,"Come and grab one later."

Lin Yuan behind her saw Lilia patting her chest fiercely, and was a little worried that the other party would pat away her only A.

"Big sister, our team is growing stronger and stronger, shouldn't we create a resounding name for our gang?" Lin Yuan, who considered himself the think tank of the gang, took the lead in proposing.

Lilia shook her head and agreed with the proposal very much,"We each think of a name, and we use the one that works best."

"Let me say first, how about we call it the High Elf Magic Thieves?"

Not so good!

Hearing the name Lilia said, Lin Yuan's mouth twitched slightly.

Not only is she a naive person, but she is also a bad namer.

The orc Michel scratched his head and felt that it was just so-so."In my hometown, those who dare to come out to plunder are all very powerful people. How about we call it the Powerful Plundering Group?"

Three black lines appeared on Lin Yuan's forehead.

"Just call him Conqueror"

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

Lin Yuan decided on the name of the gang in just a few words.

Lilia and Michelle heard the name Conqueror and Lin Yuan's second sentence, which sounded a bit domineering.

They no longer objected.

"Conqueror Magic Thieves, not bad."

After that, while Lin Yuan's main body was waiting at the entrance of the Glory Arena, his clone was not idle either.

He was looking for the whereabouts of other professionals.

The purpose of the clone's movement was exactly the opposite of that of other professionals. The destination of other people was the Glory Arena, while Lin Yuan was to rob and kill other professionals.

In ten minutes, Lin Yuan had met more than a dozen professionals who looked hurried.

These people, without exception, became Lin Yuan's experience points.

During this period, Altair also made the same move as Lin Yuan. In half an hour, 36 professionals had been killed, almost catching up with Lin Yuan's killing speed.

""I only need one million experience points to reach level 40." Altaïr muttered to himself.

When he reached level 40, he would have a chance to choose a specialization.

Altaïr planned to choose the Armor Break specialization.

With the Armor Break specialization, Altaïr could ignore 100% of the opponent's armor when launching a shadow raid.

So, Altaïr continued to search for the whereabouts of other professionals.

It was also a coincidence that the direction Altaïr chose was exactly the location of Lin Yuan's clone.

""Altaïr's points have exceeded 180!"

Inside the hall of the Holy Tower on Blue Star, Rice exclaimed again, but did not mention the ranking.

Sun Chenglin on the side could not help but said sarcastically,"Master Lin Yuan's points are already 200, 20 points higher than Altaïr's."

"Now Altaïr is no longer the first place, what else do you have to say? I have already said it, the first place will definitely be the great Lin Yuan"

"Humph, that’s because that Lin Yuan didn’t meet Altaïr. If he had met Altaïr, he would have been killed instantly."

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