Of course, Lilia's own strength is not bad. Without using the magic device, she already has 120 points.

However, these points were given to her by others. Lilia has never taken the initiative to kill anyone.

"Great! I'm the first one here!"

Lilia stood at the gate of the Glory Arena, clenched her fists excitedly, and two cute dimples appeared on her face.

With her pointed ears, ordinary people would be unable to move when they saw her.

"I will sell tickets here in a while, and let them in after they pay."

Lilia made her own plan, collecting the money first, and then beating them up if they didn't pay.

I am such a genius!

Thinking about it, Lilia showed a devilish smile.


Lilia said in a stern tone, turned her head and looked at an open space and said:"This is my territory, you have to pay to enter!"

The other party saw Lilia's reaction and knew that he was discovered by stealth, so he launched the shadow step and came behind Lilia.

""Be careful!" This scene happened to be seen by Lin Yuan who came rushing over, and he warned loudly.

But what happened next surprised Lin Yuan. Just as the attacker was about to attack, a very strong wave of magic power emerged from Lilia's body, killing the attacker instantly.

This is the skill magic burst that comes with the equipment set.

As long as you are within 3 meters of Lilia's body, this skill will be triggered automatically.

With Lilia's current attributes, the magic burst can cause one million magic damage.

After the attacker died, Lin Yuan was shocked,"This is a skill that comes with the equipment!"

After taking a closer look at the elf girl, Lin Yuan was jealous

"This guy is wearing brilliant equipment all over his body!"Lilia didn't hide the brilliance of her equipment at all. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she was wearing brilliant equipment.

The sneak attacker just saw the equipment on Lilia and couldn't resist the temptation to launch an attack.

"Humph, you didn't pay, you deserve it!"After the attacker died, Lilia pointed at the body on the ground and said viciously.

However, Lilia had a baby face, and her vicious expression was a little funny.

To describe it in one word, it was cute and fierce.

The only flaw was the little prince.

Seeing Lilia's angry look, Lin Yuan laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at!"Lilia crossed her arms over her chest, barely squeezed out an A+, and said unhappily

"Have you never robbed money before?" Lin Yuan fell from mid-air and said with a smile.

This made Lilia frown, then raised her head and replied:"No, I rob a lot of people's money every day."

Hearing the answer of the elf boy, Lin Yuan couldn't help laughing again

"What are you laughing at? If you laugh again, I will kill you!" Lilia raised her fist and threatened.

Lin Yuan did not care about the elf girl's threat at all and took the initiative to introduce himself:"My name is Lin Yuan, what's your name?"

Lin Yuan's kind gesture just now made Lilia feel a little good about him, and Lin Yuan had a taste that Lilia liked very much, so when she heard Lin Yuan asking her name, Lilia replied:

"My name is Lilia"

""Lilia, are you an elven noble?" Lin Yuan asked again.

Only the elven nobles could be so rich and have such dazzling equipment.

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong. Lilia's status was higher than he expected.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Yuan's words, Lilia snorted proudly,"I am a royal family of the high elves."

"High elf royal family!"Lin Yuan was a little surprised and looked up and down.

Aurelia told Lin Yuan about the elves.

The night elves and high elves are currently the two strongest forces of the elves.

The girl in front of him is actually a royal family of the high elves.

No wonder she can wear a set of brilliant quality equipment.

"You are a royal family, why did you come to the Slaughter Abyss? Aren't your family members worried about you?"Lin Yuan asked puzzledly.

Since you are a royal family, aren't you afraid of dying in the Slaughter Abyss?

Hearing Lin Yuan's question, Lilia said calmly,"My mother is worried to death, and prepared many magic devices for me. Here, this is it."

Lilia took out two magic devices from her waist and put them in Lin Yuan's hands.

【[Magic Energy Protection Barrier] (One-time)

Description: After receiving damage, a defense barrier will be automatically activated, absorbing 1 billion points of damage, lasting for 30 minutes

【Doomsday Meteorite] (One-time)

Description: Summons a devastating meteorite, causing 500 million damage to targets within a 500-meter range

""What the hell! What is this?" Lin Yuan picked up the magic device and looked at it again.

He confirmed that the number on it was 100 million instead of 10,000.

"Is this thing given to you by your mother?" Lin Yuan's voice was a little hoarse.

Because he saw that there were more than a dozen identical magic devices hanging around the waist of the elf girl.

Seeing the magic devices on the elf girl, Lin Yuan's eyes almost fell to the ground.

This is simply a human nuclear bomb.

After knowing that the elf girl in front of him was not easy to mess with, Lin Yuan restrained his emotions.

He took the initiative to say:"Just now I heard you say that you rob a lot of people's money every day. Can you teach me how to rob money? I really want to be a robber."

Since he couldn't beat him, Lin Yuan chose to join.

This high elf looked stupid and had a lot of money. He would definitely be able to trick him around.

Lin Yuan's words made Lilia a little embarrassed.

She did rob money every day, but it was a game she played with her maids.

After the game, the robbed things were returned to the maids.

After entering the land of struggle, Lilia also tried to rob others.

But the other party wanted to kill herself without exception.

The result was that the other party was killed instantly when attacking herself.

Never succeeded once

""How about it, Big Sister, can you teach me?" Lin Yuan added, his tone full of expectation.

The title of Big Sister seemed to arouse Lilia's pride, and she assured Lin Yuan:"Since you call me Big Sister, I will definitely help you get rich."

From childhood to adulthood, Lilia has been the target of everyone's pampering, and no one has ever called her Big Sister.

Lin Yuan's call of Big Sister greatly satisfied Lilia's vanity.

"Since you are my little brother, you can't be easily killed by others. These two things are for your self-defense."

Lilia stuffed the two magic devices into Lin Yuan's hands.

"We'll stay here and not leave. Come and grab one."

""Yes, sir!" Lin Yuan replied loudly, immediately putting on the style of a lackey.

After hearing the big sister get two magic devices for free, Lin Yuan was very happy.


Two minutes later, an orc boy arrived.

He was stunned when he saw Lin Yuan and Lilia guarding the entrance of the Glory Arena.

"That orc is you. Hand over all the gold coins, or I will kill you."

When she saw the orc, Lilia shouted fiercely.

But the orc just scratched his head and replied embarrassedly:"I don't have any gold coins."

"If you don't have gold coins, then what valuables do you have? Hand them all over."

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