From the catalog, Lin Yuan discovered that there was only one book on the time-related skills.

And this skill was only at level C.

【Delayed Onset】(C-level) lv1

Casting time: Instantaneous

Cost: 80 mana

Description: After receiving damage, part of the damage can be stored, up to 500 points, and the damage can be stored for up to 20 seconds

"This can be called a time skill?"

After reading the skill introduction, Lin Yuan had nothing to say.

This skill is too rubbish, it doesn't deserve the name of the time system.

But Lin Yuan still chose this skill book.

It doesn't matter if the skill is rubbish, who told me I have skill points.

Even if the skill is rubbish, I can evolve it to S level for you.

I believe that this skill will become very strong after it is upgraded to S level.

There is only one time skill, and Lin Yuan also plans to find a space skill. After searching around, he found that there is no space skill.

Then Lin Yuan searched for artifacts again.


Searched for magic skills, still nothing.

Lin Yuan was so angry that he cursed,"There is not even a magic weapon or magic skill, rubbish!"

If his actions were seen by others, they would definitely give him a big beating.

If there were magic weapons and magic skills here, they would have been used long ago, and they would still be kept for you.

Lin Yuan searched for a long time, and finally made a second choice and searched for colorful equipment.

Don't say it, there are really a few pieces, but Lin Yuan's level is not enough.

The lowest one also needs to be level 60 to equip

"Well, let's see if there are any materials."

There is no equipment, I can choose two materials.

Get two elemental orbs, repair Aluneth, and improve its attributes.

Lin Yuan searched for elemental orbs, but still couldn't find any.

"Damn, it's a treasure house, how come there's nothing there."

When Lin Yuan was complaining, Chen Yuan came back, thinking that this kid must have been dazzled.

But when he came closer and heard Lin Yuan's complaints, he looked surprised.

"What are you looking for?"

Taking the catalog from Lin Yuan, Chen Yuan saw the terms that Lin Yuan had searched before.

What about artifacts, magic skills, time skills, space skills, colorful equipment.

Seeing these, three black lines appeared on Chen Yuan's forehead.

"You are such a daredevil, you think artifacts and skills are cheap."

Lin Yuan chuckled,"I just want to check the treasure of the Mage Association."

The shameless look instantly defeated Chen Yuan.


"Okay, you are about to start your second transformation. As for equipment, don't consider equipment below level 40. Focus on level 50-60. As for skill books, I suggest focusing on life-saving. Your damage is already enough, but I personally suggest that the more life-saving skills, the better."

Chen Yuan pondered for a few seconds and gave his advice.

After listening, Lin Yuan thought about it and felt that it made sense.

He didn't need to worry about equipment. As soon as he reached level 40, he would go to the Trial Tower and fight a few bosses. He didn't believe that he wouldn't get any good stuff.

As for skills, Lin Yuan found one that increased all attributes and could take it.

As for the last spot, Lin Yuan found a special item when searching for elemental materials. It was half a badge.

【[Wind Prince's Imprisoned Badge (Part 1)] (Legend)

Description: Part of the power of Prince Sanchez of the Wind Elemental Domain is sealed in it. If you gather the other half, you will awaken Prince Sanchez of the Wind.

(Note: Saving Sanchez will gain the favor of the Wind Elemental.)

When Lin Yuan saw this item, he had a feeling that he should choose it.

"I've made my choice."

In the end, Lin Yuan chose two skill books and the Wind Prince's Imprisonment Badge.

Seeing this, Chen Yuang asked in confusion:"Are you sure you want to choose these three things?"

The Wind Prince's Imprisonment Badge is a legendary item. You can tell from the description that it is very powerful, but if you want to save Sanchez, you need to find the other part.

But the universe is so big, where can you find the other half.

After all, this badge is just a special mission item and can't improve combat power.

And the favorability of the wind element mentioned in the notes is too general. Therefore, this item has been in the treasury for more than ten years. Many people are envious, but no one has chosen it.

If choosing the Wind Prince's Imprisonment Badge is an investment in the future, then Chen Yuang is a little confused about the other two C-level skill books chosen by Lin Yuan.

"You should think it over carefully. You can't regret it once you leave this door." Chen Yuan emphasized again and again.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan looked determined,"I will choose them."

Seeing that Lin Yuan had made up his mind, Chen Yuan stopped trying to persuade him. He found the item and handed it to Lin Yuan, and the two left the treasure house.

Before they parted, Chen Yuan remembered one more thing,"Will you participate in the Killing Abyss in a few days?"

"I will participate."Lin Yuan nodded.

Hearing that Lin Yuan wanted to participate, Chen Yuan briefly told Lin Yuan the rules of the Slaughter Abyss.

"The Killing Abyss will open once a month, with 100-1000 people each time. The more people there are, the more dangerous it is. There are professionals from different planes participating in the Killing Abyss, and even demons will appear in it."

"The other professionals in the Slaughter Abyss are your enemies. Remember, don't trust anyone."

Chen Yuang emphasized this when he said this. Before, a professional met an acquaintance in the Slaughter Abyss, and was killed by the other party when he was caught off guard.

So Chen Yuang warned Lin Yuan not to trust anyone.

As long as you meet a living creature, you must not show mercy.

"Your enemies in the Killing Abyss are not only professionals from different planes, but also some dangerous fighting spirits."

"These fighting spirits evolved from the dead strong and possessed extremely powerful fighting power. The strongest among them could even rival demigods."

"Of course, this level of fighting spirit will not appear in the Killing Abyss below level 40. With your strength, just be careful."

When Lin Yuan heard the first half of the sentence, his heart was still hanging.

Is a fighting spirit comparable to a demigod so dangerous?

But when he heard the second half of the sentence, Lin Yuan immediately realized that Chen Yuan was teasing him.

""Thank you, President Chen, for clearing up my doubts. I will be careful." Lin Yuan thanked him and left the Mage Association.

This time, Lin Yuan did not return to Tianfeng City. He teleported to the Dark Night Forest and returned to his private territory.

Not only is there a level 87 Wind Walker protecting him 24 hours a day, but there is also a World Tree that can transform into a war form.

Nowhere is safer than here.

"It's time to strengthen a wave of skills."

Lin Yuan took out the two skills he had just obtained and began to continuously add points.

The time system's delayed attack Lin Yuan directly raised to the full level of S-level.

【[Time Interlaced] (S-level) lvmax casting time: instantaneous consumption: 200,000 mana description: Create a time field within 50 meters around you that lasts for 3 seconds. The first enemy that touches the time field will fall into a state of time stagnation that lasts for 1 second. After the stagnation ends, a time delay effect will be added, with a cooldown of 5 minutes and seconds.

Time delay: Action speed is delayed by 500%, and casting speed is extended by 500%, lasting for 10 seconds.

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