I didn't expect that every member of the Mithril Brotherhood had a past that they couldn't bear to look back on.

This is what people do.

Lin Yuan and Gwari drank elven wine and ate goblin food. They talked about whatever they thought of, and they were very relaxed.

Aurelia and Leah were always listening to them, occasionally saying a few words.

"Brother, Leviathan is dead, your revenge has been taken, where are you going to go in the future, why not stay in Blue Star, what do you think?"

Gevrey looked at Lin Yuan sideways,"You kid want me to be a free thug for you Blue Star, right?"

Lin Yuan chuckled.

"How can you say that, brother? Isn't it natural to defend the home you live in?"

"Stop."Gwari burped,"I didn't agree to stay here."

Dwarves are adventurous in their blood, and they are destined not to stay in one place for too long.

A safe and comfortable life may be tempting, but unknown adventures are the lifelong dreams of dwarves.

If Aurelia's strength had not improved suddenly, Gwari planned to stay here for a while.

But seeing his comrades become stronger with his own eyes, his heart that loves adventure began to stir again.

He was going to go to the Dark Furnace.

It was the base camp of the Dark Iron Dwarves.

A year ago, the king of the Dark Iron Dwarves invited him to the Dark Furnace to forge the dwarven artifact Thor's Hammer.

The materials were all ready, except for an embryo that could withstand the burning of the source fire.

It happened that Gwari had such an embryo here.

This was made by the Gwari clan at the cost of countless precious materials.

Before, Gwari was still hesitating whether to agree or not. Today, when he saw Aurelia awaken the origin of the wind, he had already made a decision in his heart.

"I plan to go to the Dark Forge tomorrow and forge Thor's Hammer with the Dark Iron Dwarves."

Gwari took a big gulp of wine and said to Lin Yuan

"Dark Furnace?" Lin Yuan repeated.

The name didn't sound like a good place, and Lin Yuan was a little worried.

"Bro, are Dark Iron Dwarves reliable?"

"Don't worry, the king of the Dark Iron Dwarves is called Senriel, an upright and kind dwarf. The Dark Iron Dwarves have a good reputation under his leadership."

Aurelia nodded at the side,"Yes, the Dark Furnace where the Dark Iron Dwarves live now was once called the Dark Grotto, which was previously occupied by a group of evil fire elementals. Senriel led the Dark Iron Dwarves to eliminate this group of evil fire elementals and finally named it the Dark Furnace."

Hearing that both of them had a good impression of the Dark Iron Dwarves, Lin Yuan was relieved,"Then I wish you to build the artifact as soon as possible to restore the glory of the dwarves."

"It's not that easy." Gwari and Lin Yuan clinked their glasses."A divine weapon cannot be created overnight. If everything goes well, it will take at least a year."

"One year!"

Lin Yuan was a little shocked.

But thinking about it carefully, his mission of the artifact of the seven deadly sins of Purgatory was not simple.

In addition to the unlucky Beelzebub, seven top masters were dispatched to surround and kill Leviathan, and Leviathan was not completely destroyed.

If he had not been teleported to the Purgatory plane by the dimensional storm by accident, Leviathan would not have died at all.

If you think about it this way, Lin Yuan's artifact mission is simply as difficult as ascending to heaven.

Lin Yuan also has to kill four top demon king-level masters with the power of Purgatory and a real demigod-level master.

In contrast, Thor's Hammer, an artifact that takes a year to forge, seems quite simple.

That night, Lin Yuan drank a lot. His alcohol tolerance is naturally no match for the dwarves. He fell down halfway through drinking. He was dragged back to the castle by Leah.

After waking up naturally, Lin Yuan picked up the communicator and found that Chen Yuan had sent him several messages.

"What are you doing? The communicator is not answering."

"President Goode said that we must strive to keep these people on Blue Star. If you need anything, just ask."

"Also, President Goode said that you can choose three items from the Mage Association's treasure house. You can come to the Mage Association to find me when the time comes."

Lin Yuan got up and went outside. He found Leah and Aurelia chatting together.

He looked around and didn't see Gwari. He should have left.

""Master, are you awake?"

Leah saw Lin Yuan and ran over to him.

Since becoming the child of nature, Leah has regained her innocent character. The cold ranger before is gone forever.

And in front of Lin Yuan, Leah is even more casual.

"Brother Gwari is gone?" Lin Yuan asked casually.

"Well, he left at dawn and said that he would invite us after the artifact was successfully forged."

Lin Yuan nodded and looked at Aurelia,"You can live here first. I won't be in danger when I'm on Blue Star. I'll contact you when I need your help."

Aurelia heard what Lin Yuan said and replied"yes".

After being happily fed breakfast by Leah, Lin Yuan went straight to the Mage Association.

"President Chen, I'm here."

After arriving at the Mage Association, Lin Yuan contacted Chen Yuan immediately.

Chen Yuan was very fast and took Lin Yuan to the treasury.

On the way, Chen Yuan asked:"How is it, have you told your others, do they have any idea of staying on Blue Star?"

"One of them stayed for the time being, and the other two had important matters to attend to and had already left."Lin Yuan told the truth

"Only one?"

That's fine.

Chen Yuang had an explanation.

When he arrived at the treasury, Chen Yuang took out the token of President Good and opened the door of the treasury.

"You are so lucky, there are many precious treasures in the treasury of the Mage Association. Thanks to you, I can choose two items here today."

"This is the catalog. Take a look at it first. Don't rush to choose something you like. Wait until I come back."

After Chen Yuang finished speaking, he walked towards the material area.

He was already level 79 and was preparing for his fourth job change. He was still missing two important materials to condense the elemental field.

Thanks to Lin Yuan, there were two chances to choose treasures today. Chen Yuang was ready to take those two important materials.

When Chen Yuang left, he left Lin Yuan a thick book.

"Wow, the catalog is so thick, there are so many things in the treasure house."

Lin Yuan looked through it for a while and saw a lot of strange items.

Level 1 dark gold equipment, level 70 silver shield with no level requirement, etc.

These things look good, but they are actually not very useful.

"I'll see if there are any special skills."

Lin Yuan turned directly to the skill section. This directory has a built-in search function. Lin Yuan first searched for S-level skills.

Suddenly, hundreds of books popped up.

There were books for various professions, which made Lin Yuan dizzy.

Then Lin Yuan selected the keywords, mage, S-level, time.

After searching, he found no results.

So Lin Yuan deleted the S-level keywords, leaving only mage and time.

After searching, a skill book appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

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