
Leviathan thought that the Red Dragon Queen was under his control, and yelled at Lin Yuan.

Don't you know why I asked you to come here?

You didn't seize such a good opportunity.

It's not that you didn't seize it, but that you seized it very well.

The Red Dragon Queen's body ignited with blood-red flames, igniting the true fire of life, and slammed into Leviathan fiercely.


The Queen's sharp claws easily tore through Leviathan's armor, and the dragon breath she exhaled melted two void defense runes.

"Ah!" Leviathan screamed heartbreakingly.

"This is impossible!"

How could the Red Dragon Queen be freed from the control of the Demon Soul!

Before Leviathan's cry ended, a shield that penetrated the sky and the earth fell from the sky.

""Bang!" Leviathan was smashed into the sea, splashing countless water.

Then, Chen Yuang transformed into a huge glacier element and crashed into Leviathan, breaking the last void protection rune on Leviathan.

"Good opportunity!"Gwari seized the opportunity and fired a destructive shot.

After the bullet hit Leviathan, it briefly shattered his divine armor.

"Come and help me!" Leviathan shouted in panic when his divine armor was shattered, wanting his men to help.

However, his men were blocked outside by Tyrannosaurus and Sword Saint, and could not rush to support.

As for the Fire Elemental Lord, he had stopped at this moment, and he had realized something.

Leviathan thought he had set a trap and waited for the other party to fall into it, but he didn't know that the real hunter was actually the other party.

""Kraken, come on!" Lin Yuan held the sea beast scepter and ordered Kraken to join the siege.

As early as the moment the Red Dragon Queen launched the attack, Lin Yuan had already dodged to a safe place.

Now he has restored his human appearance and stood behind Gwari.

After receiving the order, the sea monster Kraken immediately dived to the side of Leviathan and stretched out its huge tentacles to tightly wrap around Leviathan.

No matter how Leviathan struggled, Kraken would not let go.

""Hurry, get him!" Seeing that Kraken had already controlled Leviathan, Lin Yuan reminded the others to increase their attack strength.

Everyone else knew that this was a good opportunity, and they all used their trump cards.

In less than a minute, Leviathan's huge body was broken into pieces.

After the demon's true body was broken, Leviathan's true spirit emerged from his body.

At this moment, Leviathan's true spirit was extremely weak, and he did not dare to stay for long. He used the teleportation rune given to him by Lucifer to escape from here.

"You just wait for me!"

Before leaving, Leviathan did not forget to leave these harsh words.

"Where are you running to!"The Red Dragon Queen spit out dragon breath towards the place where Leviathan escaped.

But the hot dragon breath only burned that area of space and made it tremble slightly, without causing any harm to Leviathan.

"Damn it, he got away!" The Red Dragon Queen was a little dissatisfied, and then her eyes were directed at the other demons.

This action frightened the demons, and the remaining demons fled very decisively.

As for the Fire Elemental Lord, he had already retreated to the Land of Fire.

"Fortunately, I got the essence of the Purgatory Fire first, otherwise my work would be in vain."

The Fire Elemental Lord was not worried about these people's revenge on him.

As long as he was in the Fire Elemental Plane, unless the other party had a demigod, they could not do anything to him.

Besides, even if the other party sent out a demigod, what could they do? The Fire King would not sit idly by.

With the explosion of Leviathan's demon body, the battle came to an end.

The preparation time for this battle was very long, and the actual fighting time was extremely short.

From the appearance of Lin Yuan and others to the explosion of Leviathan's demon body, it took less than 5 minutes in total.

This was thanks to Lin Yuan's layout, which created an opportunity to kill Leviathan.

But it was a pity that Leviathan's true spirit could not be destroyed.

"Without this true form of the demon god, Leviathan will not show up again in the short term.

The Sword Saint got a 40-meter-long sword from somewhere and cut off Leviathan's head.

"This is for you, your ultimate dream has been achieved."

When the hideous and terrifying head of Leviathan was placed in front of him, Gvari became more and more satisfied,"If he wants to regain his peak strength, it will take at least ten or twenty years."

After admiring his new collection, Gvari did not forget to thank Lin Yuan,"Brother Lin Yuan, this time it all depends on you to plan and strategize, otherwise we would be in danger."

This time, Lin Yuan not only brought the Red Dragon Queen, but also Chen Yuan and Tu Gang, two powerful human beings.

Of course, the biggest contributor this time was none other than the temporary combat member Kraken.

In this battle, Kraken acted as the vanguard of the death squad, and used all his strength to tie up Leviathan tightly.

It was Kraken's fearlessness that allowed everyone to output as much as possible.

Speaking of Kraken, Lin Yuan saw that several of his huge tentacles had been bitten off and were floating alone on the sea.

Through the sea beast scepter, Lin Yuan could feel Kraken's grievance.

""Do you have any use for the rest of Leviathan's body?" Lin Yuan suddenly asked.

The others looked at each other and shook their heads to indicate that it was useless.

So, Lin Yuan communicated with Kraken and asked him to take away the remaining parts of Leviathan.

It was considered a reward for Kraken.

Kraken was delighted and stretched out the few remaining tentacles to drag Leviathan's body to the bottom of the sea.

Originally, Lin Yuan planned to let others kill Kraken together after fighting Leviathan.

But after about an hour of contact, Lin Yuan gave up this idea.

Kraken attacked his group instinctively. The two sides did not have any deep hatred, so they did not have to fight to the death.

Moreover, Lin Yuan might come to the Endless Sea again someday in the future. Letting Kraken live might be of great use

"Okay, find a place to digest Leviathan's body, and don't be enslaved by the Nagas anymore."

The control time of the Sea Beast Scepter is still more than an hour, but Lin Yuan asked Kraken to leave here first.

Hearing Lin Yuan's order, Kraken actually made a reluctant cry,"Lili!"

In the past, those Nagas only despised me for being stupid, beat and scolded me all day long, and didn't let me eat enough.

This little guy is so nice, he let me eat and still knew to care about me!

Feeling the emotions that Kraken wanted to express, Lin Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Let's go, I'll bring you something delicious next time we meet."

Hearing that there would be delicious food next time they met, Kraken slowly dived into the deep sea.

Although Lin Yuan's level was the lowest among all, after this battle, everyone else looked at Lin Yuan with admiration.

Others did not object to Lin Yuan's move of letting Kraken leave.

Instead, they admired Lin Yuan very much.

Look, the orc swordmaster came over and threw an amulet to Lin Yuan,"This is a gadget from the Fire Blade Clan, for you."

After throwing the amulet to Lin Yuan, the swordmaster and the others nodded and left.

"The Muro people are a little cold, but they are definitely loyal. The fact that he gave you this amulet means that he has recognized you."Gwari was worried that Lin Yuan might misunderstand, so he patted his shoulder and explained.

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