As the Ash Field was opened, the Ash Element's combat power increased threefold, and with the blessing of the field, more than a dozen Ash Element mutated into Lava Element over fifty meters long.

After the Lava Element appeared, it soon blew up all the Alchemy Golems.

"Get out of my territory!"

After clearing the alchemical puppets, Holstein personally joined the battle.

Holstein's body fell heavily to the ground like a meteorite.

Rumble! The earth shook, and the surrounding volcanoes once again erupted a large amount of magma.

After Holstein personally took action, Gwari and his men fell into a bitter battle.

"This is a trap! Leviathan is trying to catch us all in one fell swoop."The goblin craftsman noticed something was wrong and told Gwari and the others.

The others knew it was a trap, but they didn't expect Leviathan to do this.

Leviathan was too well prepared. The void protection rune made Gwari's armor-piercing bullets ineffective.

Without the armor-piercing effect, Leviathan only needed to open the jealousy field and was not afraid of the siege of three people.

The effect of the jealousy field is a seal. Leviathan can seal part of the enemy's attack.

The ability to save life is very strong.

"Today is the day you annoying guys will die. After you die, I will extract your souls and torture you day and night."

Leviathan was very proud and laughed arrogantly, asking his men to increase the intensity of the attack.

He did not get too close to prevent the opponent from having any killer moves.

It must be said that Leviathan is really timid.

The orc swordmaster found this situation and wanted to use his trump card to kill his way out.

"There is no way to kill Leviathan today. I will use Bladestorm to hold them back and you can take the opportunity to break out."

"Wait a minute, it's not that far yet, we still have a chance."Gwari stopped the sword master's action and took out a whistle from his arms.

After blowing the whistle, a huge figure appeared out of thin air in front of Gwari.

"Old buddy, it's been a long time since I fought alongside you."

【Tyrannosaurus King Picrus] (Legend) lv85

Description: The Tyrannosaurus King who lives in the endless wilderness has extremely violent power

""Little dwarf, are you in trouble?" Tyrannosaurus King stretched his body and shouted at the top of his voice.

When Tyrannosaurus King saw that the enemy in front of him was Leviathan, his eyes burst into a strong murderous intent. Extremely powerful lightning emerged from his body, instantly electrocuting a large number of demons.

Tyrannosaurus King and Leviathan have an indelible hatred.

His lover was killed by Leviathan.

As the saying goes, enemies are particularly jealous when they meet. Without Gvari's orders, the figure of Tyrannosaurus King has already killed Leviathan like an arrow from a string.

With the addition of Tyrannosaurus King, the battle between the two sides became stalemate again.

But Gvari knew very well in his heart that this was all temporary. If Lin Yuan didn't come again, it would only be a matter of time before they failed.

""Brother Lin Yuan, why haven't you come yet? If you don't come soon, we won't be able to hold on any longer!"

In the Endless Sea, the Red Dragon Queen, who was flying at high speed, sensed something and said to Lin Yuan on her back.

"It's less than 50 miles away from the Flame Mountains. I can already sense a battle taking place."It's less than 50 miles away. With the speed of the Red Dragon Queen, it will take only a few minutes to get there.

So, Lin Yuan took out the communication rune,

"Brother, when are you coming? If you don't come, we can't hold on any longer." Gwari's tone was quite serious.

Lin Yuan could feel the urgency in Gwari's words and quickly replied,"We still have two minutes. You can come over to the Endless Sea. I have brought some very powerful helpers!"

Hearing Lin Yuan say this, Gwari felt relieved.

After hanging up the call, he said to the Sword Saint,"Muro, support has arrived. Let's fight our way to the Endless Sea!"

"Support? What support?"The goblin craftsman's mind was full of question marks, and he kept asking.

But no one answered this question.

The current situation is very unfavorable to Gwari and others.

Leviathan turned back to his true form, floating on the sea, fighting with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but the Tyrannosaurus Rex tried his best and could only remain undefeated.

Holstein led the elemental army to advance slowly, forming an encirclement.

"" Towards the Endless Sea!" the Sword Master muttered.

While the Tyrannosaurus Rex attracted Leviathan's attention, the Sword Master acted decisively.

His figure flashed and he charged into the demon army.

A blood-red light emanated from the Sword Master's body, and the whole person spun rapidly."Blade Storm!"

The Blade Storm was the Sword Master's unique skill. With the help of the Blade Domain, it instantly caused huge damage to the demon army.

The Sword Master's speed was getting faster and faster, and the power of the Blade Storm was getting stronger and stronger.

The Leopard Demon King was unable to dodge and had one arm cut off by the blade.

"Get out of the way, his blade storm won't last long!"Leviathan noticed the situation here and ordered the demon army to retreat.

This was exactly what the Sword Master wanted.

"Let's go!" Gwari pulled the goblin craftsman and ran quickly towards the sea with Windrunner.

"Oh no, they're running away!"Seeing Gwari and the others running away, Leviathan's body swelled up, forcing the Tyrannosaurus Rex back and chasing after Gwari. At this time, a hoarse voice reached everyone's ears,

""Lord Demon, I'm here to help you!"

Leviathan looked closely and saw a red dragon several hundred meters long appear in his field of vision.

Wasn't the one shouting the message the herald he had sent out?

Why was he here? Where was Dimensius?

Forget it, it doesn't matter. As long as the Red Dragon Queen comes, other things can be dealt with after killing Gvari.

Several thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and he ordered,"Kill them for me!"

Then, Leviathan rushed towards Gvari and others without thinking, wanting to kill these annoying guys together with the Red Dragon Queen.

""Die!" Lin Yuan, disguised as a messenger, shouted.

This was the attack signal agreed upon in advance.

As long as this sentence was shouted, it was time for everyone to act together.

Gwari stopped immediately after receiving the signal, turned his head and pointed the gun at Leviathan, ready to launch a destructive shot.

Aurelia did the same, the power of wind appeared in her hand again, and she performed a charged shot.

""Are you struggling to survive?" Leviathan sneered disdainfully.

I still have the triple void defense rune on me, and the jealousy field is always on. You still want to kill me? It's a foolish dream.

I will let you die in despair. After killing you, I will see who dares to bother me again!

""Hahahaha! Die!"

Leviathan laughed wildly, as if victory was just around the corner.

At this moment, the Red Dragon Queen had come behind Gvari, and a cruel look appeared in Leviathan's eyes.

It only took one hit, and these annoying guys would be crushed.

But the next moment, Leviathan was stunned,"What's going on?"

The huge body of the Red Dragon Queen swept past Gvari and others without attacking them.

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