"Take advantage of the enemy's tactics?" The Red Dragon Queen was puzzled.

The Red Dragon Queen was born with great strength and liked to speak with strength. When she was thinking, her muscles occupied 80% of her strength, so she would not think about these conspiracies and tricks at all.

So there was such a question.

Lin Yuan explained very patiently:"As the jealous demon god, how does Leviathan compare to you?"

When it came to this, the Red Dragon Queen thought for a while and replied:"Leviathan's true body is thousands of meters long, and his divine power is very strong. Even I am not as good as him."

With such a proud temperament, the Red Dragon Queen had to admit that Leviathan's strength was a few points higher than hers.

Lin Yuan struck while the iron was hot and said:"The Red Dragon Legion suffered heavy losses after this battle, and only one-third of the dragons survived. Even if you take all the remaining red dragons to participate in the battle, it will be useless. By then, you won't get revenge, and you will be involved again."

Hearing this, the Red Dragon Queen did not say a word, which was considered as tacit agreement.

In this regard, Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He had to protect the free thugs he had finally obtained.

By comparing the strength of both sides, Lin Yuan had stabilized the Red Dragon Queen.

But stabilizing the Red Dragon Queen is only the first step. The next step is to make the Red Dragon Queen listen to my arrangements.

So, Lin Yuan continued

"Leviathan doesn't know what's going on here yet, and is planning to use you to ambush Gwari and his group. Why don't we do the opposite and follow Leviathan's instructions and rush to the ambush site?"

"After Leviathan and Gwari and the others have fought, we will suddenly attack and catch Leviathan off guard. We will definitely injure him severely. What do you think?"

After listening to this, the Red Dragon Queen nodded with satisfaction,"This is a very good idea, but there is one thing. I am not familiar with Gwari. What if he thinks I am a helper called by Leviathan?"

The Red Dragon Queen was worried that when he attacked Leviathan, he would be accidentally injured by Gwari.

Gwari's reputation as an ace hunter is not small. The Red Dragon Queen has obviously heard of him.

"That's easy! I'll take care of it," Lin Yuan promised, patting his chest.

Then, Lin Yuan took out the medal of the Mithril Brotherhood,"Brother Gwari, I know you, I'm also a member of the Mithril Brotherhood."

Seeing Lin Yuan take out the token of the Mithril Brotherhood, the Red Dragon Queen looked at Lin Yuan with a hint of surprise.

"Are you also a member of the Mithril Brotherhood?"

The Red Dragon Queen had heard of this organization. Although there were few members, each of them was extremely powerful.

I didn't expect Lin Yuan to be a member of the Mithril Brotherhood. I really didn't misjudge him.

After that, Lin Yuan took out Gwari's communication rune.

In a quiet sea, Gwari was moving forward quickly. Suddenly, the communication rune rang. After the connection was connected, Gwari quickly said

"Brother Lin Yuan, if there is nothing important, please don't bother me. I am about to do something important."

This time, knowing that Leviathan appeared in this sea of death, Gwari specially called his partners from the Mithril Brotherhood to deal with Leviathan together.

At this moment, there were two people standing behind him. The one on the left was a tall elf named Aurelia, whose profession was Wind Walker.

The one on the right was an orc named Muro, a swordsman.

The strength of these two people was very strong, both of them were level 85 strongmen.

Gwari was planning a plan to sneak attack Leviathan in his mind, and suddenly received a message from Lin Yuan.

He didn't want to answer it at first, but after thinking about it, he answered it.

"Brother Lin Yuan, it's urgent now. If you have nothing else, please contact me later."

Hearing Gwari's words, Lin Yuan was very anxious,"Brother, you are going to deal with Leviathan now, but don't go, he is preparing to ambush you."

Worried that Gwari would hang up the call, Lin Yuan spoke very quickly.

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Gwari suddenly stopped and was shocked:"What did you say!"

His words attracted the attention of Wind Walker and Sword Saint.

Then, Gwari turned up the volume of the communication and asked

""How did you know I was going to deal with Leviathan?"

Gwari said, looking at Wind Walker and Sword Saint.

Gwari never told the fourth person about this matter from beginning to end. Where did Lin Yuan get the news from?

Hearing Gwari's tone was a little solemn, Lin Yuan quickly recounted the matter of how he got the secret order from the Demon God.

"The demon is using himself as bait this time to ambush you."

Lin Yuan told Gwari his plan again.

After that, Gwari fell into thought.

Leviathan actually planned to ambush us! Is this true or false?

Finding that the other party did not say anything, Lin Yuan knew that it was not convenient for Gwari to answer now, so he said again,

"Brother, please think about it first. I have passed the Star Mage Trial. I will go back to the Star Mage Tower first. Contact me after you have considered it."

After saying that, Lin Yuan hung up the call.

The Red Dragon Queen beside him was surprised to hear that Lin Yuan was the inheritor of the Star Mage.

"You actually got the inheritance of the Star Realm Mage!"

Hearing the words of the Red Dragon Queen, Lin Yuan smiled and said,"I'm just lucky."

Then, Lin Yuan said to the Red Dragon Queen,"Alai, you take the other tribesmen back to the Red Jade Holy Land first, I will go back to the Star Realm Mage Tower first."

The Red Dragon Queen nodded and threw a teleportation rune and a dimensional bag to Lin Yuan.

"This is the rune and some gold coins that will teleport you to the Ruby Holy Land. You can use this rune to enter the Ruby Holy Land at any time. The door to the Ruby Holy Land is always open to you."

After receiving the rune and the dimensional bag, Lin Yuan took out Aluneth and used the astral teleport.

With a flash of his figure, Lin Yuan returned to the interior of the Astral Mage Tower.

""Pa pa pa!"

Just after returning here, Lin Yuan heard the sound of applause beside him.

Turning around, he saw Magna's phantom walking towards him with a smile on her face.

"Your strength and luck surprise me. I have never seen such an outstanding successor. You are qualified to become a star mage." Magna's phantom said with a smile.

She waved her right hand lightly, and the whole mage tower made a rumbling sound.

"Are you ready to accept the power of the astral world?"

Before Lin Yuan could react, Magna's phantom hand had already fallen.

Instantly, Lin Yuan felt a sharp pain.

"Damn, I'm not ready yet!"

The severe pain lasted for a few seconds, and was replaced by a sense of comfort that penetrated deep into the soul.

This was the power of the astral world being infused into Lin Yuan's body.

This power was strengthening Lin Yuan's body from the inside out.

【You become the only hidden profession Star Realm Mage.

After a while, Lin Yuan regained consciousness and reopened the panel to look at his attributes.

【Name: Lin Yuan

Occupation: Star Mage (only)

Level: lv33

Life: 625000

Mana: 1438050

Spell Attack: 90765

Strength: 20250 (affects physical attack, physical defense)

Agility: 18340 (affects critical hit rate, speed)

Intelligence: 90765 (affects spell attack, spell defense)

Physical Strength: 42580 (affects health, resistance)

Skill Points: 20400

Evolution Points: 0

Free Attribute Points: 0

【Talent]: Cooldown Reduction (Level A)

【Skills: Slightly

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