The Demon Soul in Lin Yuan's hand had obvious cracks, and the crystal on the top was dimmed.

Looking closely, Lin Yuan could feel that the power of the Demon Soul was slowly fading.

His control over the Red Dragon Queen was reduced.

Lin Yuan tried to chant a spell, and the violent Red Dragon Queen actually calmed down slowly.

The struggle in her eyes became more intense.

Seeing this, Dimensius, who had just been knocked away, became even more anxious. He changed his figure in an instant, came behind Lin Yuan, and stretched out his claws to hit Lin Yuan's back.

"Despicable human, go to hell!" Dimensius's eyes showed a bloodthirsty look.

As long as this attack hits, this human will definitely die.

The demon soul will be in my pocket again.

Then I will let these dragons know what real cruelty is.

Dimensius's plan is very good, but unfortunately, this attack failed.

Lin Yuan has used dimensional walking to leave his original position.

He came to the front of the Red Dragon Queen,

"This is the demon soul that controls you. Attack him! You will be free!"

Lin Yuan shouted loudly when he came to the Red Dragon Queen.

This voice attracted everyone's attention.

"The Queen is in a state of confusion and cannot communicate."

"Human, be careful, the Queen can't tell friend from foe now, get out of there quickly."

Sumilak reminded from the side. Lin

Yuan ignored Sumilak's reminder for the time being. Thinking of Dimensius's action before, Lin Yuan suddenly threw the demon soul in his hand at the Red Dragon Queen.

The place where he smashed happened to be her dragon horn.

"With a"ding" sound, the Red Dragon Queen felt like she was offended by an ant.

Her rationality was instantly wiped out, and the true fire of life burned again.

After Lin Yuan threw out the Demon Soul, he immediately used Dimensional Walking to dodge to a safe place.

Before leaving, he did not forget to shout loudly:"Release your anger!"

The Red Dragon Queen really released all her anger as Lin Yuan said.

"No!"Dimencius saw the Red Dragon Queen's move and dodged to grab the Demon Soul.

"I order you to stop attacking!"

Dimensius yelled frantically, continuously injecting power into the Demon Soul, trying to control the Red Dragon Queen again.

But it was too late, the Red Dragon Queen had already spewed out a terrifying flame that was enough to burn everything.

Dimensius was burned to ashes without even a scream.

The second after his death, there was a"crack" sound, and the Demon Soul broke into countless pieces.

"Success!" Lin Yuan clenched his fist excitedly.

【You have completed Trial Mission 4. Please return to the Star Mage Tower as soon as possible to accept the job transfer.】

【You successfully saved the Red Dragon Queen. The Red Dragon Legion's favorability is +60. Now the favorability is Honored.��】

【Your behavior has attracted the attention of the Black Dragon King Nerios.

After receiving the reminder, Lin Yuan finally put down his worries.

When Lin Yuan was secretly happy, a very pleasant voice came to his ears.

"Human, thank you for your help!"

Looking up, Lin Yuan saw the clear eyes of the Red Dragon Queen.

These eyes were filled with six points of gratitude, three points of excitement, and one point of guilt.

After the Red Dragon Queen finished speaking, her body suddenly shrank and turned into an elf.

Not to mention, after the Red Dragon Queen turned into an elf, she was very beautiful, full of noble and elegant temperament.

"From now on, you will become the most loyal ally of the Red Dragon Army. If you encounter any difficulties, the Red Dragon Army will do its best to help you."

Hearing the words of the Red Dragon Queen, Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Didn't he learn the Fiery Dragon Breath? It just happened that he could let the Red Dragon Queen bless him.

Lin Yuan didn't forget that if he collected all the five-color dragon breaths and received the blessing of the five-color dragon king, this skill could be upgraded to a divine skill.

"I have learned the Fiery Dragon Breath, Queen, can you bless me?" Lin Yuan looked at the Red Dragon Queen and asked

"Of course you can." The Red Dragon Queen answered without hesitation.

Then, the Red Dragon Queen gave Lin Yuan the Dragon King's Blessing.

【You have been blessed by the Red Dragon Queen Alexsta. The power of your Fiery Dragon Breath has increased by 100%, your Fire Resistance has increased by 20, and you will recover 1% of your maximum HP per second.

Seeing the blessing effect, Lin Yuan smiled happily."Thank you, Queen!""

"I should be the one thanking you." The Red Dragon Queen smiled.

"You don't have to call me Queen, just call me Alai."

The Red Dragon Queen saw infinite potential in Lin Yuan.

If he had not died halfway, he would have been a powerful demigod in the future. He might even reach the realm of God.

The Red Dragon Queen's race gave her a very strong innate advantage, but it also limited her.

Perhaps she would never be able to break through to the demigod level in this lifetime.

This is what is called"gain and loss".

Although the dragon has a unique body, its strength grows very slowly. The

Red Dragon Queen has lived for nearly a thousand years, but her strength is only level 87. She is still a long way from becoming a demigod.

But humans are different.

It has only been about 100 years since the Holy Tower came to Blue Star, and humans already have 3 demigod-level masters.

Don't think that the Red Dragon Queen's strength is overwhelming Lin Yuan now. You can wait for 20 years, or even less than 20 years.

Lin Yuan's strength will definitely surpass the Red Dragon Queen.

By then, the relationship between the Red Dragon Queen and Lin Yuan will be reversed.

Lin Yuan will become the backer of the Red Dragon Legion.

The Red Dragon Queen had this idea in mind.

Therefore, the Red Dragon Queen responded to Lin Yuan's requests and her attitude was very intimate.

"Queen, Alai, can you still fight now? Lin Yuan asked.

"I control the true fire of life. As long as the true fire is not extinguished, I can always maintain my peak state?"The Red Dragon Queen said that he could continue to fight.

But now all the demons in the hanging fortress have died. Do I still need to take action myself?

Lin Yuan seemed to sense the doubts of the Red Dragon Queen and said

"The target of this battle is the culprit who designed to control you."

Afterwards, Lin Yuan took out the Demon God's secret order and told the Red Dragon Queen all of Leviathan's plans. After carefully reading the contents of the Demon God's secret order, the Red Dragon Queen clenched her hands tightly.

"With a"bang", the secret order was crushed by the Red Dragon Queen.

"It turns out that the mastermind behind this is Leviathan!"The Red Dragon Queen gnashed her teeth.

After learning about Leviathan's conspiracy, the Red Dragon Queen was furious and prepared to go to Leviathan's territory to get back at her.

""Wait a minute!" Lin Yuan stopped the Red Dragon Queen from doing this.

He sighed in his heart: Sure enough, like a leader, like a subordinate.

I found the reason. It turns out that the Red Dragon is not good at using its brain because of you, Alai!

But this can only be said in my heart. If I say it in front of the Red Dragon Queen, she might beat me up out of anger.

To deal with such a violent maniac, Lin Yuan has to find another way.

"Alai, Leviathan is preparing to ambush Gwari now, and has no idea that you have escaped. You must not show up. We can use the Leviathan's trick against you and guarantee that we can defeat Leviathan."

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