Lin Yuan did not give up and released two more war gusts.

The gusts still failed to force out the tiger king Rajaksh.

As the king of jungle tigers,

Rajaksh's hunting skills are very superb and he is also very patient.

He knew that Lin Yuan was gradually becoming impatient.

So, he took action.

The predator was activated, and the figure quietly came behind Lin Yuan.

After launching the attack, he did not stay for even 0.1 seconds. He immediately used the Void Flash.

Flashed to a safe place and disappeared from Lin Yuan's sight.

-1100000 (Critical Hit)

Lin Yuan, who was attacked, was about to mobilize the Spear of the Earth to attack, but he lost the target.

In the following time,

Lagakesh repeated this tactic.

After the Void Flash was cooled down, he would attack Lin Yuan.

For a while,

Lin Yuan could only passively take the beating.

Even if he put the Spear of the Earth behind him, it would be of no use.

"This can't go on any longer!"

Lin Yuan felt very uncomfortable.

Rajakesh's ability to appear and disappear was too buggy.

If Lin Yuan didn't have nearly 10 million shields, he would have died under Rajakesh's claws.

The current situation is that

Lin Yuan can't attack Rajakesh.

Rajakesh can't break Lin Yuan's shield in a short time.

But the two of them are not leaving.

The man and the tiger are now in a stalemate.

Lin Yuan must kill Rajakesh.

If he doesn't kill it, Lin Yuan can't leave the Beast Forest.

Rajakesh, on the other hand, is thinking about the more than 300 red-scaled salmon on Lin Yuan.

The two can't kill each other, and they are unwilling to leave.

They are in a stalemate. 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes of fighting,

Rajakesh had some intention of retreating.

As a void creature, if he leaves the void for a long time, he will feel a huge sense of emptiness in his body.

He must return to the void.

During the mating season, the ghost tiger only appears for 30 minutes.

Don't underestimate these 30 minutes, which is enough for it to have fun with five or six tigresses.

Fighting with Lin Yuan is much more tiring than having fun with tigresses.

I don't know what this human is doing.

The damage I have caused to him must be hundreds of millions.

How can he not be killed?

Rajakesh is a little doubtful about the tiger's life.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was also thinking of a way.

In order to prevent sneak attacks,

Lin Yuan imposed absolute zero on himself.

Wrapped himself with ice.

Seeing Lin Yuan created another ball of ice to protect himself.

Rajaksh was also a little speechless.

The shield was originally high.

Now there is another layer of ice shield.

Can't be killed, really can't be killed.

Rajaksh had the idea of leaving.

Just as he was about to leave.

Lin Yuan suddenly cancelled the ice shield.

He obviously considered this point.

He was worried that Rajaksh would run away after seeing the ice shield.

What should he do? Wouldn't it be in vain that he had worked so hard for so long.

No, he had to let it attack him actively.

Lin Yuan thought of what Rajaksh had done before.

When Kesh saw the grilled fish, he had an idea and took out the grilled fish from the package.

As soon as the grilled fish appeared, it exuded an enticing aroma, and Rajaksh's steps stopped instantly.

There was a strong desire in his lavender eyes.

He instinctively activated the predator and came behind Lin Yuan.

This time he did not choose to attack Lin Yuan.

Instead, he opened his bloody mouth and bit towards Lin Yuan's right hand.

The grilled fish was on Lin Yuan's right hand.

Lin Yuan did not expect Rajaksh to move so quickly.

He couldn't wait to grab the grilled fish as soon as he took it out.

Lin Yuan loosened his hand, threw away the grilled fish, and then controlled the Spear of the Earth to attack Rajaksh.


-120000In order to eat grilled fish.

Rajakesh was attacked by the Spear of the Earth five times.

After that,

Rajakesh's figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Yuan:...

He really couldn't do anything with this tiger.

But Lin Yuan was sure of one thing.

That is, red-scale salmon has a huge attraction to Rajakesh.


Lin Yuan re-lit the fire, took out five red-scale salmon, and put them on the fire to roast.

Rajakesh was also very patient.

He knew that Lin Yuan was going to set a trap for him.

Reason told him that he should leave immediately.

But instinct told him to stay here.

The only thing that the human could do to him was the five spears.

As long as he avoided the attack of the spears, the human would be helpless against me.

Rajakesh was quite confident and felt that he had seen through Lin Yuan's trap.

As long as he was careful, this human would be a free cook.


The grilled red-scale salmon is so delicious!

3 minutes later.

The red-scale salmon in Lin Yuan's hand exuded an enticing aroma.

Rajaksh almost lost control and rushed over like before.

Fortunately, he stopped in time.

After that,

Rajaksh was very patient and found an opportunity to grab all the grilled fish.

"Damn, you've become smarter!"

Lin Yuan looked at the bare branch in his hand and wanted to curse.

The lure plan failed.

Lin Yuan took out five more red-scaled salmon.

This time he must be prepared.

Five minutes later, the branch in Lin Yuan's hand became bare again.


Is this tiger so cunning?

It ran away after snatching the fish without any regrets.

Its stealth ability is simply BUG-level.

Lin Yuan has been very alert, but still can't do anything to it.

Lin Yuan is a person who never admits defeat.

He took out 5 more fish.


30 minutes later,

Lin Yuan lost 45 fish and did not cause any damage.

Lin Yuan was extremely depressed and wanted to give up.

Just when he was about to lose heart,

Alunes in his backpack sent a message.

He said that he had the ability to trap this void creature.

After taking out Alunes,

Lin Yuan asked,

"Can you do it?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Alunes' staff quickly shrank, indicating that there was no problem.

After Lin Yuan communicated with Alunes, they decided to act immediately.

In order to lure Rajaksh to show up again.

Lin Yuan took out 10 red-scaled salmon this time, and

Alunes beside him hid all his light.

It looked like a broken staff and posed no threat.

When Lin Yuan was grilling fish, the distance between Rajaksh and Lin Yuan was less than 20 meters.

It can be said that he was skilled and daring.

After so many rounds of games.

Rajaksh was sure that Lin Yuan had no way to deal with him, and he still wanted to use grilled fish as a trap?

Ha, naive human.

As long as you move faster.

You can only eat the dust behind my butt.

Rajaksh lay on the ground bored, his tail wagging. It was shaking and very proud.

Of course, all these actions were performed in stealth mode.

Lin Yuan could not see it.

The fish was about to be grilled, and

Rajaksh slowly got up and prepared to enjoy the grilled fish.

The success of the previous times made him a little complacent.

When he quietly walked to Lin Yuan,

Rajaksh's face showed a humane mockery, a humble fish griller!

When he was less than one meter away from Lin Yuan,

Rajaksh was about to stretch his head to bite the grilled fish in Lin Yuan's hand, and suddenly felt a palpitation.

This is the sixth sense of the king of beasts.

It sensed the danger. It made a prompt decision to retreat.

It didn't even care about the grilled fish that was so close, but it was still too late.

A colorful cage appeared around.

Lin Yuan and Rajaksh were locked together.

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