About 20 minutes later, the tiger reappeared here.

This purple tiger was the tiger king Rajaksh.

The reason why it was invisible just now was that it was worried that someone would use the red-scale salmon as a trap.

If it went over rashly, it would be ambushed.

But in the 20 minutes of invisibility, no traces of traps or other people were found around.

Could it be that this red-scale salmon really just fell here accidentally?

I am so lucky.

The last time I ate red-scale salmon was four years ago.

At that time, I was almost killed by a sea giant with a stone.

Fortunately, I ran fast!

Tiger King Rajaksh recalled the scene four years ago, and his mouth drooled unconsciously.

Red-scale salmon is so delicious.

If it weren't for the fact that it couldn't beat the sea giant, the red-scale salmon in the bay would have been stolen by the tiger king long ago.

Lin Yuan put more than 100 red-scale salmon in this area, and

Tiger King Rajaksh was addicted this time.

He ate it with great pleasure.

When the tiger king came to about 100 meters away from Lin Yuan, he suddenly raised his head and sniffed hard, smelling a very fragrant smell.

This fragrance was the smell of grilled fish.

At this moment,

Lin Yuan was still holding a grilled fish in his hand, hesitating whether to eat it.

Before he could eat it, a fierce roar suddenly came from the front.

""Roar!" (Human, throw the grilled fish over here!)

Hearing the sound,

Lin Yuan looked up and laughed.

"It's really like searching for something without any effort."

I was still wondering when the Tiger King would come out, but it jumped in front of me.

After putting away the grilled fish,

Lin Yuan stood up.

【Ghost Tiger - Lagakesh] (Epic) lv43

HP: 7500000

Attack Power: 600000

Hunting Instinct (Expertise): Enter stealth mode, movement speed increased by 100%, the first attack after appearing will definitely produce a critical hit, no cooldown time.

Predator: When in stealth mode, normal attacks will jump behind the target enemy, and can be triggered again after killing the enemy.

Void Body: Magic immunity, physical damage increased by 200%.

Beast Roar: Causes 80,000 magic damage to enemies within a range of 10 meters, causing a fright effect.

Void Flash: Quickly jump in the void, the farthest distance is 50 meters, and the cooldown time is 8 seconds.

After seeing the attributes of Tiger King Lagakesh,

Lin Yuan was stunned.

Magic immunity, how can I beat this.

I am a mage, and you tell me that I need to defeat a magic-immune level 43 epic ghost tiger!

And this ghost tiger is also an assassin-type beast.

Are you kidding me?

Lin Yuan cursed Gwari in his heart.


Gwari in the hunting camp suddenly sneezed, opened his eyes to look at the sky, and then closed his eyes again.

He muttered:

"I wonder how long it will take you to complete the task this time."

Lin Yuan scolded, but the task still had to continue.

""Hand over the grilled fish!"

When Lin Yuan was stunned,

Rajakesh also roared.

He wanted Lin Yuan to hand over the grilled fish.

Lin Yuan understood what he wanted to express and replied:

"If you want to grill fish easily, kill me! I still have more than 300 red-scaled salmon."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Rajaksh's eyes flashed with joy.

As long as he killed the human in front of him, he would have countless red-scaled salmon to eat.

After being transformed by the void energy,

Rajaksh's IQ dropped a lot.

But his hunting instinct is still there.

The figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

Lin Yuan saw Rajaksh enter the invisible state, and decisively put on a layer of energy shield for himself.

The demon wings spread, and five earth spears appeared around him.

There is no way, who made this monster immune to magic.

Lin Yuan can only use the earth spear to attack.

Moreover, Lin Yuan released the mirror image and installed the earth spear on the mirror image.

For a time, twenty earth spears were suspended around Lin Yuan.

This picture looks very much like a practitioner of the sword technique.

Rajaksh didn't care about those fancy tricks. spear.

Because it is immune to magic.

It was timid when facing the sea giant guard because the sea giant guard has super high physical attack and knockback effect.

Although the void body is immune to magic, the physical damage it receives is increased by 200%.

This is why, although Galaksh has coveted the red-scaled salmon for a long time, it dares not go to the bay to steal fish.

It is different when facing Lin Yuan, it has to hit hard.

Lagakesh is full of void energy and has a keen sense of magic.

It can feel that Lin Yuan possesses huge magic power.


What it fears least is the spellcaster.

After stealth,

Lagakesh activated the predator, flashed behind Lin Yuan, broke out of stealth, and the claws in his hands flashed with cold light, grabbing Lin Yuan's back.

-1100000 (Critical Hit)

After receiving damage,

Lin Yuan reacted quickly and used Dimensional Walking to leave the spot, leaving behind a phantom.

He then controlled 20 Earth Spears to stab towards Lagakesh fiercely.




120,000 damage was caused by Lin Yuan's body, and

30,000 damage was caused by the spell of the mirror image.

In one second, twenty Earth Spears caused over 1 million damage.

It knocked down a large bar of Lagakesh's health.

It also stunned Lagakesh.

Ward sent!

Isn't he a spellcaster?

How can he cause physical damage to me!

Lagakesh was a little confused.

The fighting instinct told him not to passively take the hit.

He used the void jump to dodge to the side, and the figure re-entered the stealth state


Lin Yuan frowned, feeling a little embarrassed.

"It seems that I need to get an anti-submarine skill or equipment."

Facing other invisible monsters,

Lin Yuan can use spells indiscriminately to bombard them.

But it's different for Lagakesh.

This tiger demon is immune, and indiscriminate spell bombardment is useless to it.

Lin Yuan is very passive.

After Lagakesh became invisible again, he aimed at the mirror image.

Because the health of the mirror image is only 200,000.

Without a shield, it can be killed instantly.

When Lagakesh appeared again, he appeared behind the mirror image.

In just one shot, the mirror image was shattered.

Then the effect of the predator was activated again, and after two consecutive jumps, the remaining two mirror images were shattered again.

The effect of the predator was still there, and then

Lagakesh aimed at Lin Yuan's body, came behind Lin Yuan and launched an attack.

This time Lin Yuan was prepared.

The moment Lagakesh disappeared,

Lin Yuan also launched a dimensional walk.


The attack did not cause any damage to Lin Yuan.

The place where Lin Yuan appeared was less than 20 meters away.

After appearing, he immediately controlled the Spear of the Earth to attack



Five spears, only two hit.

Rajaksh's figure disappeared from Lin Yuan's sight again.


It was so uncomfortable.

Lin Yuan tried to release a war gale around him.

After the violent wind raged, the surroundings remained the same.

Except for Lin Yuan, there was still no one around.

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