This AI is one of the [Black Technology] that Fang Yun exchanged from the system with a large amount of points. It takes a full 20 million points to exchange points! And this is just a primary system. If you want to upgrade it in the future, there are two options: one is to wait for it to learn naturally, just like it is now, and the second is of course to continue to exchange points for upgrades, and the points are also extremely huge.

However, Fang Yun does not need to upgrade this AI for the time being.

It is enough to learn slowly.

There are many things in this world that can be used for it to learn, and it only takes some time to accumulate.

And Fang Yun has not thought of a one-step plan for the time being, so it is better to do it step by step.

If it is too late at the end, you can use points to exchange for upgrades, so that the points used will be less.

At the end of the day, many videos were posted on the Internet.

Of course, they were the videos from the OB perspective of the five brothers of OB James.

Western players are more familiar with these five people and know their strengths.

So after seeing them lose for a day, they all understand what the strength of this AI is, and they are also eager to try.

In the East, since the James brothers did not advance to the offline competition in the previous WCG, some dota players had only heard of it, while many people had never heard of it. So even though the report said that the AI won all the games on the first day, many people still disagreed. The forums in the East and the West are as follows:


"James lost a day with the Five? Didn't win a single game?"

"This AI is a bit too strong. You have to know that they are all professional players, and the five of them are brothers. They cooperate very well. How can they still lose?"

"Could it be that this AI is fighting them with the entire map open?"

"I just watched the video. It is true that the humans had the advantage in the early stages, but they simply couldn't handle the AI's group advance. Moreover, the AI's shooting range and skill release were very perfect, and the reaction speed could be said to be without any delay. This might be the reason for the loss, right?"

"It looks like a lot of fun. I hope Fang Yun can launch"DOTA2" soon so that players like us can experience the power of AI!"

"Didn’t you find the most terrifying thing? If you look carefully at the video of the first game and the video of the last game, the AI’s tactics have changed a lot, and the playing style is also different. It is obviously evolved!"

"The more you fight, the stronger it gets? Doesn't that mean the AI is at its weakest at the beginning?"

"Having said that, the first game is also the weakest time for the humans. Don’t forget that they are just beginning to get started with the game"DOTA2". The models and skill effects are all different, and humans also need to adapt!"



"I heard that a group of foreigners in the West were tortured by a computer for a whole day? Hahahaha!"

"They are too bad, aren't they? How can they not even beat a computer?"

"That's not a computer, that's AI, a highly intelligent thing. And I heard that the team in the video is a strong Western team, and they are five brothers. Even they can't beat them. Maybe the difficulty is really a bit high."

"Strong team? Why didn't they come to WCG?《DOTA》We are the first in this project! When the game is launched, we will definitely beat this AI before them!"

"Fang Yun likes to torture people more and more? The previous game is"Dig for Ascension", and now he has made another one《DOTA》Is this really going further and further down the path of abusing people?"

"I watched the video and it was quite interesting, but I didn’t really get a sense of how strong the AI was. I will definitely beat it when the time comes!"

"I think so……"


Although the two forums discussed the same things, their views were completely different. However, they had one thing in common. At least they took AI seriously and did not treat it as a simple human-machine as before.

The theme of the Yunmeng booth on the first day of the exhibition was the battle against AI, and there were some changes on the second day. Of course, the PC area was still provided for players to experience the exciting battle with AI.

On the main screen, it was not the promotional video of"DOTA2" yesterday, but a new one!

As soon as the players entered the venue, they noticed the change of the promotional video. The new promotional video seemed to be another game with a Western background!

The picture started with a night sky, with a bright full moon hanging in the sky, illuminating the water below and causing waves.

As the camera zoomed out, a small house appeared in front of everyone. The scene outside the window was exactly the same. There were two oil lamps hanging on the window, and there was a table next to the window. A strong man was sitting at the table, holding a pen in his right hand and a ruler in his left hand pressing on the paper on the table.

What was drawn on the paper looked like a map!

At this time, the door opened and a young woman came in. She came to the man's side, looked at his movements, and asked,"Are you plotting a new route again?"

The man raised his head and said,"The times we live in are constantly developing and changing. If we want to reach the end of the journey, we must adapt to it and strive forward!"

""How do you know we've arrived there?" the woman asked.

The man didn't speak, but smiled.

Then, the scene changed, and the man who was originally in the room at night came to a bronze giant!

The bronze giant is the image of a man, who looks to be a hundred meters tall. The giant holds a long spear in his left hand, and his right arm is stretched straight out. On his right hand, he drags a bowl, which is filled with a bowl of black stuff, which looks like oil!

Moreover, the location of the bronze giant looks like a port in a small fishing village, facing the sea, with two wooden boats under construction next to it, and rows of small houses behind it. I think the house where the man lived before was one of them.

The strong man before changed his clothes, wearing a white dress, holding the holy fire in his hand, standing on the right arm of the bronze giant, and slowly walked towards the big bowl.

The expression on his face gradually became sacred. He walked to the side of the big bowl, slowly put down the holy fire in his hand, and ignited the oil in the big bowl!

In an instant, the flames shot up to the sky!

The camera gradually approached the flames, and then turned!

Once again returned to a night!

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