In terms of play, although the AI's early buybacks seemed very naive, the effect was really good. To be honest, buying back in the early stage did not cost a lot of money. Once the team wiped out the opponent, they could make up for the economy by pushing towers, replenishing soldiers and brushing jungle. And there is another key point: their experience will be ahead of the opponent!

As for the operation of the AI, there is no need to say more. The five James brothers had their first contact with Blade 2 a few days ago, and they were not used to the character models and skill effects. The AI certainly did not have this problem, so they suffered a small loss.

In general, their strength was limited, and they were not used to the tactics of the AI for the first time. Although some of the reasons for the loss were due to the good operation of the AI, most of the reasons were their hero selection and their inability to adapt to the game.

In other words, they attributed the reason for the defeat to their inability to adapt to the game, rather than completely admitting that the AI was very strong!

However, their summary was indeed correct, except for the wrong estimation of the AI's intelligence. Then, the five people started the second round of the battle!

This time they started with bans and picks. Unfortunately, AI chose the first pick, and AI chose Musketeer again. However, this time they took the first move and then picked Sven. The AI's first few picks were no different from the previous game: Musketeer, Corki, Venomancer. The final AI picks also picked Ice Maiden and DP (Death Prophet).

The James brothers picked Sven, Corki, Witch Doctor, Elise, and Queen (Queen of Pain).

The second game of man-machine confrontation began!

This time, they learned from the lesson of the previous level 1 group fight. They did not force a level 1 group fight at the rune point, but chose to start smoothly. They took the first blood of the opponent's Corki through the 311 split.

Sven got the kill, and then the three brothers in the top lane began to control the line and counter-kill, causing the two AIs to not dare to go out of the tower to kill. The rhythm of the top lane was infinitely good, and a single kill occurred in the middle lane soon after. The bottom lane was pressed under the tower, but they could still smoothly gain experience and touch one or two knives.

At 10 minutes, the kill ratio was 10:6, and the situation seemed much better than the previous game. However, the AI started to push the tower together, and then in the first official teamfight, James lost the teamfight again due to the lineup and the number of people, and the kill ratio suddenly became 11:10.

In the middle of the game, the AI pushed up together. This time, they gathered together before starting the teamfight, and took the initiative to kill DP, but DP bought back and TP rushed to the battlefield. In the end, the teamfight ended with three for two, and James and his brothers lost again.

At 18 minutes, the AI pushed up together again. This time, James and his brothers discussed and prepared to give up the outer tower to supplement their development, but this time, they gave up the high ground!

It was not until the AI pushed down the highland tower that the team gathered to defend the tower, and then there was a 0-for-3 exchange, and the kills became 14:18.

At this time, everyone's mentality was a little bit off, and they started to save their grandfather. One person died after another. The formation of the AI side was kept perfect. Although there were not many control skills, there were many deceleration skills. James' health had dropped by more than half before he rushed up, and when he rushed up, it was equivalent to sending heads in vain.

In the end, the time was frozen at 22 minutes and 57 seconds, and the James brothers were broken in three lanes, and they knocked out GG. The second game was still won by AI, and AI still maintained a perfect record throughout the second round!

"To be honest, although their online operations were very naive, their formations in teamfights were perfect, and their various small deceleration skills made it impossible for us to rush past them. This should be the biggest reason."

"You mean the core is the ice girl?"

"The skills of the three players, Rifle, Poison Dragon, and Ice Maiden, are all range-based skills, and there is also the ultimate skill of Corki. When fighting in a group, a large area of AOE is used, and all of them are decelerating. Although my Sven is very fat in the early stage, he still can't rush through. He almost loses all his health after throwing a hammer."

"I think we really underestimated this AI. Although their online operations are stupid, their various reaction abilities are not available to us humans. They can control, place wards, and spread powder in seconds, and can even estimate the attack distance to apply big medicine. These are things that we humans can hardly do."

"Indeed, then shall we continue to fight?"

"Fight! I must win today. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if I don’t?"


The above is the summary of the discussion of the James brothers. They also decided to fight AI for a day until they won a game. Not only them, but other groups also decided to do so. Therefore, the first day of the exhibition ended with these 24 groups being slaughtered by AI.

After a whole day, the record of humans against AI was: 0 wins and 475 losses! The human side did not win a single game, and the longest game was 43 minutes. This was because humans could only defend their home for such a long time when they got the musketeer.

《Is it true that no one can defeat OPENAI designed by Fang Yun?》

《How long will OPENAI's winning streak against humans continue?》

《Shocking, the five James brothers can't beat the machine!》

《"In-depth Decoding of the Story Behind OPENAI"

After the first day of the exhibition, various headlines about the man-machine battle appeared on major websites, attracting the attention of the majority of players. Of course, Fang Yun also accepted interviews from major media on the first day. At the beginning, the media asked some routine questions. Until the afternoon, OPENAI had not lost a single game, and the media began to inquire about the information about this AI.

However, Fang Yun's answer was the same as always: he briefly introduced the principles of AI and the reasons why it is so powerful now: Fang Yun personally served as a sparring partner for the AI to help it pass the initial learning time. Apart from this, there was no more content, only a mysterious smile left by Fang Yun at the end.

The players didn't know what this smile meant, but Fang Yun's colleagues knew it clearly!

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