But the result is... they died miserably at the beginning!

In more than 500 games, AI has maintained a winning streak, starting from the first game, and won 573 games in a row! It was not until the 574th game that humans won for the first time, making the winning rate of this AI 99.8%.

Similarly, the first victory of humans in this game was also extremely difficult. The whole game took 45 minutes and 26 seconds, and the score was 33-24. It can be seen that although humans won, they only won narrowly in the end.

Moreover, this AI is still evolving. Some routines discovered by humans at the beginning gradually failed later!

According to Greg Brockman, co-founder, head and CTO of OpenAI, OpenAI Five is constantly improving itself in an accelerated virtual environment. He said:"OpenAI Five is powered by deep reinforcement learning, which means that we did not encode how it plays games, but how it learns. The past 10 months have been spent on it practicing playing games, which is equivalent to humans playing"DOTA2" for 45,000 years. However,���I won't feel bored."

Fang Yun exchanged the original system (the initial version) designed according to this idea from the system, and Fang Yun personally took part in it, in order to let the AI learn some things in the early stage, so as not to be directly dragged down when it comes out.

So the progress of this AI is very fast, as long as people continue to challenge it, it will continue to become stronger!

Qu Xiaoyi and the others arrived soon, and as soon as they arrived, Fang Yun gave them a few days off: they were free to do anything before the exhibition started, and all expenses were reimbursed by Fang Yun!


Time soon arrived at the day of the exhibition. Just like last year, there was a long line outside the venue early in the morning. However, the line outside Hall 1 was even longer this year. Obviously, it was because of Fang Yun!

Soon, it was time for the exhibition to open. Players entered the venue one after another. As soon as they entered, they could see the most conspicuous booth No. 1, which was Fang Yun's booth: the booth was surrounded by a whole circle of models taller than a person!

And those shapes looked familiar yet strange!

"what game is this?"

"Are all these characters from the same game?"

The players gathered around and looked at the models closely, and then they found something in common: each model had the same icon on its chest: a red square with a long line from the upper left corner to the lower right corner, and two small dots in the lower left corner and upper right corner.

"What does this mean?"

The players were confused again.

So far, all they knew was that these models belonged to the same game, and this game looked quite Western, because many of these models looked like creatures in the Western fantasy world: for example, a two-headed dragon, a knight wearing white armor holding a sledgehammer, an undead knight riding an undead warhorse wearing black armor, a beautiful night elf wearing a dark cloak and holding a bow and arrow, and a wizard surrounded by three different colored magic balls, etc.

At this moment, the originally dark screen suddenly lit up!

The players looked up: what caught their eyes was... It was the icon they had just seen!

So, the players knew that the feature film was coming! You know, every CG of Fang Yun, whether it was a promotional CG or a CG in the game, the production...tsk tsk! The screen went black, and when it lit up again, it was a night scene: in a dense forest, there were several small houses, and outside the small houses, there was a small bonfire. At the same time, a steady but slightly exciting BGM sounded!

The camera zoomed in, and a man in green clothes and a green hat was doing something in front of the bonfire, and at the same time he spoke:

"Many people always ask me what a hero really needs."

After saying that, he smiled, took out something like a package, and continued:

"It depends a lot on the hero. If you are an agility hero……"

As he spoke, he opened the package, and a mysterious light shone from it. At the same time, the images began to switch, but his voice did not stop:

"Then I can provide you with incomparable speed!"

As soon as the voice fell, the scene came to a jungle covered with ice and snow. A female character holding a bow and arrow and wearing a dark blue cloak was moving quickly, and the BGM gradually became excited!

Soon, the screen gave a close-up shot, and the players found that this female character was exactly the previous model: a night elf archer wearing a dark cloak!

She soon encountered enemies while walking through the jungle, but this girl did not show any mercy. While keeping herself moving quickly, she raised the bow and arrow in her hand, and shot one arrow after another, and the arrows never missed!

Some of the bows and arrows were covered with frost!

Soon, she eliminated this wave of enemies, and the camera returned to the night scene jungle at the beginning.

"If you are the strong type……"

As the shop owner spoke, he was stroking a huge axe with red battle patterns!

"Then I can provide you with the power to defeat all the heroes!"

Then, the scene changed again: an orc with red skin holding a huge axe was fighting with people in a ruin. Every swing of his hand was accompanied by great power!

After a while, his enemy was knocked to the ground by him. The red-skinned orc smiled, and then suddenly looked around:

On a platform in the ruins, a man with a short blade in each hand suddenly appeared, and in another place, a minotaur with a totem on his back appeared!

The minotaur jumped high and smashed the totem on his back to the ground!

The ground was directly destroyed! The magic attached to the totem made all the land in a straight line rise, and the end point was the red-skinned orc, who was directly knocked away!

Then, the scene returned to the beginning:

This time, the owner of the store was holding a small blue medicine bottle:

"If you are the intelligent type, then come closer and let me enlighten your mind!"

Then, the scene changed again: a panda man dressed in blue with a blue straw hat was fighting a"man" dressed in purple with a face that looked like a JB and holding a hammer!

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