"Is this idea okay? Your mom is hi!"

Not only the host and the designers on the scene, but also the audience watching this large-scale live broadcast in front of the screen thought the same:

"You don't want to be bald, so you try to make us bald? And you make us overuse our kidneys? And yet you live the life of a 60-year-old old man? Is this still what a human being does?!!!"

"Are all your thoughts about how to play a trick on others? Look at"Dig for the Top", how many anchors have been driven crazy by this? Countless anchors went straight to see a psychologist after the show. Don't you have any idea?"

"When others are still thinking about how to design a good game, you are already thinking about how to provide for your old age?"


This phrase"Retirement" helped Fang Yun successfully attract countless hatreds. If Fang Yun played that kind of online game, he would definitely be the best choice for MT. Others had to learn how to taunt when playing MT, but if it was Fang Yun, he would just go up and say a few words, and the other party would probably rush over as if their parents had been killed.


���Yes, the interview is still going on.

Host:"So you are not going to continue designing games this year?"

Fang Yun:"That's not the case. I have mentioned this before.《DOTA》This map will be separated into an independent game, so it should also be considered a new game, right? As for other games, let’s wait until the game exhibition. If there are any, I will definitely release related promotional videos at that time, or directly bring out the finished products for everyone to experience."

Fang Yun was very honest this time about his next plan.

This time everyone was quite satisfied with his answer. The host did not continue to ask questions and let Fang Yun step down. This award ceremony was considered to be over. However, there was still some time before the exhibition, and Fang Yun was not planning to return to China. When the time comes, he can ask a few other people to bring the things needed for the exhibition.

During this month, Fang Yun stayed in Los Angeles, and also went to other cities and some famous attractions to have fun. In his spare time, he would also pay attention to the production of the movie.

In general, Fang Yun was quite satisfied with the production of the movie, because he had already mentioned many points that needed attention before, which were all shortcomings of the previous movie. This time he had to... It was a great improvement, but it also brought another trouble, that is, the length would be too long and it would be difficult to condense it into a movie.

After discussions with the studio, director and actors, it was finally decided that the first part would be divided into two parts, which is equivalent to making two movies. However, in this way, some timelines would have to be adjusted, otherwise the content of the first part might be a little bland.

After some modifications, some battle scenes were added, so that the plots of the two parts were perfectly connected. The two parts together fully tell the story of the orcs' first invasion of Azeroth!

If Fang Yun were to give a score himself, he would not give it a perfect score, at most 8.5 points. There is no way. He already has his own image of Azeroth in his mind. No matter how well the movie is made, it is difficult to restore the Azeroth in his mind, unless it is all produced by computer software and made into an animated movie, but that would be a bit less interesting.

However, for this world, they have not formed an inherent impression of Azeroth, so the movie's release score should be higher than Fang Yun's own score.

Fang Yun is still confident about this.

After all, firstly, the people in this world have not been exposed to Warcraft for a long time.

Although it is very popular now, they don't know much (history).

Secondly, Fang Yun has learned from the experience of the failure of the previous life movie, so of course the next one should be better than the previous one.

Well, at least from the perspective of passers-by’s perception, even if you are someone who has never known World of Warcraft, as long as you watch it carefully, you will understand what it means.

Unlike in the previous life, the premiere discouraged many passers-by.

And as for the director, although Director Si rarely shoots this kind of magical scene, it does not mean that he will not shoot it. Besides, Fang Yun personally put forward many suggestions for the establishment of the scene, and even the main city (Stormwind City), Fang Yun made a complete model and handed it to him, so the establishment of some key scenes is almost exactly the same as in the game!

For Fang Yun, this month of traveling abroad has indeed gained a lot of knowledge, which also allows Fang Yun to better understand some unique cultures abroad.


Time soon came to mid-August, and it was the annual [Game Exhibition]. Qu Xiaoyi and others also rushed over with what Fang Yun needed. The domestic experience stores were once again in a state of suspension.

This time, the same place, different venue, and this time the booth was larger than before, but this year, Fang Yun's requirements were different from last year.

Last year, it was half VR game pods and half desktops.

This year, only a few VR game pods were arranged, and the number of desktops increased a lot, and the distribution of desktops also changed: last year, there were rows of desktops, and this year's arrangement was a row of ten, divided into two sides, with five machines on each side.

This is the machine Fang Yun specially arranged for"dota2". He plans to start the"dota2" experience on the day of the exhibition, but because there are so many people experiencing it, and this is also a competitive game, Fang Yun has designed a highly intelligent AI separately, allowing players to choose whether to compete with players or fight against AI.

Of course, these AIs have different levels of difficulty. It is very difficult to pass the highest level of AI in one go. The highest level of AI has a special name: openAI!

This is Fang Yun's imitation of the previous life of openai company's"dota2》AI"In its previous life, this AI even defeated the TI8 world champion: OG team. Of course, OG team did not play seriously, which was one of the reasons. Later, this AI was opened to"DOTA2" players all over the world. Many players were curious about it and formed teams to try to challenge this intelligent AI.

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