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"There is no CG? Is this a game made by Fang Yun?"

"Fang Yun, you have changed! Not only are you speaking more and more vaguely, but you are also not doing CG anymore? Is Yunmeng Film Studio going to close down?"

"Hey, I've taken off my clothes and you're showing me a black screen?"


Seeing that the comments were about to explode, Liu Xin quickly stepped out to smooth things over:

"Ahem, maybe this time, like StarCraft, CG will be included in the plot! We will know after we play it!"

After that, he simply looked at the options. He did not look at the operation in detail. He thought there would be a tutorial chapter. He also chose the default normal difficulty (the third difficulty) and directly clicked the [New Adventure] option!

After the reading bar passed, a sculpture came into view: a black dragon (Western), with its claws grasping a huge rock, and its mouth wide open as if roaring!

At the same time, the words appeared in the lower right corner of the screen:

Scroll language: Brothers fighting, black clothes spreading, chaos in the world! Alduin, the scourge of the kings, the immortal ancient shadow, swallowing the earth and sinking!----Song of the Dragonborn

No one could fully understand this sentence, but the general meaning was clear, which was that the world was about to be in chaos!

Then, the screen went black again, and when it came back on, Liu Xin found that he was a character in the first-person perspective, sitting behind a slowly moving carriage. The carriage was moving slowly on a small road in the middle of a mountain jungle covered in fog.

"Who am I? Where am I? Where is the girl I promised to meet? Why are there so many men in the carriage?"

As the camera slowly turned, Liu Xin and the players found that the driver of the carriage was a man, and there were three other men in the carriage besides himself!

"? ? This plot is wrong! Where is the cute girl?"

"Doesn't this game have a character selection function? Or is this some early cutscene?"

Liu Xin was also confused. He tried pressing some buttons, but except for the mouse that could control the rotation of the character's perspective, all other buttons didn't work!

"It seems that this is the plot, but I can rotate the view freely, maybe this is CG?"

Liu Xin told the audience in the live broadcast room about his guess

"Aren’t there any girls in CG?"

"Where's my wife? Where's my wife!"

No matter what the barrage was, the plot had been pushed forward: the blond man sitting opposite the protagonist suddenly raised his head and spoke to the protagonist, and at the same time, subtitles appeared below:

Larov:"Hey, you, you finally woke up! You were about to cross the provincial border, right? Unexpectedly, you ran into an ambush by the Imperial Army, just like us, and the little thief next to you."

At this time, the man (thief) sitting next to Larov spoke.

Rockel:"It's all because of you cloaks. Skyrim is not as beautiful as it was before you. The people of the Empire were originally very lazy! If they hadn't been searching everywhere, they could have stolen a horse to Hammerfall Province, and maybe they would have arrived now!"

Then, the little thief said to the protagonist again:"And you, the two of us shouldn't be here, those Stormcloak rebels are the ones the Empire wants to catch!"

At this time, Larov interrupted:"We are all grasshoppers in the same boat, thieves."

At this time, the Imperial soldier driving the carriage felt that it was a bit noisy at the back, and said:"Shut up at the back!"

But Lockeer (thief) ignored him. Instead, he looked at a man in a black coat sitting next to the protagonist and asked,"What's the matter with this guy?"

Larov:"Watch your mouth. You are talking to Ulfric Stormcloak now. He is the real High King!""

Lockeer:"Ulfric? Lord of Windhelm? Are you the leader of the rebels? But even you were caught by them... Oh, God, where are they taking us?" Larov:

"I don't know where we are going, but I feel that Sovngarde is waiting for me to die heroically." Lockeer:

"No, no way, how could this be!"

Seeing this, Liu Xin and the players seemed to understand that all the people in their car... were prisoners of the Empire?

The plot continues:

Larov:"Hey, which town are you from? Horse thief."

Lockeer:"What does this have to do with you?"

Larov:"The last wish of the Nords should be to return to their roots."

After hearing this, Locke was silent for a moment, and then slowly said,"Lorik Town, I am from Lorik Town."

Just as the players were digesting the information brought by this content, the imperial soldiers driving the carriage on the screen suddenly shouted:

"General Tullius! The executioner is ready!"

Tullius:"Very good, let's get started!"



"WTF? Executioner? On the way to the execution ground?"

"What the hell? Beheading at the beginning? This is too exciting!"

"What kind of development is this? Where are my girls? Why haven’t I seen any girls so far?"

"Maybe you are a girl now, but you are going to be beheaded!"

""Oh my god!"

The players could never imagine that the empire could be so cruel! They would chop off the captured people without asking any questions? This was the first time they had seen a plot start like this!

Then, the players saw Locke begin to pray:"Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh... Gods! Save me!"

At this time, the carriage had already arrived in a small town and was slowly moving forward on the town's highway. Liu Xin and the players saw that there were many people outside the house who should be residents of the town, looking at them! At this time

, Larov spoke again:"This is the Holy Land Town. I have an old lover here. Also, I wonder if Velod is still brewing mead mixed with juniper berries... It's really interesting to think about it. When I was young, I always felt that the walls and towers of the empire were so safe."

"What the hell? Is this a sign? My friends, it seems that the blond Larov is going to die. Look at the sign. He might be the first to be beheaded, but I think the horse thief will survive, and the protagonist should also survive!"

Liu Xin looked at Larov's words and they sounded like his last words. He finally couldn't help but speak.


"The flag has been raised. We will see how he dies. It should be beheading, right?"

"What if he survived and the horse thief died?"

"I don't think so. I have the same opinion as the host. If that's the case, I'll broadcast myself doing a handstand and eating shit while wearing women's clothes!"


"Waiting for Fang Yun's amazing turn! I have a feeling that this flag of yours is even more deadly!"

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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