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Then, I opened the recording software and started recording! After more than ten minutes, the video was recorded, and then Fang Yun simply edited it, added background music, and added a"real trailer" to it, and this"promotional film" was completed.

Then I just edited some content and uploaded it. As for you saying that this is deceiving the majority of players?

No! No! No!

Fang Yun just brought forward something that will inevitably appear in the later stages of"The Elder Scrolls".

Edit Weibo:


Upload the video.

Weibo editing is complete, publish!

Players who are browsing Weibo immediately discovered that Fang Yun's Weibo was updated!

You know, even when the WCG ended before, Fang Yun didn't post any thoughts on Weibo, as if his Weibo was just a tool for previews!

The preview tool has been updated, what does this mean?

The player clicked on Fang Yun's Weibo with curiosity, and only one word came into his eyes: guess, followed by a video.

Click on the video: the screen goes black, Yunmeng Entertainment's 1ogo flashes by, and then, the magnificent background music sounds, and what is presented to the players is a beautiful riverside scene!

Just as the sun sets, a woman in a white dress, with a hot body and long light gray hair is slowly walking forward along the river!

The not-so-dazzling light of the setting sun shines on the camera, and a series of colorful scenes are displayed on the screen!

Although the front of the woman cannot be seen, it can be seen from the side that flashes by that this is definitely a beauty! There are tall trees on both sides of the river, and the white-dressed beauty walks slowly forward along the pebbled road by the river. After a while, the camera changes: it comes to a fiery red maple forest! It is still the white-dressed beauty walking slowly on the path in the maple forest.

The camera switches again, and this time it seems to be a lakeside. The beauty walks by the lake, and her left foot steps in the water, causing ripples.

Finally, the beauty slowly walks towards a thatched house in front of her on a winter day, on an icy road!

Then, the background music ends and the video ends.


"???what is this?"

"This kind of picture of the continent makes me feel strange about Xerath. Could it be that Fang Yun is previewing the Warcraft?"

"Bullshit, look at that beautiful girl's clothes, how can they be from Azeroth? It feels like a new game?"

"The protagonist or the beauty? Wow! Love it!"

"The question is, what type?"

"Judging from the video Fang Yun posted, it might be a story-based game? Or an RPG (role-playing game)?"

"If it's an RPG, it'd be awesome! I love the story about beautiful women the most! I declare that this beautiful woman is my wife!"

"Didn't you say yesterday that Souji was your wife? Why did you change it now? You are all wife-crazy!"


Fang Yun's video is almost empty. All you can see from the video is that the surrounding environment is very beautifully made, and the protagonist may be a"beauty". Other things like the game type and the game name are all unknown.

Some of the environments are even similar to the Azeroth described by Fang Yun before. Some players think that Fang Yun is going to continue the history of Azeroth through another game...

In short, this video has attracted the attention of players.

The video spread more and more widely, and finally, a player found the easter egg hidden in the video by Fang Yun: May 22.

A simple date was found by a player on the last ice surface. It was made into a small crack by Fang Yun and placed in a corner of the ice surface!

"May 22? Could this be the release date of the new game?"

"Why do I feel like it’s the test date? How long has it been since"Warcraft" was released? Even if Fang Yun is fast, it can’t be that fast, right? And from the video, it can be seen that this map should be very large. So much content cannot be completed in a day or two."

The players were talking about it, and some even tagged Fang Yun who was unwilling to give up. Unfortunately, Fang Yun ignored them.

Moreover, as the time was getting closer, Fang Yun did not release anything. The helpless players could only make preparations for both situations: go to Fang Yun’s experience store on the 22nd to see if there are any new games. If not, then it should be the release date. If it is not released on that day... then they can only treat it as April Fools' Day...

There is no way, Fang Yun is so willful now!

Time soon came to the 22nd. Early in the morning, the experience store was lined with people just like last year. Fang Yun was well prepared and brought a The door was opened as soon as the stack of numbered papers appeared.

As soon as the players saw Fang Yun's actions, they knew that the date of May 22 was the day the test would begin!

Fang Yun didn't need to repeat the rules of the experience, the players already knew them, and lined up in an orderly manner to go in and experience it.

Liu Xin was also mixed in with the first group of people who came to experience it. Since Fang Yun did not prohibit live broadcasts during the experience, a large number of anchors in Shanghai came today to take advantage of Fang Yun's"heat"!

These anchors turned on their computers and opened the live broadcast room first. The titles were all similar: Fang Yun's New Game Experience Day!

The same was true for Liu Xin. At this time, there were already curious players waiting in the live broadcast room.

"Hello everyone, when Fang Yun opened the door just now, he was holding the numbered paper in his hand, just like the previous queue, so today must be the game test day. Congratulations to those players who guessed correctly! Although there is no reward……"

"Let's see what the new game is."

Liu Xin said, and found the icon on the desktop: The Elder Scrolls》

"The new game is called"The Elder Scrolls"! Students can post on Weibo! Judging from the name, it should have nothing to do with Azeroth. As for what type of game it is, we have to wait and see."

As he said, Liu Xin opened the game and the screen went black.

I thought it would be like"Warcraft" and experience a beautiful CG. The audience and Liu Xin were ready to watch a drama blockbuster, but the result was unexpected. After the screen went black (showing 1ogo), it went directly to the main interface of the game!

I waited for another half a minute...still nothing happened!

The main interface was quietly displayed in front of everyone! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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