I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 88 Second Coming Research Institute

You have worked hard during this period, take a good rest for a few days!

Qianye Feng said to the elves who had been working hard for a long time.

He also specifically asked King Yan not to train the Proud Yans except for arranging necessary patrols in the past few days.

After all, these proud swallows have worked hard in this project to expand the artificial lake, and they should be allowed to take a good rest.

As for wrist strength, this guy didn't want to rest and wanted to continue exercising. Although digging these days was indeed hard, Qianye Feng used his abilities to restore their bodies.

In the end, Wrist Force followed Heracross and left, but Qianye Feng could tell from Heracross' somewhat troubled expression that it wanted to take a rest and did not want to immediately invest in training with Wrist Force.

Of course, it would be better for the two of them to resolve this matter through negotiation, and Qianye Feng did not want to be too lenient.

Seeing that there was nothing going on at the artificial lake, Qianye Feng took his follower, the chicken, and first went to the orchard to find the pots and pots, and obtained the recently brewed juice from them. The quantity was not large, about 1L. .

However, Qianye Feng was already very satisfied with these gains. He only drank a few sips of the juice brewed by Hu Hu last time, and he still has endless aftertaste when he thinks about it.

Looking at the juice in front of him, Qianye Feng suddenly had an idea in his mind, which was to hold a banquet on the farm to reward the people and elves who had contributed a lot to Qianye Farm.

Of course, the amount of juice in front of me is still too small, and I need to save some more days.

Boss, why are you back now? Is there something wrong?

It was only around 3 pm at this time. Since Chiba Kaede went to dig the artificial lake, he would not come back until at least 6 pm. Therefore, Terada Yuri felt a little strange to ask this question.

The expansion work of the artificial lake has been completed, so I have nothing to do while staying there, so I came back early!

Qianye Feng replied.

Really? That's great. The elves can finally have a good rest!

Terada Yuri was also happy for the elves, after all, they had been working hard for many days.

By the way, nothing happened in the backyard!

Chiba Kaede asked while walking to the backyard with Yuri Terada.

I cultivated them according to the plan you made, boss. I didn't find anything unusual. However, just to be on the safe side, boss you should check it yourself!

Terada Yuri has gained some experience in taking care of the seedlings in the backyard during this period, but she is not 100% sure that there is no problem with the seedlings in the backyard.

Qianye Maple inspected the seedlings one by one and found that these seedlings were full of vitality and had no disease or insect damage.

However, Gracidia flowers are no longer considered seedlings. They grow very fast and the plants are already more than 10 centimeters tall.

Based on this growth rate, it is estimated that these Graxitia flowers will bloom in less than a month. By then, he will be able to harvest a lot of Graxitia flower seeds.

However, at that time he would need to choose another place to plant these Graxitia flowers.

The next morning,

I will ask you to take care of the farm today, and I will come back as soon as possible.

Chiba Kaede said to Yuri Terada and Yui Takemoto.

He planned to send the elf fossil to Dr. Odamaki. After all, resurrecting the elf in the fossil in the real world is not as simple as in the game.

The resurrection time is probably not short, so if you send it now, he might be able to come in handy when he attends the Caiyu Conference.

Boss, we will take care of the affairs on the farm, don't worry!

Leave it to us!

The two women responded one after another.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng turned over and rode on King Yan, who had been waiting beside him, and flew towards Weibai Town.

The distance between Weibai Town and Chiba Farm is not too far. At the current flying speed of Da Wangyan, it can be reached in about an hour.

Since Weibai Town is just a small town, there is no square like a big city for landing flying elves, so Qianye Feng directly asked King Yan to land at the entrance of Odamaki Research Institute.

After taking back the big king swallow, Qianye Feng went directly to the door and rang the doorbell, and then waited for Dr. Odamaki's response.

who are you looking for?

Unexpectedly, a strange female voice came from the doorbell.

My name is Qianye Feng. I have something to do with Dr. Odamaki. I have told him before.

Although Qianye Feng had never heard this voice, since he could appear in the research institute, he must be a researcher here, so he briefly described his situation.

Oh, the doctor is doing experiments now. It will take a while before he comes out. Please wait a moment and I will open the door for you.

Not long after, the door of the institute opened, and a long-haired beauty in her 20s, wearing a white coat, walked out.

The beauty also wears round-framed glasses. She looks very intellectual and mature from the outside. Moreover, people can tell at a glance that she is a researcher.

You must be brother Xiaofeng. Dr. Odamaki has introduced you to me before. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Kawakami Miho. I became Dr. Odamaki's assistant not long ago.

Miho Kawakami introduced Chiba Kaede into the Odamaki Research Institute.

You wait here for a moment, I'll go see how the doctor's experiment is completed!

Miho Kawakami led Chiba Kaede into a reception room, poured him a drink thoughtfully, and then turned around and left to find Dr. Odamaki.

This is the second time Chiba Kaede has come to Odamaki Research Institute, but there is something different from the first time, that is, the environment has become a lot cleaner.

When I came here before, I could see messy papers everywhere, and there were a lot of leftover instant noodle boxes on the table, but this time everything seemed in order. It was obvious that all of this was the result of Miss Kawakami Miho.

Haha, Xiaofeng, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.

About 15 minutes later, Dr. Odamaki and Miho Kawakami walked over one after another.

Doctor, you are too polite. I didn't communicate with you first before I came. I hope I didn't disturb your experiment.

Qianye Feng also responded politely.

Come out, Wrist, and Fire Chicken, and say hello to the doctor!

Chiba Kaede released the Arm Strength and Fire Chicken from the Poké Ball. After all, they were obtained from the Odamaki Research Institute.



Arms still has a lot of affection for Dr. Odamaki. After all, it has been taken care of by Dr. Odamaki for a long time. As for the chicken, it has no impression of Dr. Odamaki. It was still an egg at that time.

Hello, Wrist. It seems that you are doing well during this period and your strength has improved a lot. You should work hard in the future!

Dr. Odamaki also said with emotion after seeing his eyes shining brightly with his wrist strength and his much stronger body.

When Wanli was at the institute, although he was exercising every day, Dr. Odamaki could see that it was just escaping from the past and closing his heart.

After meeting again, its mental state was completely different. Dr. Odamaki was also very pleased with this.

Fire Chicken, it's our first time meeting you, please give me some advice!

After greeting the arm, Dr. Odamaki turned his attention to the turkey chicken. After coming out, he circled around them and greeted it.

That's not right. Why are the head feathers of the fire chicken so red?

Dr. Odamaki, who was happily interacting with the turkey chicks, finally discovered Hua Dian. There were many turkey chicks born in his institute, but none of them had such fiery red head feathers. .

Xiao Feng, do you know what's going on with Huo Zhiji?

Dr. Odamaki, who was puzzled, quickly asked Chiba Kaede.

Well, I don't know exactly why this is happening, but it should have something to do with where it was hatched.

The fire chick is hatched in a place with abundant fire energy, and it absorbs a large amount of fire energy before hatching.

Although Yasha didn't ask him to keep it secret, Qianye Feng felt that he couldn't just reveal the information about the cave in Fuyan Town.

Well, that makes sense. The fire chicks, which have absorbed a large amount of fire-attribute energy, store the energy that cannot be digested temporarily in their head feathers, which also causes the color of the head feathers to change.

After listening to Chiba Kaede's statement, Dr. Odamaki thought for a moment and came up with this argument.

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