I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 87 Expansion Completed

Yuri, you will definitely become a top elf breeder in the future!

Chiba Kaede said to Terada Yuri solemnly.

Yes, yes, I feel the same way.

Takemoto Yui continued.

After this enjoyable lunch, she once again integrated into the collective of Chiba Farm, no longer feeling alienated at the beginning, and became lively and cheerful.

In fact, this is the nature of Takemoto Yui. After Terada Yuri left the orphanage, she became the eldest sister in the orphanage. She could only restrain her temper, warned herself to set a good example for her younger brothers and sisters, and forced herself to become Be mature and sensible.

However, at Qianye Farm, although she is older than her boss, Qianye Feng's impression does not match her age, so in her perception, she feels like she has become the youngest one again, psychologically After the burden was removed, she returned to her repressed nature.

This is also a very important reason why Takemoto Yui wants to stay and work at Chiba Farm, because not only is the scenery beautiful, but she can live the way she wants.

Okay, if you continue to flatter me, I will be proud!

Terada Yuri was actually very happy when facing the support from the two of them, but she also knew that she was still far away and needed to continue working hard.

You guys chat first, I'll contact Dr. Odamaki to ask about the resurrection of the elf fossils.

Qianye Feng had already told the two of them about the elf fossils dug up by King Chuanshan. After knowing that elf fossils could be resurrected, they were also curious about what kind of elf could be resurrected from the stone in front of them.

Hey, is this Dr. Odamaki? I'm Chiba Kaede?

After Chiba Kaede got through Dr. Odamaki's call, he directly introduced himself.

Oh, it's Xiao Feng, what can I do for you?

Dr. Odamaki was quite impressed with Chiba Kaede. After all, he subdued the lonely arm in his backyard and solved a problem for himself.

It's like this. I recently got an elf fossil and I want to ask you if there is any way to revive it?

Qianye Feng asked directly.

He knew that these elf doctors were busy every day and did not like to chat with people about insignificant topics. Direct and straightforward narratives were the best way to communicate with them.

As for whether Dr. Odamaki can resurrect fossils, it actually depends on whether he is interested in the research of fossil resurrection. If he is interested, then I believe Dr. Odamaki will be happy to have someone provide experimental materials.

Oh, you got an elf fossil. I'm also very interested in the resurrection of fossils. If you have time, you can bring the elf fossil to my research institute. I can help you resurrect the ancient elves inside, but as a condition, you are required. Lend me the resurrected elf to study for a while.

Dr. Odamaki's eyes also lit up when he heard that Chiba Kaede had an elf fossil in his hand.

He had previously copied a fossil resurrection machine based on a paper published by the Guren Research Institute in the Kanto region. However, due to the lack of elf fossil samples, he has only successfully resurrected 2 fossil elves so far.

Now, Qianye Feng can provide elf fossils, which he also desires.

Moreover, he can also study the resurrected fossil elf, and through its living habits and body data, he can deduce the fossil elf's living environment in ancient times and the ecological conditions at that time.

Of course there is no problem. Thank you very much for your help, Dr. Odamaki. I will rush over with the elf fossils after the matters on my farm are settled.

Chiba Kaede did not expect to find a breakthrough with Dr. Odamaki. As for leaving the resurrected fossil elf to Dr. Odamaki to study for a while, that was not a bad thing at all.

On the contrary, the newly resurrected fossil elves actually feel alienated from this era and need a period of adaptation before they can stabilize. Staying with Dr. Odamaki during this period is obviously the best choice.

Otherwise, with the ferocious habits of the ancient elves, his small farm would not be able to withstand its torment.

After finishing the call with Dr. Odamaki, Qianye Feng felt a little more relaxed when walking. After all, it was good for him to get a fossil elf.

After sharing the good news with Yuri Terada and the others, Chiba Kaede went to the artificial lake to continue the expansion work. The expanded artificial lake has now been dug to a depth of nearly 2 meters.

However, in order to find a solution once and for all, Qianye Feng still plans to continue digging until he reaches his set goal.

According to the current progress, it will be almost completed in another 3 or 4 days, and then he will have time to send the elf fossils to Dr. Odamaki.

Liuli City.

Rina Susui just finally obtained the Water Drop Badge from Mikri, the gym trainer of the Liuli Gym. This is her third challenge to the Liuli Gym.

After a hard fight, Rina Usui almost won the competition. She felt that Mikoli, the gym trainer of Liuli Gym, was no more powerful than Qianli, the gym trainer of Chenghua Gym. The strength is poor.

I don't know how many gym badges that guy has obtained now. If he dares to let me go, I will make him look good!

The girl gritted her teeth every time she thought of a farmer who was not doing his job properly. She was going all out to train the elf, but she lost to the opponent every time she fought. How could she be reconciled? This time Caiyu The conference is your chance to avenge your past humiliation.

At this time, Qianye Feng, who was loading soil into the basket with a shovel, suddenly sneezed. He thought it might be because of the frequent wind in the past few days, so he caught a cold, and he thought about whether he should use his power to treat himself.

Come on, we're almost done!

Qianye Feng encouraged the elves.

At this time, their digging depth had exceeded three meters, but Qianye Feng thought there was still time, so he simply continued digging to see if they could dig to a depth of four meters underground.

Uh, Chuanshan King, why are you out?

At this moment, Qianye Feng noticed that the Chuanshan King, who was usually digging diligently, ran out of the cave quickly, and asked.

However, before King Chuanshan could answer, a stream of water was slowly coming up from the cave where he had just been.

Seeing this scene, how could Qianye Feng not know what happened? Chuanshan King must have dug into the underground veins, causing the water to rise.

Um, everyone, run up quickly, otherwise the water will come up in a while!

Qianye Feng hurriedly shouted to Heracross and Wrist.

As for the mosquito-repellent incense, it just wants to be soaked in water!

This is considered complete!

Qianye Feng squatted on the shore and murmured to himself as he looked at the excavation site that had been filled to a depth of more than one meter.

Now that the groundwater has overflowed, it is no longer possible to excavate, so now we only need to dig out the soil in the isolation layer between the artificial lakes to complete the penetration. This also means that this excavation work has been successfully completed.

Don't play around, Mr. Mosquito Repellent Repellent. Now you have to dig out the isolation zone by yourself!

Qianye Feng said to Mr. Mosquito Repellent who was still playing underneath.

While the water level here is still low, as long as Mr. Mosquito Repellent Repellent Repellent makes a hole in the isolation zone, the pouring water will break open the isolation zone and keep the water levels on both sides consistent.

After hearing Qianye Feng's order, Mr. Mosquito Repellent kicked up his legs and jumped up directly from below. Then he took a shovel and came to the isolation belt under the eyes of everyone, and started digging happily.

After all, this is its future territory. It has more than doubled in size and can finally meet the development needs of its own ethnic group.


After Mr. Mosquito Repellent Excavated a hole, a small amount of lake water first poured in, and then under the impact of the lake water, the hole became bigger and bigger, and finally directly destroyed the entire isolation belt, bringing a large amount of lake water into the deeper area. this side.

Not long after, all that appeared in front of Qianye Feng was a much larger artificial lake. The mosquito tadpoles in the lake were happily swimming around in it. Apparently they also liked the enlarged artificial lake.

Now I announce that the artificial lake expansion project has been successfully completed. Everyone has worked hard these days!

Qianye Feng announced loudly.

As Qianye Feng finished speaking, all the elves involved in the excavation suddenly cheered.

It can be seen that neither humans nor elves actually like manual labor.

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